
World of Warships – Zero or Hero?


You ever have one of those matches where you can’t quite figure out whether or not what you’re watching makes the ship in question the Zero or the Hero of the match?

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, let’s play,gameplay,Jingles,gaming,The Mighty Jingles,World of Warships

44 pemikiran pada “World of Warships – Zero or Hero?”

  1. The Minnesota has excellent guns, the AP is fantastic and the dispersion is pretty good, especially coming from that utter piece of shit known as Kansas.
    That moron using HE on a broadside paper-armoured Thunderer had me cringe. A lot…

  2. Mr Jingles, just wanted to say thank you for providing years of content for us humble salt-miners. I always enjoy your vids, and really felt the need to say thanks. Keep up the fantastic work!!!

  3. My god the Minnesota at the end! You expect that sort of play from tier 2 or 3 players!
    On a side note, the Minnesota is a cool looking ship! I love the lines on the turrets the fact there's a nice symmetry going on. It looks quite short and wide so giving it quite a tanky appearance. Whether these features are a hinderance to it is a different matter though.

  4. Happy new year Jingles!
    Nah, Haarlem doesn't get access to torps. They could've been from the Rupprecht or the Lightning instead.

  5. I legitimately hate what Wargaming did to the Duncan! It's supposed to be the G3 battlecruiser but really the G3 is a fast battleship with more armour on both the belt and deck than any British battleship that was ever built! even all the Lion designs before 1944 had less armour!

    The never built Montana class and the Colorado class where the only US ships with more armour.

    The G3 battlecruisers should be fucking tanks and yet in another fuck you to Royal Navy ships they slashed the armour profile and introduced bullshit mechanics like bow plate mattering and being overmatched.

  6. Watching those BB's at the end and all I could think was .. yeah that is the state of the game now. People in high tier ships who can't wipe their own arse even with a guidebook and two aides helping them. Pure stupidity in many cases, no thinking, just sail and shoot and hope. Such as when you go into a game now and you see a Shimikaze, 9 times out of 10 it will NOT go torwards caps, will NOT act as a scout, and will simply sit a spew torps for long distances hoping to hit things. Or lots of tier X Gatos that stay underwater for obscene levels of time and then suddenly appear 2 km from a BB with a massive torp load (as even the simplest brained organisms can play that ship).

  7. I don't know what it is with BB players lately firing HE at everything (not just playing british BBs but all kinds of BBs).

  8. Happy New Year everybody!
    It's watching games like these that keep me playing Wows every now and then. Not that I'm near Flambass's skill, but close ones like this sure are inspiring.

  9. It takes 3 minuts to cap. So no need to go into cap… Minnesota did nothing. And no Haarlem doesn't have torps.

  10. OK, I've only played Duncan on PTS but have found it a fun ship – I always spec it for secondaries and can get them out to 11km or so. Hilarious to see German BB's rush in to their secondary range only to get a face full of mine while I load up AP for the main guns….

  11. Absolute zero.
    Don't know how you could judge otherwise? Just the positioning in md-game tells you this guy must be an absolute potato. And he is! WoWs Stats & Numbers told me his WR to be 45.87% after 2200 games. What else do you need to know? 🤪

  12. I'm going to lean more towards zero, anything that player accomplished (if anything at all) was done accidentally and not due to any skill or competency.

  13. At T9 and up, there are 4 BBs (with another on the way) with less then 380mm guns, Marlboro, as you mention, but also Illinois, Karl XIV Johan, and Mecklenburg, and the upcoming Rhode Island, at Tiers 9, 9, 10, and 10 respectively. How ever, in her MM spread, she faces T7 potentially, which has KGV, DoY, Florida, Cali, Poltava, Lyon, Hyuga, Strasbourg, and the Scharnhorsts, not to mention T8 having Anhult, both Brandonburghs, Odin, and Picardie, that is a lot more then 2 ships in her MM spread, all with less then 380s.

    As for needing the DFAA, Haarlem (a ship without torps) could require the use of said consumable (which considering that it went for the ship right next to him), not to mention, if you are supporting a friendly sub (icky, I know), you may want it if you see all the DC airstrikes going for him

  14. This was an extremely messy match, from start to finish. Sometimes you look at the minimap and just know that you have to throw yourself in the lions den and hope for the best if you're to have ANY chance of winning, so that's what I did, but it was uffff
    Was funny as hell watching HE spammers at the end just throwing the potential win ball at each other.
    Happy New Year old man and to all salt miners 😉

  15. 5:40 No, Mighty Gnomish Overlord. The Dutch cruisers most definitely DON'T get torpedoes, they are all about that pretty useless 'air strike' which drops 96 bombs and might hit with 3 of them on a stationary, fat, BB, otherwise are completely useless, as are the AP and HE shells the guns fire. AP can't penetrate paper and the HE has a -100% chance of starting a fire.

  16. Happy New Year! Minnesota played badly, but at least was seal for the others to club as a distraction at the end. Don't think the enemy had time left to flip the cap anyway, just halt points…

  17. Been watching your videos for WELL over a decade, never commented before.

    We're both Navy vets (USN and submarines here though….) so it's been a joy watching you all this time, cheers

  18. Interesting bit just after he's killed the Grosser Kurfürst where the in-game commentary say "peados to port" – this video's going to get de-monetised… 😀

  19. No, Jingles. The Minnesota did not have to enter the cap and did not save the game. By the time the Thunderer finished capping, the game would have been over and Flambass's team would have won on points either way. If he wanted to block capping progress and was at least slightly smart, he would have stopped moving forward while there was still island cover between him and the Thunderer, while staying angled towards the Izumo.

  20. 1:45 actually Jingles, Mecklenburg gets 305mm guns and thus is unable to overmatch the Duncan's bow either.

    What's that? Triple shift in the lowest mines? 'Aight I'll get to work then…


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