
World of Warships – Owned


Just exactly how much ass is going to be kicked in todays battle. Approximately all of it!

All music licensed from and



For any business, press or industry related enquiries, please contact [email protected]

System Specs: Core i7 4.3Ghz CPU, 32GB DDR4 RAM, nVidia GTX1080 8GB GDDR5 GPU, running at 1920×1080 resolution

If you have a World of Tanks replay you’d like to submit, upload it to a hosting service like and email the link to your replay to [email protected].

If you have a World of Warships replay, consider using a hosting service like

Just be aware that I get hundreds of emails every week and I can’t promise that I’ll show what you send in.

world , World of Warships – Owned , #World #Warships #Owned
, let’s play,gameplay,Jingles,gaming,The Mighty Jingles,World of Warships,USS Massachusetts,South Dakota,wows,Warships,Wargaming,Battleships

39 pemikiran pada “World of Warships – Owned”

  1. Well, a guy called "someting…devil" is most likely not a believer and is not just an unbeliever, but loves the enemy obviously.
    And his demons love to troll and hate others…

  2. World of Warships saves too much money. The Coastal Guard has no possebility to check any files or logs of any battle. In World of Warcraft instead, every Gamemaster is able to look into the matter. All logs are filed for 4 weeks or so.

  3. Had that top down scenario happen to me once. I had absolutely no idea what had happened until I watched the replay

  4. It would be very eadsy… Look at the incidents and ban the griefer. BUT… then you need someone watching the videos and omg omg you may loose money from that players. NOTHING of this will wargaming do Btw.. the argument it would cost too much is bullshit given the money WG makes Absolute nonsense. They are greedy thats why

  5. The captain of that Richelieu is actually very famous. He, or she, plays 24 hours a day, under many different usernames apparently, and everyone gets to play with him, or her, at least once in any series of matches one might play from time to time. A day or so ago this person was playing on my team in an Omaha. After making it to the enemy cap, without firing a single shot, he/she demanded that the New Mexico, the only other remaining ship on our team, retreat. The enemy team had one ship remaining, a destroyer that was last seen heading in the direction of our cap. He/she then sat stationary not more than 10 metres from the enemy cap circle for some minutes as the clock ran down, as did the New Mexico. Why the destroyer did not cap, or do anything at all is one of those WOWS mysteries. My guess is that he/she just sat out of sight watching my two remaining team mates in mind numbing embogglement and completely overlooked taking our cap and therewith, the game. I can only assume that the Omaha player had a pane of glass mounted immediately between the monitor and his, or her, face so that his, or her window licking is never interrupted. And here tonight, I see he or she, driving that Richelieu.

  6. Till you have WG take a contract out to have you legs broke because you outed there communist boss on social media..your lacking the salt part.

  7. These videos need to be uploaded and the game needs to ban thier emails. And someone find this guy and hack his account

  8. I absolutely love this stuff with people messing around like that. Dont think it really matters honestly what they do. Lol

  9. i love this game, havent even unlocked my first tier 8 yet, but im not very sure if i even want to play higher tier than 5/7 seeing how fucking toxic the higher tiers can get.

  10. I can't for the life of me understand why devs refuse to disable team damage in any form and physics just make shit pass right through each other. Sure smaller ships could straight up hide in larger ships but hey having bb ap do full pens on destroyers and cruisers because the shells over pened the first ship seem like it could balance that out.

  11. Nothing like minding your business just to have someone steam right into your midships of your light cruiser with their battleship spinning you around as they fire a full salvo hitting you and you get a penalty for it…..

  12. Wow…. I rewatch the replay and can't believe such assholery exist in today civilized society…..


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