World of Warships The Tears of the Cruisers

In which Trenlass finds himself on one of the most cruiser-unfriendly maps in the game in a cruiser that’s squishier than most and has no smokescreen.

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, let’s play,gameplay,Jingles,gaming,The Mighty Jingles,World of Warships

38 pemikiran pada “World of Warships The Tears of the Cruisers”

  1. When I thought i was getting better at the game, I started running radar instead of smoke on my minotaur. You can get some serious surprise kills that way, since most people assume smoke. But, yeah, it's very dangerous. And, this video goes to show: if you have a line of fire on a minotaur… SHOOT THE MINOTAUR. They're giant piles of damage dealing hell held together by just enough armour to keep the water out. The glassiest of glass cannons, so if you let them live, someone will feel all the pain as a result. Love the ship, though.

  2. Wow it's been years since I've watched a jingles video, glad to see it back in me recommended. I quit after the cv change completely opinionated, but I liked the high-risk high reward gameplay of limited planes but lots of damage vs unlimited planes and limited damage. I get they had to do it, and I know there is amazing cv players out there pumping out big numbers still unfortunately for me I just lost the trill of the hunt.

  3. The moment I saw this video was about Trenlass in a Minotaur, I thought, "I bet it's a Radar-Mino.", because Trenlass is just that kind of madman. 😇

  4. I did (reasonably) well in a radar mino on ocean once. I don't remember if we won, but I count it as a win.

    After that experience, any map feels great.

  5. I always play my Minotaur without smoke, but unlike Trenlass in this video – who btw has STAGGERING amounts of experience with all kinds of ships in this game compared to me and probably a more level head for strategizing properly – whenever I get spotted in it, EVERYTHING that is in range, targets me until my Minotaur becomes an immobile sunken wreck.

  6. That Napolis was behaving a lot like a linked macro. Willing to bet that was a multiboxer in the Belfast 43

    Edit: WG "Balance"

    Since having a multiboxer on only one team would be "Unbalanced", that Smolensk… watch what it does… (It's apparently linked to the Benson)

  7. The Mino/Wooster/Shim/Smol and several others can burn down/wreck BBs in minutes. 1 good Smol captain can hold off a flank while being outnumbered easily. A Smol and Shim/Harikaze etc…. Can wreck an enemy team the entire game – easily.


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