
World of Warships- This Absolutely Embarrasses Wargaming….


Who knew that Lesta was the hero we needed

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world , World of Warships- This Absolutely Embarrasses Wargaming…. , #World #Warships #Absolutely #Embarrasses #Wargaming…
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49 pemikiran pada “World of Warships- This Absolutely Embarrasses Wargaming….”

  1. Can you please do the WV44 replay I sent in like a week ago…? I burn about 50 planes and nearly nuke a CV…

  2. You are absolutely right: back in the day, before CV rework, a CV could burn to death or be sunk from flooding. Oh… it could also repair manually… And also the autopilot was much better than what is now…
    They messed up everything (also the AA of the surface ships) with that "amazing" rework from RTS to TPS… 😢

  3. i personally like the randomness, it adds diversity to the gameplay. yeah it sucks when something gets knocked out, but it also makes me change my plan, which is a good thing.
    not sure the CV nerf is needed, they are pitifully helpless citadel piñatas as it is. honestly, whats the average survival time of a spotted cv? like 30 seconds?

  4. CVs should take double damage and double time from fires. Catching fire and then blowing up is very historical.

  5. There is a reason that I stopped playing years ago. Out of curiosity, I watched this video. My opinion has not changed. WG leadership, those who are instructing the developers to make these changes, do not care about the consumer satisfaction with the product.

  6. To be fair about the burn time, if you have a good firestarter ship, after the initial dcp is off, cvs can be an easy arsonist ribbon since you won't be wasting as many shells on parts already on fire. A groningen can get some pretty spicy burning on a CV with absolutely no pens.

  7. Personally, while I agree that the HP of the modules should not vary, or at least have very little variation, I would prefer that when they are damaged beyond repair, they would stay down, because it is difficult to accept that an AA gun that was "blow to pieces" can be "repairs".
    Also, if WG is going to use any of the ideas from Lesta, please let it be the Repair Dock, please!

  8. SLM, Lesta is a Russian/Belarusian company, and for that reason, I would prefer if you didn't promote it on your channel. Thanks.

  9. I laughed pretty hard when you said losing half of your AA makes a difference at all…..As if AA does anything in this game. When you say it doesn't make sense why wargaming doesn't just adopt these changes is wrong. It makes perfect sense, everything wargaming does is to make sure the troll (wimp) classes (CV/sub) have as easy a time as possible. They are absolutely not interested in making any change that makes this a fair PvP experience. Lets all go to the russian server and only CV/subs will be left here.

  10. How is passive defense from a whole class of ships "interactive"? Can we get some "interactive" changes against DDs?

  11. Wargaming has no shame and neither does it's playerbase because they continue to tolerate WG's BS.

  12. dude im legit considering switching to a russian client just for the improvements Lesta is implementing

  13. I doesn't counter anything as far as the AA regen. AA is still laughable. First strike 3 cruisers and a dd could not stop a t8 from striking….and its not just a random occurance.

  14. i didnt quite understood to which server/clients those changes apply to… Will they come on the WoWs-Steam launcher (on europe servers)? I read something about Zao´s firing angles beeing improved, what i would L O V E… 🙂

  15. I've all but given up playing Random Battles. I'll play the temporary Escort modes and maybe a Brawl. Mostly I play a few Operations to get a Daily container and to see if I can top my high scores. My latest was Aegis with 478K dmg, 29 torp hits and 8 frags in my no-smoke Kagero. I know that's nothing special but it's a high for me. My clanmate got 501K and 9 kills in Ageis with his Tirpitz so we are in a little competition now. That's about the only fun I'm having with the game anymore.

  16. I think having to load he for CVs Is a buff ,you won't get the damage with ap any more . Its a buff nothing else.

  17. I think I'd prefer the changes that are in testing especially with the spotting difference. With a CV freely spotting the entire map every 20 seconds it doesn't allow for any counter play in a decent sized ship with 7-8km air detect. And that also forces us to group as a team in the back of the map. If you have a 2 man group try to flank you either get spotted by a plane and everyone turns to shoot you or the planes burn you down by themselves in a couple of minutes

  18. In Battletech, we call it the golden BB effect. A one-point hit can bypass the armor, find your ammo magazine, and blow it up.

