
Yalta, When Stalin Split the World – a WW2 Special


Indy and Sparty take you through the negotiations at Yalta as The Big Three thrash out the shape of the postwar world. As the splits between East and West continue to deepen, who will come out on top?

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Hosted by: Indy Neidell & Spartacus Olsson
Director: Astrid Deinhard
Producers: Astrid Deinhard and Spartacus Olsson
Executive Producers: Astrid Deinhard, Indy Neidell, Spartacus Olsson
Creative Producer: Marek Kamiński
Community Management: Ian Sowden
Written by: Indy Neidell & Spartacus Olsson
Research by: Indy Neidell & Spartacus Olsson
Map animations by: Simon J. James
Edited and color grading by: Simon J. James
Artwork by: Mikołaj Uchman
Sound design by: Marek Kamiński
Colorizations by: Mikołaj Uchman

Source literature list:

Archive footage: Screenocean/Reuters –

Image sources:
Source – Image Name/Number

Soundtracks from Epidemic Sound:
Cold Conclusion 2
Conquered Territory
Night Shift
The Red Line

A TimeGhost chronological documentary produced by OnLion Entertainment GmbH.

world , Yalta, When Stalin Split the World – a WW2 Special , #Yalta #Stalin #Split #World #WW2 #Special
, The Great War,Wold War Two,WWII,WWI,Axis,Pacific War,European War,TimeGhost,WW2,Indy Neidell,Indy Neidell WW2,Second World War,World War Two Day by Day,World War Two in realtime,World War Two YouTube,YouTube,Documentary,Historian,History

20 pemikiran pada “Yalta, When Stalin Split the World – a WW2 Special”

  1. Stalin was a one of a kind political poker player, constantly increasing the stakes, calling the opponents hand whenever they were bluffing, bluffing the bluff, and relentlessly raking in the chips. Imagine what he could have achieved as a force for good instead of the murderous despot he was, or is that hoping for the impossible? Can you do good while being this dishonest at the negotiating table?

  2. Stalin's proud legacy leaving the world split and on the brink of war. Oh what a thread they wove so long ago. (He said Sarcastically).

  3. Right wing politicians have worse perception and comprehension than middle and upper management of modern corporations, also known as legal thieves on both sides of the iron curtain that Churchill raised with Stalin's eager help 😂

  4. Never negotiate with totalitarians like Hitler, Stalin, Putin or Mao. Also don't get fooled if someone is ruling for 2 decades like Merkel-Sholz – they are probably not doing it on fair-terms.

  5. 26:42 I'm surprised the allies were looking to the USSR to enter the war against Japan. I thought the whole point of using the nuke was to get Japan to surrender ASAP so that the Russians don't enter and then split Japan in two like they do Germany

  6. More like: "When The West sold out Poland, the very nation who the Allies fought to save in the first place, to the largest mass murderer in European history".

  7. I want to advise you guys of this as a long-term fan

    The off-handed characterisation of executions by the Allies (after literally millions of murdered by the Nazis) as being "bloodthirsty for revenge" is incredibly ahistorical and honestly sensationalist. If you plan to cover a war as divisive and as controversial as the Korean war, statements like the are a very bad sign.

  8. US shouold had threatened to cut suplies and land lease to the URSS to keep Stalin in line, of course in 1945 this would not work but maybe if it was done before… who knows

  9. Good details but not all,e.g. to handle to Stalin all Soviet prisoners from Germany to Stalin meant a Gulag or execution ( more in Black Book of Communism).Ps. my father spent 1 year in prison for mocking the death of Stalin (Wieslawa Szymmborska, a worshipper of Stalin got a Noble Price in AD 1996) and the neighbor accused him to State's Police/Milicja Ludowa; this neighbor got potatoes and vodka to live as a noble citizen under Jalta's Pact.

  10. No discussion on Stalin’s spying on Rosevelt and Churchill during the conference? Really no surprise you didn’t.

  11. Yalta destroyed 600+ years of History, population patterns and civilizations in North East Central Europe. Plus forced communism on People who hated the ideology. Poland lost half of its pre-war territory with undestroyed historic cities in the East and got ruined substitutes in the West. Germany lost everything East of the Oder Neisse rivers. Yalta was the worst for both of Central Europe's most powerful countries. Poland for instance was the only Allied country to shrink in 1945 due to the Soviet Union. Despite being the first Victim of both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union with the biggest percentage loss of People compared to any country from 1939.

  12. Even now, us 'westerners' do not understand Russian political norms which reach far back in history. Much of what is seen as acceptable there is seen as the opposite here. I doubt the Roosevelt or Churchill had a deep understanding of this either, but Stalin understood how things work in the 'west' and took advantage of that. Stalin was something of a 'Hitler' in another form but took (successful) pains to ensure that facet remained hidden to his 'allies'. Once he got what he wanted from us and rebuilt Russia's strength he forgot his previous words and simply did as he wanted to do. We're seeing something similar now.


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