
World War 3 has been sold to a NEW Studio…


World War 3 has been sold to a NEW Studio who is looking to get the project back on track. Let’s talk about the future of World War 3 in this video!
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world , World War 3 has been sold to a NEW Studio… , #World #War #sold #Studio..
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46 pemikiran pada “World War 3 has been sold to a NEW Studio…”

  1. Are you interested in a new studio taking over World War 3? Do you think these guys can actually make a difference? Let me know down below! LIKE the video and share it around so the new dev team might see this video!

  2. Its another sockpuppet mygames company. Wishlist is the same as GRN+. Nothing will change just because the publisher is now the developer

  3. Old publisher acting like a new publisher acting like an entirely new developer team.

    Yeah no. It's bullshit all round.

  4. This game has been passed around more than any other game I know. How is it still alive? I've bought it in 2018 when it released and looked into it every now and then, just to see it crumble with every update. It hat around 50 active players when it was first sold to another studio, so idk what they are tryna achieve. Atm it sits at ~300 but thats 1. still not enough to play regularly 2. its just because of the "hype" of having the fourth developer in 5 years. And Farm51, the very first people who worked on it, actually have passion for their other game, so idk why they even sold that IP in the first place/left it to be almost abandonware.

  5. Dont know if this is the original creator of armored warfare or the team it was sold off to but the game pretty much died even though it was fun, it just didnt get many updates

  6. there was a small period of time where i swear it was the best fps on the market. very small amount of time but true nonetheless

  7. I would probably enjoy this game if it ever let me play. Every time I tried to play this there were too many technical issues to be able to get into a game

  8. I'm like you Fry. I backed this game from day one, pre ordered the best version. What a let down it became. There is a good game in there, it just needs some passion. One thing I love that's outside the box. On the kill cam it shows a target, and shows where you were shot by the enemy. Haven't seen that since max Payne 3 online.

  9. and hopefully that means we'll start getting meaningful updates again. theres so few of us left, sometimes I sit in matchmaking for hours

  10. I haven't played the game but if they do improve it, I just might pick it up. And it's nice to see they're reaching out to the community and asking that they should do, not enough game companies do that.
    great work with the video👍

  11. I feel like it would be relatively popular if it released on consoles instead of pc only…. console doesn't have much in terms of military shooters that don't look cartoony or wacky

  12. Am i missing something? He complained about no revive system but im pretty sure there is a revive system last time I played…

  13. I wish for this game to get revived so hard. The maps, customization, setting, all of it is filled with potential and promise. It could have been great, but the blunders just didn't let it. Saddest game ever

  14. This game really had the potential when BF2042’s release was a flop, too bad they waste it really hard

  15. They only had to fix the only thing for the relaunch: the servers. And they failed to fix the only thing they had to do. Miserable devs

  16. When i saw their post i just thought rollback to the Early Access version with server browser and the original visuals and try to improve from there. But my hope is negative 2000

  17. Can you give us some info on ground branch please? I started to play it recently and it looks like update 1034 is somewhat around the corner where they are gonna release new AI and some other stuff so things look promising with the game.

  18. The "Tchunga Tchung" sound of picking up a weapon in Warzone got me good! 🤣 But yeah this game had some potential, hope they do something good with it now!

  19. When I first bought this game years ago I thought it had a chance but at this point I have no hope for it.

  20. Man, I was excited for WW3 back in the original day haha. But it was so janky, even the current BF at the time still seemed better. I have not really kept up with proceedings since then and I think that says a lot. They had their shot, squandered it and now its just sort of being passed around like a hot potatoe

  21. I'm not touching any of these games. They all look the same (Yes including the COD series). There's nothing unique anymore to modern FPS titles. Where are the titles with a distinct artstyle? (Yes I am waiting for Transience!)

  22. thats a good overview. some elements you mentioned are impossible in terms of development resources and time, however.

  23. i luv'd the original version. just needed more players. i was hopeful the re-release was going to be good.. it wasnt.. now a third chance, good luck wishlist

  24. They NEED to rebrand the game. World war 3 sounds very generic and says nothing about the game. It sounds dated and cold – and maybe a game only for those really into FPSs

    It sounds like a rip off modern warfare 3 and the logo is also a rip off. Genuinely think a rebrand and relaunch will be helpful

  25. I Honestly forget this game existed, I’m surprised they’re still making updates with a most recent player count of 230 people

  26. I really wanted to pop off, looks great, but you know. Im also Polish and seeing the fact you can set your flag on your character and etc even a warsaw map is awesome I would play if it was great. I hope they turn this game around, and get rid of this jank ass third party launcher lol, put it up on steam plain and simple no third party shit

  27. Balance the fucking killstreaks! Oh my god, there's nothing fun about spotting a helicopter, running away from it, because all they need to do is breathe on you to kill you, just to run into a fucking tank that's been RPGd 12 times. PVP feels so tailor made to vehicle combat, and seeing as they're most experienced in making a game about tanks, I can see this either improving of getting so much worse.

  28. This game just needs to be left alone at this point. It just isn't ever going to be what the community wanted. These unknown shotty studios and publishers are just clueless. At least this new studio isn't a mobile games developer. But alas, ww3 just needs to be left in the past.

  29. I wanted this game to be good so bad. We need more Battlefield style games rather than all these Battle-Royale & Extraction games imo

  30. Make it an extracter, with progress like the cycle….. and the feeling you got from the cycle to. It is missing these days, now its just "run,shot,kill ,die , repeat.!!

  31. For me:
    – Maps are way toooo big
    – Game modes are unfocused and slow / unfun
    – Weapons are meatless
    – Armorsystem is useless and should be canned (convoluted and without any need to be there)
    – Vehicle gameplay is unfun and blowing them up is unfun too
    – friend/foe recognition is a joke, besides some red/green lights there is no way to tell enemy from friends (there are no sides like „Russian“, „Western“, „PMC Group Wolf“ etc), all players can look the way they want – makes no sense to me.
    – audio design is a joke. On all fronts
    – Gunplay needs to be overhauled with more animations, sway, weight, ads time, sounds and recoil options
    – the grounded / gritty feeling from the trailers is completely gone. No factions, no stakes, no sense.
    – the launcher and the menues are terrible…


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