  19. The conspiracy in me say that they do this on purpose so we want the Russian version more then the other and wen the conflict end we won't whine wen they merge back again.

  20. I completely agree that CVs should have either 1. a longer burn time or 2. A higher damage per second on that burn time… HOWEVER there is one exception to this rule I wish to make. Not everyone will agree and that's alright but I think the Graf Zeppelin should maintain the current burn time to make her secondary brawler builds more viable. If you're a Graf Zeppelin with a 45 second burn time, you're gonna be much less inclined to play with the team when a destroyer can melt a good chunk of your health with just a single fire and focus more on what every other carrier does which is sit in the back and spam planes. And we all know Graf Zeppelin's planes are just glorified spotting aircraft. So to encourage the unique gameplay of the Graf Zeppelin I would keep the 5 second burn time which would allow her to actually use her secondary builds rather than getting hit by a fire and losing a chunk of hp on a ship that does not have good armor nor hp. Idk, probably just my unpopular opinion.

  21. CVs have very good chance to survive till end of match, so usage of some signal flags seems still less important.
    But fire and flooding normal duration could make CVs fight enemy CVs way more.

    Julie Charlie flags still not needed on CVs and subs. It costs credits and you have to use them if you don't want shuffle for detonation on DD, cruiser or BB.

    I would like sub to see implode🌊 after loosing just 25 percent of HP and bring big bubble on surface or CV to pop in ammo and aviation fuel big red ball of fire💥.
    WG can bring such effects.

  22. Isn't it also because Lester version lost lots of players with the breakout of the war vs krane.
    So having lost so many players had to give players what they wanted.

  23. I wonder at the 'separation' of Lesta and WG Cyprus. It seems many of the changes at Lesta come to WG. (the Hayate getting TRB and smoke was one)

  24. Every friggin’ WG patch lately has buffed subs. Guess what this one will do? It will buff CVs. How stupid do they think we are? They keep calling it nerfs and they’re just buffs. So, so dumb.

  25. Can we all switch over to the Russian server? WG only seems to care about three things. 1) Money; 2) Submarines; 3) CVs. They only pay lip service to the other ship types. It’s freakin’ obvious they want subs and CVs to dominate and be mostly untouchable.

  26. Free captain respecs weekly/monthly would be awesome.. I started playing again after a 2 year break and no free respec

  27. Sea lord. You used to be one of my favorite WoW captains. Your content was funny but yet also informative. It would help people learn how to play the game better. But I have noticed a growing trend from you and other players and YouTubers as well. Stop picking on CVS and submarines. With all the castration that has been done to them it's almost pointless to play them now. Subs and CVs are at the point where they cannot be battle effective anymore. The battleships shouldn't and aren't supposed to win every match.

  28. Fixed module HP: good.
    Replacing destroyed modules: not so good.
    (Ok, replacing machine gun AA is fine.)

  29. This is definately a nice set of changes and they HAVE to come to our client aswell.. on the other hand… Lesta's game soon get's SUPER-SUBS… So there is also a downside for poor Ivan playing the game in Russia 😀

  30. I'm going to be blunt. I think Lesta should take FULL control of all of Wargaming's properties. It sounds like they know how to make things work for their version of the game.

  31. Maybe Wargaming doesn't want to implement the same solution as Lesta because it doesn't want to be accused of cooperating with them again, and not really a separate company. If that is so, I think we all would tell them, "Please cooperate!" At least in this instance.

    But if Wargaming was to make this same change, they would also give a buff to CVs to "compensate", just like they did so unnecessarily with subs. CV weapon damage up 15%!

  32. Also not sure if this is universal or not ..but мир корабль just got another update….where now you can see wjat every ship in tje game has …who has torps, who has radar, whats the range etc etc its awesome 😎

  33. I'm ashamed to admit it, but my clan mates and I will often go Into random battles in a division where one person is running a CV of their choice, and the two others will both run Conqueror. CV spots the ships with the best aa, and the conqueror players melt them. CV then proceeds to run house on the enemy team. It's a shameful way to win, but it works.


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