
World Waits on Rafah as Israel-Hezbollah Tensions Worsen


Israel says it’s still preparing to move forces in the southern Gaza city of Rafah despite deep concerns among its allies, including the US, that doing so will create a humanitarian disaster. At the same time, fears of a full-on conflict between Hezbollah and Israel are increasing. Bloomberg’s Paul Wallace reports.

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world , World Waits on Rafah as Israel-Hezbollah Tensions Worsen , #World #Waits #Rafah #IsraelHezbollah #Tensions #Worsen
, Airstrikes,Gaza Strip,Geopolitics,Hezbollah,Israel-Hamas War,Paul Wallace,Tom Mackenzie,humanitarian crisis,rafah

28 pemikiran pada “World Waits on Rafah as Israel-Hezbollah Tensions Worsen”

  1. Shame on Arabs just watching doing nothing there own sons and daughters being killed and rapping Arab women by hand full of Jews such a shame.

  2. A 😢😢😮😮😢😮 bad and nasty😮😮😢😢😮😢 retired General Dynamics director, previously worked in San Diego, probably more than 85 yrs old now, is exploiting illegally US Gov's monitoring satellite to harass normal US civilians, inside USA & all over the world for his own entertainment & amusement.

    These remote sensors of the monitoring satellites are capable of interpreting the words you're thinking in your mind, may be, by air vibration or by scanning the brainwaves from your brain.

    The Israeli IDF are using similar satellite technologies to spy on the Hamas leadership hiding deep inside the Gaza Tunnels. IDF once released footage of these videos in much degraded resolution.

    This could also have been the way how our intelligence services obtained classified information on Xi Jinping's missile deployment within China.

    This retired General Dynamics director could have been the mastermind behind the plane crash killing the Secretary of Commerce Ronald Brown of the Clinton Administration, in the plane crash in 1996 in Croatia.

    The United States as we learned and studied in American high school does not exist anymore; it has been destroyed.

    Joe Biden allows this to happen…

    United States have been dead. American citizens don't have human rights.

    This retired Director of General Dynamics is a disgrace of the United States.

    If this America disgrace wants to play any American civilian, he just puts this American onto the blacklist for monitoring, and he can harass this American civilian.

  3. Why in a narrow strip like Gaza, there are 36 hospitals. And in Israel, with a population 5 times larger, there are 30 hospitals? think about it…

  4. The HOLY. LAND belongs to GOD & HIS Son "KING of King & LORD of Lord who is not pleased with the situation there. He is poised to show himself SOON so that everyone will know who belongs where in the Land. (Jeremiah 2:)

  5. Any superpowers try to invade Israel will surely be very embarrassed they just don't want to admit it

  6. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥  first of all how the hell is a European jew offering anybody anything???? That wasn't there land to offer. How about I offer you half of your home and you can take the offer or suffer the consequences???? Guess what? You will fight me because its your home or property. My offer to you was the start of the fight even though you threw the first physical punch. Then how about after I defeat you I take even more of your property because you had the nerve to refuse my OFFER to steal half your property??? Then how about I go around telling everyone that we could have had peace many times but that you refused my offer to steal more and more land each time I OFFERED you a deal???? European jews are no different than any other European colonializer, they take land from the native people and Then offer them peace by telling them how much of their land they can have back. You notice that every country that supports Israel defunding UNWRA are all the former genocidal colonializers over the last 150+ years like Australia, France , UK, USA , BELGIUM, Canada, Germany ect. . I know your history so you can't passed that crap on to me about how arabs started a fight and was offered a State. No different than you will just accept me coming to your home and OFFERING you a home as I annex half of it for myself😮😮😢😢😢

  7. The world isnt waiting. The middle east is a non factor when it comes to the west most importantly the US . The only ones who it really affects is the middle east but the rest of us still enjoying getting our steaks and working normal 9-5s and care about our own interests and will always place it before the middle east. The propaganda machines think its our responsibility for keeping peace in the middle east… a place that absolutely causes its own problems lol

  8. Joe Biden already gave the green light with $14 billion in weapons and aid. Israel is getting a lot of bang for their lobbying buck. A buck paid from the $3.8 billion in aid we give them every year. Is this what economists mean when they talk about a circular economy?

  9. I just don't believe this going on the lands that Jesus Walk… God this coming for what this his…🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  10. STOPPEZ ISRAEL ! Génocide en cours ! Sauvez les enfants !!! STOP ISRAEL! Genocide in progress! Save the children!!

  11. A strong American President would take matters into his/her own hands and throw the prompter away. We need someone to stand up for humanity and stop this sickness. Instead we have a daycare patient sucking on ice cream who is good at making bad faces.


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