
World’s Only GLASS Nuclear Reactor!


This is a nuclear reactor. And it’s made… out of glass. What makes this one special is that it’s not producing power. This amazing simulator model is made primarily out of glass so that nuclear engineers can train, teach, and better understand how something that seems as complex as generating nuclear power is actually a lot more simple than it looks. Jetsetting science Zaddy Kyle Hill travels to Essen, Germany to see this magnificent model himself, before it most likely ends up in a junkyard.

00:00 Intro
00:40 The Last Model
02:32 SCRAM
07:57 Through the Glass
15:01 Fate of the Model

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😎: Kyle
✂: Charles Shattuck
🎬/ 3D model: Nate Berger
🎨: Thorsten Denk
🎼: @mey
🤖: @clairemax

world , World’s Only GLASS Nuclear Reactor! , #Worlds #GLASS #Nuclear #Reactor
, because science,engineering,kyle hill,learning,math,physics,science,stem,the facility,chernobyl,nuclear,demon core,nuclear power,KSG,KSG gfs,Reactor Glass Model,Simulator Centre of GfS in Essen,gfs simulator center,gfs simulator centre,ksg glass model,nuclear power plant,nuclear reactor simulator,Three Mile Island accident,3 mile island,pressurized water reactor,nuclear thermodynamics,german glass reactor,german glass reactor model,german reactor simulator

34 pemikiran pada “World’s Only GLASS Nuclear Reactor!”

  1. That's very sad. And i suspect Germany will be soon in trouble. Getting rid of the most efficient way of producing energy will not go as they think it will. And we have a similar issue in France. We still don't have new reactors and power plants, and most of the current power plants are past their decommission date and still in production (but the knowledge and experience in maintenance has vanished over the years), which is a more volatile situation than in Germany.

  2. Absolutely Awesome, for me at least, video! It helped me understand what goes on inside of a nuclear reactor, PWR type.
    I also believe, and recommend that this be saved for some museum! I don't care where it ends up, but save it!

  3. You could tell from the beginning the guy was so devastated he loved his job and that career with a passion. You could feel his sadness.

  4. das ist so traurig das wir deutschen wegen der laut schreienden Kinder (umwelt aktivisten ohne ahnung von nischt) nicht nur den Betrieb sondern auch die Forschung aufgeben. Statt Atomkraftwerke zu nutzen und die Klimaziele zu erreichen wird weiter Kohle verbrannt als gäbe es kein morgen mehr. Danke dafür liebe deutsche Politiker… ein haufen pfeifen

  5. Humans have been overall so dumb about nuclear power, and it's so disheartening. It just proves that the statistics don't matter, just the perception, because nuclear is one of the cleanest energies we have. If we had invested in nuclear decades ago like we should have, we might have been able to avoid the worst effects of climate change.

  6. alas germany is erasing any mention of nuclear as they march forward with their green lignite programme. a terrible shame.

  7. As a German born and raised near the Ruhr area, I didn't know that all german nuclear engineers were trained in Essen, let alone with equipment this awesome.

    Having watched the HBO mini series Chernobyl, I now also understand why nuclear engineer Dyatlov tried to stick to the book for so long after the explosion – he did not know that an RBMK reactor could behave as it just did ("RBMK reactors cannot explode!"), wasn't trained for such an event, and thus tried to cool a reactor core that was no longer intact with water pumps that were no longer there. He wasn't in denial (at least in the first few minutes after the accident) – he wasn't trained for such an event! 😮

  8. This should be a museum so people can actually see the standards nuclear plants have to adhere to when it comes to safety and reliability

  9. I have some money available to me, right now. I am willing to literally buy the model as a placeholder owner until it can be properly preserved and placed in a new home. Contact me if you'd like to discuss details.

  10. That engineer you spoke with is really kind. I adored how excited he became when discussing his two hobbies, science and gaming.

  11. We like to think we are so remarkably advanced, but the core of our technology is still basically the inclined plane and steam.

  12. Ofcourse germany hates its people, history has shown us that. But now, they even hate cheap energy and the environment. Not surprised.

  13. Germany is so left it's not funny there wind turbine energy grid experiences what they call energy droughts when there is no wind no power

  14. Why do people think Global Warming is a myth? Our politicians tell us to buy $40K electric cars and spend more than that on solar panels, which means more CO2 production to make all this stuff, before it begins to replace fossil fuel. Nuclear power would systematically mitigate CO2 production by completely eliminating coal fired power plants, and our politicians are even hostile! Of course, there are a whole lot of simpler, safer, more efficient ways to make the reactor itself, but you need a government that gives a crap to do the research to write the specs to build those reactors.


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