
World War 3 AIRSTRIKES Explained: US Strikes Yemen! Houthi Rebels!


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00:00 What Happened
01:45 How the Strikes Happened
06:27 Inflation Issue.
09:45 Biden Statement

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world , World War 3 AIRSTRIKES Explained: US Strikes Yemen! Houthi Rebels! , #World #War #AIRSTRIKES #Explained #Strikes #Yemen #Houthi #Rebels
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40 pemikiran pada “World War 3 AIRSTRIKES Explained: US Strikes Yemen! Houthi Rebels!”

  1. Kevin, Can you tell us what impact could US involvement in a potential WW3 escalation have on US treasury yields?

  2. You that Mitchel’s prayer have heard
    ‘Send war in our time, O Lord!’
    Know that when all words are said
    And a man is fighting mad,
    Something drops from eyes long blind
    He completes his partial mind,
    For an instant stands at ease,
    Laughs aloud, his heart at peace.
    – Yeats –

  3. “War is a Racket” book by Retired USMC Gen Smedley Butler 1935. War makes no sense other than for the opportunity to thin the heard and make money. Don’t do it, don’t support it. “Thou shall not kill.” This is literally the most clear commandment.

  4. Stop Netanyahu and the IDF and you stop the Houthis. US and UK are responsible for all of this. Starting back in 1945. Sad.

  5. It's pretty simple what's going on. UK bankers are tired of being bossed around by Israeli bankers. And US bankers are tired of being told what to do by UK bankers. So, to sort it all out, US is going to turn Iran into a white hot hole in the ground that never cools. With that done, US won't need their big military base called "Israel" any more and the US/UK will carry on with their goal of confiscating all middle-east oil, as well as the gas fields in Ukraine as soon as they talk Putin into it, this is their plan for total control of the world energy supplies.

  6. The Houthi response is so what — they have been bombed by Saudi Arabia for a decade now — they are used to it..
    Maybe Israel needs to stop in Gaza so the Houthi's will stop.. The Houthi's are trying to stop an genocide… All this started by Israel's war crimes in Gaza… See the case before the World Court against Israel.
    Maybe we (the USA) should do the right thing try and stop it too…

  7. Wow US saved the world again. Houthis will behave from now, not only they welcome our troops with flowers, the shipping route in the Red Sea will be very safe!! Idiots

  8. What can you do with 2000 troops there? Its a small 🇺🇸 base against Arab world, please be reasonable.
    The new Atlas with Brian explains a lot, watch it….

  9. I am anti-war while Biden is in charge. He will lose it all. Lives and treasure and enemies will get stronger.

  10. Houthis are Shia. Almost every nation with Sunni majorities are their enemy. Irans is saber rattling because they know they can go so far without it escalating. The Iranian gov is prepared to starve its own people so it doesn't care about sanctions.

    The idea that this could escalate to a wider conflict is nonsense. What are they going to do? Start a war with America and its allies. Come on. That ends only one way.

    Iran is trying to destabilise, not start a full-blown war that will see them destroyed. Given the chance, there are many who would happily see the Iranian leadership removed for good. If Iran pushes this too far that is where it ends, and with a lot of people dead.

    The nations around Israel have tried to destroy it before and failed. What makes them think they could succeed now? An attack on Israel by surrounding nations won't happen.

    If there is an attack, The US and others will make sure that it is a massive failure.

  11. Was this just ripped from your full stream (it seems very similar)? if so, I thought you were going to stop doing that?

  12. I am deeply confused who possesses the military power in US.
    President achieved his childhood again.
    Vice president is just a blonde with dark hair.
    Parlament is incapacitated.
    Defence minister is in coma (literally).
    Who decides that americans join the campaign on Israel side?
    Who possesses the Red Button? Which is "bigger" than Kim´s.

  13. The Houthi is in the right. We are the bad guys here. They are upholding israel to international law but US cucks to Israel so much it is now bombing Yemen illegally without congress approval

  14. Kevin, tell the truth! Yemen are stopping supplies to Israel so they can stop bombing Gaza! Stop playing dumb.


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