
World’s Biggest Energy Megaprojects


The Largest Energy Megaprojects in the World! In this video, we go over the World’s Largest Solar Farm, the Largest Dam in the World, and much more! For more megaproject & construction content be sure to subscribe to Top Luxury. Thanks for watching this video: World’s Biggest Energy Megaprojects

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#Megaprojects #Construction #Engineering

0:00 Biggest Energy Megaprojects
0:41 Hydro Power – Three Gorges Dam
3:42 Solar Power – Bhadla Park
6:04 Heliostats – Ivanpah System
7:55 Offshore Wind Parks – Hornsea One

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35 pemikiran pada “World’s Biggest Energy Megaprojects”

  1. Which of these Energy Megaprojects did you like the most? ⚡ Do you know of similar large Energy Megaprojects in your country? 😃👇

  2. the 3 gorges dam is considered to be collapsed 20 years ago, since it was built. In fact, your sources of the info is mostly manipulated, and i found some video clips are coming from 1998 flood in China, which is before the dam is built. I lived alongside the Yangtze river for my whole childhood, I totally remember each single flood before the dam was built, my family needs to move all the stuff to the second floor to escape the flood. However, after the dam finished construction, I never see flood again. To be honest, I like the flooding, usually kids can jump on a basin to play on the water. I even felt a bit upset when there was no flood….

  3. I apologize for a geographical error on my part. The plant I am ranting about is the Tonopah plant. It may or may not still be operating and one of the 3 development partners is UTC. Having them for neighbors since the mid 50s we saw/heard many explosions, much flaming shrapnel and some craters formed when things went BOOM. Those tapered off over time with a finale that killed 3 when a partially dirt berm underground lab went KABOOM in the early 90s. The most memorable one happened in the 80's when the blast wave went up our lost valley for over 2 miles and took out all the windows in the house near our picnic grounds. It also blew an exterior door off the hinges, across a living room and through a sliding glass door opposite. That structure was about 1 mile from the new craters center. It has taken me until now to talk or write about the dam yankees of UTC from Connecticut. Now I can almost discuss it rationally but have to keep an extremely tight rein on the desire to go into, "Foam at the mouth ranting mode."

    *** Beginning of original post***
    I think Ivanpah was a sub-rosa way for UTC Chemical Systems Division AKA Pratt&Whitney Rocketdyne get rid of molten salt. That is one of the many contaminants that are produced when making rocket fuel and the only one that can be identified, gathered, loaded on trucks and taken somewhere else. Theirs was a 2 prong method. Get the salt to Ivanpah is one prong. The other was selling the polluted 4000+ acre site to an Open Space group based in San Jose, Ca. Their early evaluation of adjacent property owners was very well done. They knew my great aunt wouldn't be able to take them on so the open burn pits was sited in a location that put 75 % of above and below ground hellish chemicals coming towards us. I use 3/4 of total due to ammonium perchlorate, methyl ethyl ketone and trichloroethylene being water soluble allowing it to migrate downward. BUT this doesn't remove the poison(s) just masks them until their lobbyists can nudge regulators into raising the thresholds. IE; at the property line between the pits and our lake a reading of +4900 ppb was found with the allowable amount of poison being 6 ppb. If you think their actions were atrocious, we agree. They also own Carrier AC, Sikorsky, Pratt&Whitney which are hard and/or dangerous products to boycott. Standing on a runway in front of any jet will get you sucked into the engine(s) air intake which would be quick. Conversely you could simply get run over. I still don't understand why Olin took the heat for poisoning over 700 wells in Morgan Hill and San Martin. They couldn't have used more than a railroad car of ammonium perchlorate in 30+ years of making highway/road flares. One rocket uses at least one railroad car of the stuff.

  4. 46°C is not the ideal place for FV, effeciency decreases with temperature, the reason why it's worth it in India is like you mentioned, cheap panels, cheap labour, low cost construction standards etc.

  5. THIS MUST BE A GREEN POWER OWNED SITE. This is misleading as heck. 1st the project you show in Nevada is CLOSED. Never made NEAR THE QUOTED AMOUNT. Next the Chinese dam is gonna fail in less than 100 years. 5.5 million Chinese people will die in less than a half hour. I SUGGEST YOU RESEARCH THESE SITES CURRENT SITUATION BEFORE BLOWING SMOKE.

  6. While impressive its safe to say that renewable energy sources just don't generate enough power for the World's population. Look how many materials are required & listen to the numbers they're providing power for. Not to mention did you see all those smashed panels in the desert?

  7. It depends on your demands, The windmill is a bigger project than only the government or bigger companies, For the household solar panels, is okay, but why the houses using panels n the roof I don't understand, they can use the solar panels as a roof, thus they can save a lot, and the solar company should make their panels that way.

  8. Just from watching the video, I have to wonder how much space has to be cleared for these solar farms. Because it looks like you have to clear out a shit ton, which can't be good for the local environment.

  9. Awesome video! God bless. Always remember that Jesus Christ loves you all so much! Jesus Christ is God, King, and Savior!❤️🙏

  10. in deserts solar panels give shade and shelter to crop and animals – solar on every roof and parking lot
    the wind always blows offshore – undersea cables are cheap and easy

  11. The British built their armed shooter vehicles under the fake name "tank" and the USA might wanna build an Isengard under the fake name "heliostats solar farm" xDDD

  12. I work for Scottish & Southern Electric (one of the biggest electricity providers in the UK) as an underground cable jointer. The company is spending billions of £’s on renewable energy, mainly wind farms. The biggest issue with the increasing demand is the age of the cable network. I’m not complaining too much though, it keeps me employed!

  13. You are unbelievably amazing. Please keep it up. 💯 educational and entertaining. 😊 🙏


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