
Yoshi’s Crafted World – REVIEW (Nintendo Switch)


Is Yoshi’s first adventure on the Switch a creative romp? Or simply a load of junk? Find out in our review of Yoshi’s Crafted World!

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world , Yoshi’s Crafted World – REVIEW (Nintendo Switch) , #Yoshis #Crafted #World #REVIEW #Nintendo #Switch
, Yoshi,Yoshi’s Island,Yoshi’s Woolly World,Yoshi’s Crafted World,Baby Bowser,Bowser,Kamek,Sundream Stone,Dream Gem,Review,Thoughts,Impressions,Gameplay,Arts,Crafts,Kids,Poochy,Poochy Pup,Flipside,Nintendo,Switch,Platformer,Souvenir,Collectible,Costume,Labo

41 pemikiran pada “Yoshi’s Crafted World – REVIEW (Nintendo Switch)”

  1. the biggest problem with this game for me is that there is simply TOO many things that you can throw eggs at. There's way more targets than you have eggs at any time and most of the time it's just useless stuff which devalues throwing eggs at anything at all. It also relies on replaying the same levels over and over and over and over again to get collectibles which feels like meaningless padding. Some of the levels are cool but I really felt fatigued and didn't want to explore or try to finish any levels unlike Woolly World. This leads to me not wanting to interact with Souveniers at all and makes Blockafeller super frustrating

  2. I don't get it, why do y'all judge a game based on soundtrack? Isn't the point of a game is to just play it? Since when did soundtracks determine a game's potential? This is honestly stupid to me as there's no reason to judge if I'm going to buy a game or not just because a single note in one song is off

  3. I´m not sure if I´ll like that realistic look of objects, a comparison to Yoshis Story 64 would have been great for those who don't know wooly world.

  4. I honestly really loved this game. Woolly World was fantastic too, and I've played through Woolly World multiple times, 100% it every time. And I 100% this game my first playthrough as well, I always think about how much I like this game, and how I'd like to play through it again, and then I remember the ridiculous amount of things to do in it, it immediately turns me away from playing through it a second time

  5. Just an observation here; if Tearaway were to have been released after this, everyone would be crying of Sony stealing ideas from Nintendo.

  6. Lol! You kids and your video game soundtracks. I’ve never in my life considered a game’s as a selling point. I guess I’m too old to understand, but I’ve just never been jazzed about a video game soundtrack.

  7. I'm going to stop you right there. What was the reward to beating Mario 64. The experience. When did you all become so selfish?

  8. I know a lot of people complain about the music being repetitive and not as good as the music in Woolly World, but I honestly don't mind if the soundtrack is so bad. Maybe I just care more about the diversity in level design and simply the game being fun rather than the soundtrack. But I still admit that Woolly World has a lot of great soundtracks.

  9. no one forces u to replay all the levels to collect the arts, wtf??? this review is ful of subjektiv critics… (only the music-critics are objektiv and comprehensible).

  10. I usually agree with these reviews, but I can't say I do with this one. YCW has a plethora of clever ideas, well design levels, and replay value, and while, yes, there are a few minor problems there, I don't really agree that it doesn't reach the heights of YWW. Don't get me wrong, I love that game to death and I'm not saying YCW is better. But there are many aspects in YCW where it proves to be almost, if not just as good as YWW in my opinion.

  11. Just going to replay Yoshi's Island for the SNES again. Wooly World was meh, and this looks even less inspired. Nintendo just doesn't have that spark like they used to. Now if only they would let you buy the good one on the e-shop that doesn't exist. They've just become incompetent. -_-

  12. this game is actualy a sequel to yoshi story on n64
    you can see the crafted world in both with almost exactly the same first world.
    just the tree and fruit got replaced by the gems.
    they both share the same targeting too.
    but yea what disapointed me the most was the music again

  13. Thats always been my complaint with the yoshi games. The levels are well designed and fun, but too easy if you don’t collect everything. However collecting everything becomes a difficult chore. There is no middleground.

  14. the music is a huge turn off from me, i loved the demos gameplay, but i couldnt even finish it beacuse of the music it was killing me

  15. I think I would give this a "Liked a Lot" because of it's creative and clever level design and the gorgeous irresistible crafted aesthetic despite some short coming of the soundtrack and the (though optional) souvenir quests – but the levels are so nice ad fun that running through a level isn't that tedious for me 🙂

  16. Anyone seeing this, I have a differing opinion. I disagree with Derricks thoughts on the music. During some of the levels, the music is FANTASTIC. Super relaxing, beautiful, and or fitting to the level theme. Granted, there are some times the instrument choice is questionable, most of the time it fits right in with Yoshi’s series. At least in my opinion.

  17. I dunno if I just fall outside the target demographic for the game, or maybe Derrick was being nice when he said the game leaves a TERRIBLE first impression, because I'm just not feeling it. I've never played Wooly World, but I feel like I should've grabbed that on the 3DS instead.

    Is it bad that I feel like I need to have something else on in the background to listen to while playing?


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