
World War III – War Game Simulation


World tension is rising. Russia seized the Baltic States and Ukraine, China is planning to annex Taiwan, and Kim Jong-Un intends to take control of the entire Korean Peninsula. What could such a scenario look like in reality?

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00:00 Intro
00:55 War Game
02:08 Preparation for the war
04:57 Critical selection
07:22 Call of Duty
09:48 Taiwan – a Vietnam reminder?
11:15 Brutal eastern front
13:18 Conclusions

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, World War III,world war 3,usa china war,war simulation,usa russia war,war in korea,ww3 scenario,world war iii simulation,world war 3 simulation,ww3 simulation,war in taiwan,War game,world war iii scenario,world war 3 scenario,military,world war,USA,China,russia,japan,poland,north korea,south korea,korea war,poland war,nato,war in europe,good times bad times,airsea battle,geopolitics,war conflict,seoul,taipei,GIUK,GIUK gate,army,kim jong-un,trump

46 pemikiran pada “World War III – War Game Simulation”

  1. Why do these idiots actually think a country with weapons from the 1950's could defeat a modern army. The thing that gets me brothered is that they do not account for the degradation of these countries. Russia is not the U.S.S.R. and is not a threat to Europe. N. Korea is a tinhorn dictatorship that is only threat in the minds of the Northern Korean leaders. North Korean air forces would be destroyed on the first day by the South Koreans. and could not push into South Korea. Tiawan would destroy Chinese navel ships with the help of the American, Japanese and other navy air assets. Tiawan could use a page from Ukrainian tactics using MANPADS on the ground and mobile missile systems to sink Chinese Navy ships as they come near to shore. China is the strongest of the three adversaries, but its' navy today is no match to the American Navy, yet alone to the combine Navies of the allies. These war games were a complete waste of taxpayer money.

  2. USA just took another big hit with military pay cuts why would people continue to volunteer it’s less and less attractive

  3. in the game if i was china or Russia, i would say stuff your goals i would take the mid east.. with it and Russia thats 75% of the worlds oil.. the wests logistics would account for noting

  4. this was cool.. i wish the host spent more time on what nation is on what team.. im interested in what the Australian troops will do, not that we will make any difference or are important… i just want to know were i will die,,,, lol,,,:-(

  5. NATO loses 60k soldiers on first day, that sounds insane now knowing how ineffective russia is. It took them half a year to do that much damage to Ukraine, which is much weaker than NATO.

  6. Once a nuke is shot by Russia..l rather an all out nuclear war…there is no reason for USA and OTAN to fall back.

  7. "Escalate to De-escalate Doctrine" … just as we saw from Putin today (27 Feb 2022) (21 months, 10 days after this video was posted) when Putin announced to the world that he has placed Russia's nuclear forces at their highest alert status, because of his incompetent bungling of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which he naïvely thought would be a cakewalk.

  8. Marine corps is pronounced "core" as in that if an apple. "Corps" is a dead person. I've mentioned this before but obviously you didn't see it.

  9. I wonder if China would use Russian aggression to opportunistically and simultaneously launch an attack on a divided and possibly depleted western response to that Russian offensive.

  10. "All nations were given a 200 billion dollar budget with which to prepare, except Russia and China who were given half of that [due to some bullshit we made up]"

    Stop doing the for fuck sake. What are you learning in a war game when you don't ironman your opponent? This is exactly what we did with the Millennium Challenge 2002 and it was a fucking embarrassment. If you are running wargames, treat them as a way to prepare for the unforeseeable. not a PR stunt to show off how awesome you are.

  11. india would have just remained neutral and forced attack on pok and then aksai chin china cannot fight continuously on multiple fronts plus with only 4 air bases in tibet mirage 200 can destroy s400 with brahmos ng and pralay missiles can inflict injury to various chinese targets hstdv of india might get improvised with many other in development weapons to aid the war su 30 mki will engage in dogfight and ins vikrant battle group will block all straits with indoneasian help this is lead to collapse of china as bmd will counter all chinese nukes and who knows will chinese weapns even work or not plus chinese and russian aero engines will nt be able to operate at full capacity leading to india victory pakistan will stay quiet because it's navy is nearly non existent infront of indian navy . indian blockade will result into china beeing on it's last legs and nearly all chinese air bases in tibet that number in 4 being destroyed chinese army is stranded in himalayas and indian victory

  12. Yes the Russian have strong old to medium high tech army. Russia can't handle long period of war because it's economy is way too low compared to other European countries, even if they attack Ukraine they will be stuck in there for years and it will become the final graveyard for Russia.

  13. The US military can't fight multiple conflict, it's best to have strong allies 🇹🇼🇯🇵🇰🇷🇺🇦🇬🇧

  14. Albert Einstein said, "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

  15. World war 3 is increasingly looking like its going to spark off over Taiwan and China. If Taiwan falls it will be existential because then China will have free reign to attack south Korea, Japan and unfettered access to the pacific ocean. Taiwan is the key. Furthermore, in the Korea scenario, all we do for 12 hours a day, three times a week in Korea, is practice mopp ops which is us and our Korean troops responding and operating in a chemical attack environment. All we do is contain, quarantine, and continue business as usual in chem gear until the contaminates are neutralized and cleaned up. Civilian casualties would be high, but the bases and personnel have been hardened against this sort of attack. Nukes would not be used since the risk of a counterattack would be too high. This sim has got many things wrong.

  16. Someone should sit down with Komrad Putin and tell him that uneasy feeling he has with NATO on his borders…yeah, that was how the West felt for 40 years during the Cold War.

  17. You forgot one thing. China or Russia fire a hypersonic nuclear missile through space and hits the US. We all died game over.

  18. When you realise that most of Europe would be in the same team with Greeks
    French, German, Poland, British etc.
    Lmao no one is gona beat us 💪

  19. 1. During world war 2, Russia did NOT occupy the Baltic states and Ukraine. The Baltic and Ukraine were regions within the Soviet Union as they were Russian cities during the Czarist period. 2. Taiwan cannot be annexed to China. Taiwan is a Chinese province and it is recognized as such internationally including by the UNSC.

  20. Are they mad ?the UK Ukraine Japan India Taiwan Israel Ireland everyone will go to help the USA the USA has the ships and the man power

  21. This wargame didn't include the importance collaborators, such as Taiwan by china and South Korea and North Korea and Vice versa. There is slightly some similarity in both language and cultural for both China and Taiwan or S.Korea Versus N.Korea. This make resistance slightly lower than those totally occupied by foreign arm forces thus able to relieve much need garrison to newly occupied land to much needed front lines. Intelligent gathering and easier to communicate with local make it easier for opposition to blend into country side.


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