
World’s Most Prized Fungus aka Truffles – Why Would You Eat That?


Chefs across the globe spend a great deal of money on poop-looking fungi that have been manhandled by pigs. We’re talking TRUFFLES! Find out if they’re as tasty as the price tag suggests!

Pearl of Italian gastronomy or not, truffles are ugly, knobby little things that have to be foraged with the help of keen-nosed pigs. Why would anyone even think to eat suspiciously knobby fungi their pet pig scrabbled from the ground? We’ll let you know how it tastes, and if we’d be willing to spend some of our own (non-expense account) money on such a delicacy.

Why Would You Eat That? Is Back! But are we here to stay? Well, that’s up to you! We need your help to keep the exotic and expensive worldwide delicacies flowing!

What crazy, disgusting, or smelly foods would you like to see us eat on the show? Do you personally like truffles (please rate according to a dollar amount)? What’s the most expensive food you’ve ever eaten? Was it worth it?

Watch More Why Would You Eat That?:

On Why Would You Eat That? we scour the globe for the most bizarre foods and explain why anyone would be crazy enough to eat them. You’ll be shocked to see how one man’s trash can actually be another man’s delicacy. Don’t forget to subscribe to Tasted, support us on Patreon, and buy a T-Shirt so we can keep these episodes a-comin’!

world , World’s Most Prized Fungus aka Truffles – Why Would You Eat That? , #Worlds #Prized #Fungus #aka #Truffles #Eat
, why would you eat that,truffles,white truffles,black truffles,truffle dogs,truffle pigs,gross foods,exotic foods,anthony bourdain,master chefs,party food,office prank,expensive food,world’s most expensive food,poop,filipino cooking,Cooking Channel,Food Channel,How to Make,How To Cook,Healthy Recipes,Tasted Channel,Tasted YouTube,Tasted,truffle oil,truffle fries,truffle recipes,how to cook,patreon,t-shirt,chocolate truffle,truffle recipe,pasta

26 pemikiran pada “World’s Most Prized Fungus aka Truffles – Why Would You Eat That?”

  1. 🗯🎪. . 😋🥘
    White truffles are good food. It is found in the Gulf. It is cooked with broth, very very tasty
    As for the black truffle, we do not know how it tastes

  2. Might have thrown away a nugget of black truffles my parents got as a swanky gift from an invited blowout culinary party, crawled through trash for it, found it will never try it again or at all.

  3. Lol truffles are farmed now. Especially the black italian ones. They like pines and stuff. They aren't that expensive anymore. Theyre like 12$ for 2. Tatufi is a goo brand.

  4. I've made youtubes and it don't cost a single penny. Why do yall keep begging for money to "keep it going" Stop lieing and begging!

  5. Don't call it a comeback

    I been here for years

    Rockin my peers and puttin' suckas in fear

    Makin' the tears rain down like a monsoon

    Listen to the bass go boom!

  6. i guess im like a kid at heart because every time i hear someone casually mention truffles i think of the candy. i remember once my grandma mentioned truffles and got excited to find out it was just a special mushroom then became highly disappointed. she said of course my mind went to candy because all i think about is junk food instead of healthy food……:/ ouch…. im sorry but mushrooms are gross to me! nothing to do with healthy vs unhealthy!

  7. Erotic? Are you sure you didn't mean exotic? If a truffles taste reminds you of sex your partner needs to take a shower.

  8. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤                                                                                       

    John 14:6 KJV, "Jesus saith, I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

    1 Peter 2:24 NIV, "He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed."

    John 3:16 KJV, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life".  

    Romans 3:23-24 NIV, "…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus".

    John 8:12 KJV, "I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life". 

    Jesus is the only WAY to God, the TRUTH of salvation, and the Breath/Bread of LIFE. 

    ACCEPT Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Sins separate us from God because He's Holy. All sins will be forgiven and erased through faith in Christ Jesus. God ♥ you, is alive, merciful, faithful, truthful, and is waiting with His arms wide open FOR YOU! For Jesus did not come to establish a religion, but to become a mediator between God and men.

    Through the Grace of God, Jesus was given to us by paying the price at the Cross at Calvary. Repent and confess from your sins to Jesus and ask Him to forgive you. A sinner cannot save a sinner, only a sinless person can. That sinless Being is Jesus Christ Himself.

    Through the faith in Christ Jesus, the sick was healed; everywhere He went, He healed the blind, the mute, the deaf, the demon-possessed, raised the dead, as well as performed many miracles; He also walked on water, turned water into wine, calmed the storm with His command, and was raised up from the dead. Miracles are still being seen today! Jesus is our helper, our healer, our refuge/protection, and our strength for when time gets tough.

    God is standing and knocking at the door waiting for your answer right now because THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS COMING. 



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