
World of Warships – The Knight of Malta


In which MalteseKnight does what is possibly the most amount of damage I’ve seen for the least amount of kills while dragging his team kicking and screaming to the finish line.

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, let’s play,gameplay,Jingles,gaming,The Mighty Jingles,World of Warships

48 pemikiran pada “World of Warships – The Knight of Malta”

  1. Hi Jingles I hear that WG dev's are going to be bringing the USS Wisconsin to the game. Having lived in the state of Wisconsin all my life I am extremely happy. It's about time that they start bringing in more ships that were built and fought real battles. As you may expect I'm not a fan of so called paper ships, for the first time in a long time I'm actually excited to play World of Warships again.

  2. @0:00: One USS Vermont on Maltese Knight's team.

    @8:07: USS Vermont gets sunk by the enemy Roon.

    @14:51: The friendly USS Montana sinks the enemy Conqueror.

    @15:20: Jingles says the USS VERMONT sank the Conqueror.

    A few seconds after hearing that statement @15:20: Huh. I didn't know the Vermont can switch between 12 18-inch guns to 12 16-inch guns and have a speed of 28 knots, is about 70,000 tons at combat load, and is a late WW2 era battleship. Jingles, please don't ever change.

  3. Jingles and Malta in the same video. Awesome! The Grand Harbor that Malta showed us was amazing. Needs to be turned into a Wows Brit port. I like the Def, but man it's cit is HUGE and you really gotta protect it.

  4. Great to hear you liked Malta, Jingles. They are actually currently filming Gladiator 2 in Malta at the moment.
    Ollver Reed actually died in a pub in Valletta – its actually called The Pub also affectionatly known as Ollie's last Pub……

  5. Thanks Jingles and Maltese Knight for the fun 🙂
    I concur about Malta – some amazing history, with great museums, featuring weaponry going back to the Knights of St. John and wonderful architecture. The museum of Forts was recently opened when I was there, with fantastic models and information. We also had the bonus of the 'White Nights' festival, with people dressed in 8 foot chicken costumes, pogo-ing in the main square in Valetta to music from DJs… it was quite bizarre… and enormous fun!

  6. How many "Light" (DoT) damage though ? It's not that rare to have 120+k and 0 kills with HE spam, which he did early game 😉 Very noice game, enjoyed it a lot 🙂

  7. What's up with the rudders in these replays? Ships sailing in straight line when rudder indicates sharp right or left. Completely not important but it's weird

  8. Hi Jingles. Maltese Knight played the hell out of that. Proof that the talent of the artist is more important than the tools used to create said art.
    Keep taking good care of yourself and your household. Treats and scritches for the furry Mistresses.

  9. Any of you other salt miners ever notice? Master Jingles is always quick too pick on the Gneisenau. But generally fails to recognize / acknowledge the big pink elephant in the room. When it comes too talking about battleships, with horrendous dispersion.
    I am of coarse talking about the U.S.S. Colorado. Which makes the Gneisenau look like. A freaking world class sniper. in comparison.

  10. Jingie is messing up his commentary on purpose to manipulate the youtube algorithm by getting more comments!
    Of this I am convinced! 😋❤

  11. Sir I had thought for just a moment that the cold got hit with sunlight, but then I ' thought ' and felt the cold again it is 6 deg F in AR, central time zone USA so I'm sure you are nodding that I need to pay better time to the temperature, I see you smiling LOL.

  12. Loved Malta, the guard outside the palace in Valetta had the nicest and shiniest SLR I think I have ever seen, all the wooden bits were… well wooden and beautiful. I also took the the chance to avail myself of the somewhat famous 'The Pub' of Oliver Reed fame

  13. my dad was in malta in the 60's. Showed him this video because as soon as you mentioned straight street he laughed. 😀

  14. Unfortumately my computer broke before christmas so didn't get to play this event. Defence looks amazing, so pretty jealous!

  15. Sounds like Jingles needs to go on the road to Valetta again :-)!
    I visited Malta a few times when I was in the a diving club (because easter in Malta is similar to UK in Summer!)

    The carrier HMS Invincible had recently visited and the maltese diving instructors said that when they arrived they had a seaking with a huge union flag underneath fly directly over the seedy part of Valetta (alegedly unintentionally but the Maltese were joking that they were letting the inhabitants know that the Navy was about to arrive :-)!)

    Imagine what happened when the news got back that the sailors out on the lash had led to Oliver Reed dying….. "You did what????"

  16. I always wonder how much more crazy wargaming can get with the game and some ships and then something like this " cruiser " shows up. Wargaming can always go one step too far . LoL.


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