
World’s 10 Most Prosperous Countries


The top ten countries on the prosperity index, determined by rankings across nine key categories: Economic Quality, Natural Environment, Health, Social Capital, Personal Freedom, Safety and Security, Education, Governance, and Business Environment.
Study by the Legatum Institute:

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Video by Bryce Plank and Robin West

“Solar Flares” by Silent Partner (YouTube music library)

These are the top 10 most prosperous countries according to the Legatum Institute whose mission is to promote policies that lift people from poverty to prosperity. The study ranked countries across nine key metrics.

The 10th most prosperous nation is the United Kingdom. It’s strong business economy allowed it to crack the top 5 in that category. It was top 10 in economic quality, natural environment, and education—helped by its vocational training reform efforts that saw it climb from 14th in the world in 2007.

Ninth is Denmark which scores best on Safety and Security as thefts have dropped by 25% over the last decade. Air pollution has fallen by 63% over the same period, improving its Natural Environment ranking by 26 spots. To improve, Denmark should focus on its health system, which isn’t as strong as its Nordic neighbors.

Sweden comes in eighth. It’s 3rd-ranked economy is its best asset. Sweden actually ranked first in overall prosperity from 2010 to 2012, but it’s education and governance scores have slipped slightly since then. It’s still very prosperous and is the third least corrupt country in the whole world.

Seventh is the Netherlands. The Dutch are wealthy, healthy, educated, and served very well by their government. While its Natural Environment ranking is only 36th — the lowest score across any category for any country in this top ten — that’s actually up 37 spots from where it was in 2007.

Australia is sixth. It is the only country in the top 20 to record an absolute decline in prosperity since 2007. Its government has adopted protectionist trade policies that have driven down the quality and diversity of its economy. On the bright side, its Health Care ranking is on the upswing despite rising obesity levels.

In the same spot as last year is Canada at number 5. It is second-best on personal freedom, but its healthcare rank is hurt by rising obesity and diabetes rates. Canada is also top-ten in Governance, Social Capital, and Economic Prosperity.

Fourth is Switzerland, the country with the best education score. It is one of only two Western European countries to see its Economic Quality score improve over the last decade, as the rest of the continent was hit hard by the 2008 global financial crisis.

Finland is the third most prosperous nation. It is top-ranked in governance, second in Natural Environment, and third in Education. Surprisingly its Health score puts it at 21st in that category. The decline of its two main industries, timber and Nokia electronics, has led to a surge in unemployment.

Norway is second for the fourth straight year, a consistent performer across the board that doesn’t rank in the top two in any category, but also doesn’t fall below 13th anywhere either. 93% of Norwegians say they’re satisfied with living standards in the country.

And the most prosperous nation in the world is New Zealand for the fourth year in a row. It is best in Economic Quality thanks to free and open markets. There is clearly a synergistic effect between its top-ranked Social Capital score, its second-ranked Governance mark, and its high level of Personal Freedom.

On the flip side, these are the bottom 10 countries. The prolonged civil war in Syria would likely land it down here, but there hasn’t been enough accurately collected and reported data lately to rank it.

The US is ranked 17th. With the top-ranked business environment — but health and environment rankings down in the 30’s — we really need to get our priorities straight.

And these are the top ten countries for each category: Economic Quality; Business Environment; Governance; Education; Health; Safety and Security; Personal Freedom; Social Capital; and Natural Environment.

I hope this video shed light on the countries we should look to for ideas on creating more prosperity across our own societies.

Our recent examination of the top 10 recycling countries led some of you to express concern about President Trump’s lack of respect for the environment, others were surprised that Japan didn’t make the list, while many of you agreed that Germany belonged in the top spot. Until next time, for TDC, I’m Bryce Plank, thanks for watching.

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, most prosperous,prosperity,top 10,countries,world,best,TDC,The Daily Conversation,news and politics,news,politics,president obama,obama,bryce plank,united states of america,norway,new zealand,japan,uk,germany,brazil,russia,china,india,south africa,canada,mexico,australia,ireland,netherlands,france,italy,spain,pakistan,sweden,california,finland,denmark,switzerland,president,trump,10,ten,megaproject,future,africa,foreign policy,education,documentary,europe,new york,travel,vox

29 pemikiran pada “World’s 10 Most Prosperous Countries”

  1. The top 10 countries of the world are all Christian based and Western in culture. This is not a coincidence. These blessed nations must all ensure that their way of life is not destroyed by mass migration from the world's most unhappy countries, so many of them Muslim. Unlike the the foolish views of many on the left, countless bearded or head scarfed migrants from Islamic countries are not at all thankful to come to free Western societies but continue to maintain firm beliefs that their deeply unsuccessful culture and religion is superior to that of the West. Such people should not be allowed to live among freedom loving peoples.


  3. Isn't it ironical that those areas which weren't developed before colonisation like America and Australia have prospered so much after decolonisation meanwhile those areas which were in the top in prosperity like The Indian Subcontinent are very poor now ? :')

  4. New Zealand is far from free and open anything. With the fastest growing b housing prices and growing inequality. The pandemic has shown New Zealand is far from free in anything.

  5. None of these European nations are prosperous m. They have hardly grown their GDPs in years. With the pandemic these economies are tanking even further. Without a strong economy your prosperity will run out

  6. My country is #1 Ecnonomically? I did not expect that! I live in Australia now. Wages are so much better here.

  7. Do anyone still doubt natural herbs? I've seen the great importance of natural herbs and the wonderful work they have done in people's lives. I wonder why people still spend their money on surgery, injections and drugs each time they are sick. Natural herbs can cure all kinds of illness including herpes, cold TB ALS Alzheimer's disease Diarrhea Cold sore

    -Respiratory illness diabetics, asthma, Cancer, hepatitis, etc. I've seen it with my own eyes. I was cured of Hepatitis B and my Sister and her Husband were cured of TAKEAWAY by dr Omos who uses natural herbs to cure different kind of illness. Even Dr. Omos prove to the whole world that natural herbs can cure all diseases and he cured countless of people using natural herbs. I know is hard to believe but am a living testimony. There is no harm in trying herbs. Contact Dr Omos on WhatsApp (+2347035486311) or email [email protected] it also cure many diseases like -Respiratory illness




    -Alzheimer’s disease







    -DIARRHEA and so on… 

    , ,

  8. Youtube algorithm: I will show you the annual 10 most prosperous countries… from more than 3 and a half years ago!

  9. Trump said we won't participate in an ineffective corrupt group. Rather we can take our own responsibility and act on our own

  10. Hmmmm… ??? I got a feeling that a lot of the Asian countries will be in the Top 10 in the near future. Considering how they are well disciplined in almost everything that they do.

  11. Us:
    ?? Economic quality
    1st business environment
    ?? Governance
    8th in education
    ?? Health
    ?? Safety and security
    ?? Personal freedom
    4th social capital
    ?? Natural environment

  12. "I'm coming directly to you for ask a quick favor."—-J.B. That's the quote of a presidential hopeful. GOD help us all. Please let Trump win

  13. I don't understand why New Zealand isn't rated higher in Education? We have free education till you're 18. Free trade training. Student loans for University, straight from the government who does interest free till the loan is paid off. We do provide high standard learning, and offer a very wide education student system in high school to broaden learning options. so why is it not even in the top 10? I'd be interested to know the criteria for the list. Also with Healthcare? We have free heath care or it's heavily subsidised by the government. For example, it cost me $40 to see a doctor and usually $5 a prescription item. Like I said, I'd be very interested in the criteria for the list.


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