
World Record Holder Bobi Loses Title of Oldest Dog Ever


A dog has posthumously lost one of his Guinness World Record titles. At the time of his death in October 2023, Bobi was declared the oldest dog in the world and the oldest dog to ever live. He was said to be 31 years and 165 days old. Guinness’ director of records says an investigation into Bobi’s age was opened after concerns were raised by vets and other experts. Inside Edition Digital’s Mara Montalbano has more.

world , World Record Holder Bobi Loses Title of Oldest Dog Ever , #World #Record #Holder #Bobi #Loses #Title #Oldest #Dog
, portugal,animals,ie newsdesk,Inside Edition,Inside_Edition,IE Newsdesk,ie animal kingdom,mara montalbano,news,pet,dog,bobi,bobi dog,bobi dies,oldest living dog,oldest dog ever,bobi oldest dog,oldest dog dies,31 year old dog,canine,leonel costa

44 pemikiran pada “World Record Holder Bobi Loses Title of Oldest Dog Ever”

  1. 2008 chip just confirms he was at least 15 years old. And there was photos in the late 90s of him aswell. The only issue with this dog is that he ate too healthy for bussines and didn't bark in English. Guiness like the Brits in general, is going downhill.

  2. How dare they question the legitimacy of the record. It is completely true especially since Bono’s mother lived pretty long too.

  3. Thus I have the oldest dog who is still alive at 24. Yippee Guinness Here I come!! Oops I accidentally claimed he was 24, he is actually 14. Wonder how that got there.

  4. Haven't watched video yet but how does another dog grow older faster than Bobi faster??? Doesn't seem possible. Fake

  5. Oh goodness does it matter? He was a good old boy. You could see he was super old and no matter he will always hold that place to us doggie lovers

  6. Bobi didn't ask for any this, he just wanted to be loved and live his life. If people want to take advantage of his old age, that's on them.

  7. Let him keep it!!! Such mean creeps with nothing better to do than investigate a dog, how petty!!! As if people don't have enough to feel sad about. These sweet animal stories provide what little joy there even is!!! I definitely no longer respect Guinness!!! He was clearly extremely old, that's not hard to see. Just petty and ridiculous!

  8. The people who care for nature, the people who care for the smallest of creatures, but More than 10,000 children have been killed by Israeli airstrikes in Gaza and these people don't care about that 😢


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