
World of Warships- Ya’ll Aren’t Gonna Believe What WG Did…


Hey guys! Today we talk about some surprisingly good news with regards to the upcoming dockyard! Enjoy!


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Outro Music: Stranger Think- C418

world , World of Warships- Ya’ll Aren’t Gonna Believe What WG Did… , #World #Warships #Yall #Arent #Gonna #Did..
, wows,world of warships,wargaming,wg,tier x,tier 10,american,battleship,montana,iowa,ww2,wwii,world war 2,world war ii,us navy,review,shi0p,ship,cruiser,artillery,repulique,french,french navy,yamato,japanese,alabama,jean bart,submarines,news,censor,marco polo,italian,cv,carrier,bearn,german,battlecruiser,top5,top 5,list video,top 10,tier list,fun,funny

29 pemikiran pada “World of Warships- Ya’ll Aren’t Gonna Believe What WG Did…”

  1. What do you guys think of this recent streak of good news?
    I will be streaming this evening from 3:30PM USC to 7ish USC on the channel and Twitch, I would love to see you there!

  2. They need to apologise to everyone who got the Michelangelo, so hopefully it's not too much of a grind. The significance of the ship is lost on people outside the US as well.

  3. How nice of WG to copy paste another Iowa, and then letting us grind for month to get it for free. So nice….. Its just another copy paste made worse because its moved up a tier for no reason.

  4. "Free" yea right. The dockyard missions are going to be brutal. No way that a casual player like myself will be able to get through this. I'd rather have some option to pay for it.

  5. But BB's in clan battles are usually limited to only 1 per team. When else would anyone play an expensive tier ten Battleship? So for tier ten usable in Clan Battles, how about of the Jager at T10, high speed, stealthy Torpedo boat. Only with American smoke and Forest Sherman guns. FSherm wants to be a good ship, but there are reasons they die in Clan Battles so fast. LoL

  6. That sounds great but it will depend on level of dockyard missions grind!

    I got already WV44 from Christmas containers so "free" T10 BB, wow, WG seems making things better.

    There is one more extra cool thing coming in next patch, already on PTS, that's premium BP called Golden week.
    If you buy premium BP you get total 2500 doubs back in rewards.
    But there is also some coal, boosters and nice perma camos on japanese tree ships. There seems only "little" catch on rewards in "premium" BP – coal there is just a small amount.

    Also another tokens coming, you can get some perma camos, I expect probably just enough get some, but if you want prem ship available for those, there gonna be lottery boxes with small amounts of tokens – as usually.

  7. Hey WG people who pay In advance for the dockyard should be spared the shitty grind or give all the steel rewards for paying In advance. I hate WG taking away the 2000 steel dumasses. The last dockyard was so expensive when paying in advance to get those steel rewards or at least add 2000 more steel when paying In advance…….

  8. I look forward to getting the WV44. Though, I had also kinda hoped that Washington, BB56, would be part of the Whisky dockyard.

  9. WG will still continue with Its fucck over with steel rewards ,they trimmed off at least 2000 steel during the last dockyard and im sure they will do it again, and another 1.500 steel give or take during the battle pass that's a total of 3.500 steel that we don't get anymore. I love getting steel and a need more for my ships.

  10. the only reason why WG is doing this is ,because the player number dwindling and the need to attract players back to the game

  11. That is why I stopped playing. Brother I feel your pain but most people who play World of Warships do not care until it's their ship that get debuffed and nerfed. I'm waiting for wargaming to come after the Cruisers and Destroyer torpedoes next. They did that once before so what's stopping for doing it again. Nothing. No one seemed to be worried about that right now but that is there now there problem because I stopped playing and until they fix the submarine torpedo issue, I have no intention of playing again. Here's the funny thing about that entire situation. There are those submarine Commanders players posting how great their games are and that the torpedo Nerf is not really affecting them so wargaming now think they did a good thing to make the battleship captains happy. Those submarine players are not helping the cause and are hindering the fight even more. So in essence those submarine commanders are backing the battleship Captain's views without even realizing it. Think about that one for a minute.

  12. West Virginia '44 was like $80 if you bought her outright so yeah I'd expect there to be some advantage to already owning her.

  13. Just because if you have WV44 already they give you 3 free phases doesn't mean it's the last 3 phases. Could be the next three, saving you some grinding but not saving you any money.

  14. I was able to grind out the last two or three dockyards and was able to complete them with time to spare on the event. I already have the WV so I’m all set. Only thing I’m worried about are the base xp missions. How many we’ll get, and how much xp we’ll have to grind. It usually takes me about a week to grind 30/40 base xp for a single class, so I’m already dreading the base xp class missions. I’m also dreading those missions being half way through the dockyard as apposed to being at the end, where they’re skippable.

    The Maine does look nice, 16 406mm guns, the dispersion will probably be horrible though

  15. Wargaming had their chance and now its too late. They trying to get back players after we have moved on to new titles like HellDivers 2. A little too late and no one cares.


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