
World’s Most Extreme Houses and the Richest Village in China | Mystery Places | Free Documentary


Mystery Places: Most Extreme Houses in the World, Cycle Rickshaw City, Richest Village in China | Lost Places Documentary

World’s Most Mysterious Places: Gate to Hell & Places of Rituals:

00:00 Intro

00:07 Shuanglou, China. The village where it stoped raining.

04:56 Dzerzhinsk, Russia. The dirtiest place in the world.

10:20 The windiest place on earth, Mount Washington , NH.

13:01 Peenemünde, Germany. The abandoned birthplace of the V2 rocket.

23:40 Dhaka, rickshaw capital of the world

34:00 Poland, the statue builder of Nowa Sól

43:26 Huaxi, the richest village in China

Mystery Places – World’s Most Unique Roundabout & Whole Village in a Cave:

In this episode of Mystery Places, we visit some of the most unusual and extreme houses in the world, and explore the city in Bangladesh that has the largest number of cycle rickshaws. We also travel to Poland to see the production of plastic figures, and visit the richest village in China.

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31 pemikiran pada “World’s Most Extreme Houses and the Richest Village in China | Mystery Places | Free Documentary”

  1. We begin in Shuanglou, China 🇨🇳

    The village wells have dried up. Been dry for at least three years. We don’t even know what that means. We turn on the faucet, the shower, the garden hose; water 💦 always comes out. So, please, sit back and at least consider being less wasteful with your water after watching this.

    Here’s how the people of Shuanglou deal with having no water based on one household: Lin Guang uses one pot of water as follows: for cooking, then it’s reused for washing, then for the pigs. And replenishing the water supply? Since the village wells ran dry, it’s a long trek to a remote source hidden in the mountains between rocks that requires dexterity to get at it.

    The trip back? Schlepping gallons of water in plastic containers.

    What’s next:

    USA, East Coast: We go to the windiest research station on Earth ( now that’s got to be seriously windy. Have you ever been Lakeside, Chicago?) for hurricane research in Point Washington. Its unique geographical location makes it perfect to research all sorts of wind and weather related stuff. A windbreaker won’t cut it here though. Wind chill factor remember? Oh, and hold on tight. Chairs, tables, people..have been known to be blown away 💨

    On to Germany and an island called Usedom.
    The Nazis erected an industrial warehouse; an army research center that tested rockets and missiles.

    Now, it belongs to that glorious tourist attraction phenomenon called ruins decay sightseeing (it’s called something else but we’re not allowed to use that word here). It’s not a tourist attraction per say because you need a permit to go inside. But it’s creepily cool and worth a visit. Apply for a permit first. Allied forces targeted the area, and the Nazis did try to blow it up as the Russians were approaching. But it didn’t work. Our luck. History stands with a terrifying shadow.

    Dhaka, Bangladesh 🇧🇩 a seriously crowded city with a population of 14,000,000. To put that amount of people in one place in context: Population density over one thousand people per square km. Japan, also a very densely populated country, has 335 people square kilometer. Crowded is an understatement.

    One of the main sources of transportation are bike rickshaws. And rather centrally located, the bicycle rickshaw graveyard. Lots of tossed rickshaws 🛺 and we see how some people’s trash becomes something useful for someone else.

    Poland 🇵🇱 : a small town there is home to a gigantic statue of Pope John Paul II. We visit the workshops that produce other kinda creepy oversized characters.

    We bookend today’s episode with another trip back to China, near Beijing.

    A village. Labeled the richest in the world? This proves once again: there are seriously oddball places you’ve never heard about. It’s like a Disneyland for Capital Communists. Chinese propaganda blares out of speakers between 8am and 5 pm. Now, if that doesn’t drive you nuts, the rules and regulations will.

    Everything’s “perfect” and obviously perfect means something different for different people. Yeah. It’s somewhat of a freak show.

    Weird and wonderful MYSTERY STORIES. Mysterious because people somehow make these places work. Sometimes in a good way, sometimes in a bad way, but they always work.

    Before we go:

    We’d like to remind you about our donation drive to provide 5 wells 💦 for 1 village.
    Heres the link to help: In a nutshell: 5000 is the goal. With that money five wells for a village. I think anyone who regularly watches our docs knows how important access to clean water is. Please help if you can #everylittlebithelps

  2. The Chinese village nobody lives there the richest and best my behind if you would have been able to go into most of them you would have seen unfinished interiors and the buildings and houses are Tofu Dreg construction that means they are poorly built as quickly as possible it's all a fecade

  3. This documentary takes us on a captivating journey to some of the world's most unique places. From the village where it stopped raining to the richest village in China, it's a fascinating exploration of diversity. Thank you for showcasing these extraordinary locations.

  4. I've been using a product that looks fantastic for cleaning water. It pulls apart toxic chemicals and makes them inert. Just a few millilitres per litre and 👌

  5. Much better to used water pump to easy get the water in the cave very safe idea that is my only sudjestion I hope soon u can do easy get water from the deep cave

  6. That is not a village, a village has farms, lots of land, trees, plants.
    Industries kill villages.
    Luxury is nature.
    This so called village just looks like a Tile view of a wallpaper.

  7. Why is it that instead of envy I feel pity for the people living in Huaxi, it's like living in hell, enjoy the luxury of life but with consequences, it's like having everything you want but inside a prison 🥴


  9. In China's rush for world domination, they forget their own people. They scoff at the idea of a Creator, we call God, but God watches over them. These are not the lives of happy people. The elderly chinese bureaucrats smoke their extra long cigarettes with cool aplomb while they listen to stories of strife and hardship throughout their country and with a roll of the eyes he signs off anymore emotional involvement with China's real financial burden . . . . . . the little people.

  10. So like 28:52 is a very familiar tune. I swear a pop song sampled it and my boy is out here just on his grind looking like a Chad! ><

  11. Im a filipina always watching your documentaries here its very educational more power po😍😇🙏🏿🙏🏿🌈💛☘️🌼😻🌷🤞🏿

  12. If thats the best neighborhood China has to offer, well…. Ill just say how happy I am not to be stuck there.

  13. Working 7 days a week year round to live in Huaxi the richish village in China with out a day off to rest just for one day just to have a few nice things, to me is really not worth it.Does a person get to keep his or her money in savings accounts if they want to leave this rich village? A person's body will burn out quickly. But to each is own. Nice video anyway, thanks YouTube.

  14. I just wanted to share that Free Documentary somehow mistranslated all of the Chinese workers' words during the very last segment of the video. None of the "rich" mansion owners said the contract workers don't get to make as much money as them, but they translated it to be the exact opposite? And the worker in the factory literally said in Chinese "I make the same amount as the mansion owners, but just choose not to live a lavish lifestyle inside of the village because my elderly parents need my care in their original apartment outside the village." ….As someone who is fluent in both English and Chinese, I'm deeply disturbed and creeped out by this channel's crappy translation skills. If you're going to try and represent all the other world cultures, please do so accurately ??? I'm not even sure about their translations for the Bangladesh segment now, but unfortunately I don't know that language.


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