
World’s First AI-Powered Restaurant


by @ABC7
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48 pemikiran pada “World’s First AI-Powered Restaurant”

  1. I will never tip an AI, and I'm usually in favour of tipping, but tipping an AI will only exacerbate that problem.

  2. That’s for the people who don’t want to work. Desperation, they can’t get people into the work place. And when people realize work is good thing. There will be no return for the people lacking skills and education to do something besides fast food. That is not a restaurant. That is the future of fast food. An entire group of people will remain without work and collect your tax money. Automation makes people dependent on your work. Someone is paying for the stimulus checks. And it isn’t the gov.

  3. For everyone who thinks they will be out of work, all those robots will need service, there will be a lot of jobs as repair personnel. Engineering schools will be the med schools of the future.

  4. Hey Zack, first time commentator and long time lover.

    Just wanted to say as someone who works in this industry that you are wrong.

    Not fast food, the automation industry. The prices will increase it won't be cheaper it will just be more profitable for the owners and easier for them to run once you get rid of human interaction.

    The insurance for the machines and subscriptions for the AI services along with servicing will increase with inflation which will drive up prices every year like all restaurants.

    Only benefit to the end user will be consistency of the end product.

  5. I'm a fine dining Chef and the food is top tier, this is not a restaurant but a mere shitty take away spot.

  6. Now show me the robot that is changing the oil, cleaning the fryers,
    Sweeping the floor? Changing the bins. Hang on show me the robot putting away the stock. Scrubbing the cool room walls? Taking out the recycling. Where's the robot having a cigarette out the back door having a wine about the boss. Forget it.

  7. Robots have no judgement to disregard spoiled ingredients and I doubt they clean themselves. It'll be like getting burgers from a nasty ass vending machine.

  8. I have to cook some stuff tableside as a server where i work. People who order tableside usually suck at tipping.

  9. this would be great if the food got cheaper. but it wont it will get more expensive and the ceos will be laughing all the way to the bank yay capitalism stepping on the small guy since its conception.

  10. since flipping burgers in a fastfood restaurant isnt a real profession, i dont mind. let them get a real job.

  11. It's the government's job to figure out how to adapt education and teach new skills so that those who lose jobs to robots can remain useful to society. I mean, if you ask me how to fix the homeless problem, draft all those people in the army. They'll get fed, trained a salary and a purpose. There use to be a program in Canada where people that did small crimes would get offered jail or military service. Easy choice.

  12. I worked at a fast food restaurant for like 6 months and it was very horrible. You kind of get used to it after the first couple weeks and it's not so bad, but I still hated it. I just hated it less, I guess.

  13. Yeah robots making our dinner. What can go wrong? I bet it would be much easier if in the future we just take pills instead of food.

  14. Honestly, maybe I have a bleak outlook on humanity as a whole, but I've always thought that the less interaction human beings have with my food, the better. I'd probably tip just for the lower chance of finding a hair in my food, or god knows what else.

  15. $20 an hour?! I just quit one of the most labor intensive restaurant jobs I've ever had, was only getting paid $9/hr and they would let work pile up for half the day then expect me to grind it all in 1 or 2 hours before sending me home. It was more work than doing construction (I do carpentry), mainly because they rush you to the point that it takes a physical toll on your body, depending what your duties are, for dogsht pay that hardly even covers gas. I can't imagine working restaurants full-time.
    Oh yeah, and they'd send me home middle of my shift and expect me to come back for another 1 or 2 hours.

  16. Eventually nearly every job will slowly be taken over by machine. AI is already surpassing half the stuff people said it would never be able to do just a few years ago. Companies have never cared about their employees and will always choose the cheapest costs, which will be these machines. No job is safe, it’s just a matter of time before they have it cheap enough to replace you.

  17. As someone who's gone through college and got a degree, I think people who decide to go to trades have garnered much more respect because of the cost to go through college these days is astronomical. Also the income difference if you're a skilled tradesman can easily outearn a lot of starting positions with a degree.

  18. completely disagree that this will slow down costs. They will continue to raise the prices as high as possible until they start seeing a reduction in sales. This robot doesnt do anything for the consumer expect maybe give a more consistent product

  19. Man i gonna miss people taking a shit on my burger, this human touch made the food so special with all the feeces in it

  20. My kid is 16 and most of his friends don't want to go to college. My kid is learning to be a welder (low paid apprenticeship)

  21. all for robots in fast food. So tired of getting basic orders given to me done wrongly. No onions? You're getting onions. No ketchup? You're getting extra ketchup. Fast food workers are the most incompetent losers in society.

  22. I bought furniture last month. I keep getting automated messages telling me when the delivery date is – on 3 january. Only problem is im away on holidays on that date. But guess what? I cant get in contact with anyone to tell them im away because all the communications are by automated bots. And for some reason even the store number doesnt work.

    I have no problem with automation of crap jobs – as long as those whose jobs disappear as a result are taken care of and provided theres actually someone who can be held accountable when things go wrong. I remember when people didnt pump their own petrol or self serve at supermarkets. And that was actually not a bad world. But most of the time these days, when dealing with ai and automated processes, if you dont fit into the cookie cutter mold and you need to do something slightly out of the norm youre screwed. And if something goes wrong and you get ripped off, good luck getting that fixed, because you’ll just be pumped into the purgatory of dealing with your machine overlords – usually until you give up.

  23. Fast food should have this. good food shouldn't. Not until it gets really good because until then, there is something very nice about a good chef cooking your meal.

  24. Dude is comparing how he would rather be a construction worker over a fast-food worker as if it was in the same ballpark wth 😂.

    Yeah I too would rather be CEO of a company rather than a factory worker.

    If you wanted something on par you'd compare fast-food to a grocery store employee like cashier or "shelver"


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