World’s largest Fasting Study (2020) | Buchinger Wilhelmi

The largest scientific study on the effects of Buchinger therapeutic fasting carried out to date has been published in 2019. It was conducted at the fasting clinic Buchinger Wilhelmi, by a team led by Dr. Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo in cooperation with Prof. Andreas Michalsen from Charité University Hospital in Berlin.
The study collected and evaluated data from 1,422 subjects (41 % male, 59 % female), who completed the Buchinger Wilhelmi fasting programme over a period of 5, 10, 15 or 20 days in 2016.

Under the title “Safety, health improvement and well-being during a 4 to 21-day fasting period in an observational study including 1422 subjects”, the study shows that Buchinger therapeutic fasting is safe and therapeutically effective. It also promotes emotional and physical well-being. The results of the study were published online on January 2, 2019 in the peer-reviewed journal PLOS ONE.

To the results:

To the original study publication:

Dr. Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo
► E-Mail: [email protected]

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world , World’s largest Fasting Study (2020) | Buchinger Wilhelmi , #Worlds #largest #Fasting #Study #Buchinger #Wilhelmi
, Fasting,Buchinger Wilhelmi,Dr. Francoise Wilhelmi de Toledo,Heilfasten,Fasten,Therapeutic Fasting,Fasting Clinic,Fasting Experts,Fasting Science,Fasting Study

38 pemikiran pada “World’s largest Fasting Study (2020) | Buchinger Wilhelmi”

  1. I have been bed bound since September 2022, chronic fatigue that has been gaslit by my doctor.
    I am on day 7 of fasting. I walked a half a mile yesterday, 8/27/23, and this morning, 8/28/23.
    I feel I am in a miracle. I want to challenge myself to go 30 days. I do not know if my doc will support me.
    I’m 70, 5’6”-212 lbs
    Ct scan shows mild fatty liver
    A1c. 5.6
    High cholesterol- I refuse to take a statin
    Managed HBP (300mg of irbesartan,daily)
    Hashimotos (compounding pharmaceutical thyroid t3t4 formulation)
    CPAP sleep apnea
    Panic disorder
    Depression, since the pandemic I have hated living, if I did not have adult children I would have ended my life.
    TODAY I FEEL GRATITUDE AND JOYFUL. The human body is a magnificent universe.

  2. Inspired by your videos I recently undertook a 21 day fast, only consuming liquids during that time. Coming off the fast (gradually) after 2 days I had a renal colic caused by a kidney stone. An extremely painful condition I must say. My question is : Could the kidney stone have been caused by the fast? Thanks , Brian Carling

  3. Excellent presentation. I’ve posted this study and another from your clinic to a Facebook site for people who suffer from microscopic colitis as I have. By fasting, you reduce the inflammation in the gut and fasting provides time for the gut to heal the mucosal lining that otherwise leads to “leaky gut” and pain, constant diarrhea, etc. I do intermittent fasting and have eliminated my GERD (heartburn) by fasting almost every evening until noon the next day. Some of the people that have MC (predominately women age 50-70) are so afflicted by pain and diarrhea that they can’t leave their home at times. Fasting seems to be a great way to let the gut heal itself.

  4. The first days are unbearable, but the positive effects on your emotional, mental, and physical health help you through it. Fasting is enjoyable once it is part of your daily routine and lifestyle. Thank you for helping me understand the importance of fasting and inspiring me to incorporate it into my life. It’s made a difference!

  5. As par Hindu practices, one should fast for 36 hours (no food fasting) every 15 days. This is called Ekadashi fasting. It helps a lot from physical and mental health perspectives.

  6. I have been doing 16 hour IF but I have been lazy recently by allowing myself to eat more sweet things and carbs. So I just did a 3-day fast and I no longer have pain in my fingers (Heberden's). It comes back after some time though. I wonder if I should do another fasting when the pain comes back. It is sad that they don't promote fasting because there is no profit in it.

  7. One very important hidden benefit that is not clearly published here, is that along with one's body weight and waist size, his pocket size will also shrink tremendously. Never knew staying hungry can be so expensive. My salute to those poor people in poor nations who go partly hungry almost everyday. They have not realized, that at this rate for staying hungry, they already are billionaires. I lost few grams simply looking at your prices. This definitely is very healthy.. for you guys for sure.

  8. Have you studied islamuc Fasting ?
    If not please do it.
    Note – islamic fast from Dawn to Dust.
    Before start one must take small amount if food and goid amount of water.
    In Breaking Fast also Normal amount of food and water.
    Unfortunately now adays majority of muslims are taking Large amount of food at night , which nullified the fast.
    Total days of Fasting 30 days per year.

  9. Fasting is great, but I don’t think it has all these benefits that people claim (maybe placebo effect)! I have been doing it for 6 years only because it’s easier to stay in a calorie deficit. I find no other benefits. It’s frustrating to me that people go as far as to say that fasting cures or prevents cancer!

  10. This is very normal when you don't eat. But you are also missing out on key nutrients. When people start eating again, these numbers will rise again. All of them. Yes, it is safe to fast, for a short period of time, but you will also loose muscle-mass, and that is NOT good when you are an aged person.

    All of these numbers can also be improved, simple by having good eating-habits. Eat varied, and not too much.

  11. I've just started my intermittent fasting. I use an app to do it. Right now I am on hour 25! I have hypertension and so changing my diet is a huge thing that I need to do. Not only am I doing an intermittent fasting but changing what I eat as well. I am still overweight but I am LOSING weight and I am feeling great!

  12. I found a different kind of fast;
    "Put nothing in your body for 2 days.
    *Eat a lot of Raw hemp for 2 days.(6-10gm)
    *Drink red wine in 1 day. Alcohol increases the effect of herbs and vice versa.
    Sleep rest and rise)wake up)after 3 days.
    Take 40mls of Cold pressed hemp seed oil daily for 40days.
    You can't deny unless you try.
    I challange you to try.

    You will be hungry. He (she) was. Any adverse side effect will be from medication or foodstuff the body no longer tolerate. Check medication side effects. Stop eating grain, dairy or genetically modified food. They cause inflimation. Inflimation causes desease. Cold pressed hemp seed oil; ALA and raw hemp; THCA reduce inflimation.
    Contains all the ameno acids to maintain robust health. 9 of them being essential. Essential meaning your body cannot make them. They must come from food. Also contains 3 fatty acids, omega 3, 6 & 9 in the optimum ratio for human health.3 and 6 are essential.
    If you only knew the magnifi cence of 3, 6 & 9. Tesla.
    The holy Trinity, 3, 6 & 9.

  13. I am fascinating by the German mind. With ought the “operation paper clip” where the CIA brought hundreds of the best brains from Germany 🇩🇪. USA would never be the world leader since world war 2. Thank u doc. Love ur accent

  14. I would recomand everybody 1-2 Weeks in a Christian-orthodox monastery. They are the true experts in fasting and they will teach you a lot about fasting and the Types of fasting according to the calendar. This îs not indoctrination just pure since developed during thousand of years by empirical methods.

  15. I think the biggest misconception people have about long term fasting is that you get exponentially more hungry as the days go by. This is probably the scariest thing about it to people as well. Luckily this is not true at all. I was on a long term fast once and got to day 4, and at that point it was as if I had never had food in my whole life. It didn't cross my mind once during the day except maybe as I would walk through my kitchen and catch a glimpse of something on the counter. When you can make it past 48 hours, you just feel so good physically, it's practically like a high.

  16. Hi everyone , you know fasting is one of the 5 pillars of Islam. Allah says : (2:183) O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may (learn) self-restraint,-


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