
World of Warships – Open Beta!


Typical. My router blows up and then World of Tanks patch 9.9 goes onto the Test Server, War Thunder Patch 1.51 comes out, Armoured Warfare test 3 with the PVE content goes Live and World of Warships goes into Open Beta. It’s as if they’re all doing it on purpose! What to do first?


Oh, and Happy Birthday, America.

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System Specs: Core i7 4820-K 3.7Ghz i7 CPU, 16GB DDR3 RAM, 3GB nVidia GTX780 Ti GPU, running at 1920×1080 resolution

world , World of Warships – Open Beta! , #World #Warships #Open #Beta
, gameplay,Jingles,gaming,The Mighty Jingles,World Of Warships (Video Game),Warship (Ship Class),

31 pemikiran pada “World of Warships – Open Beta!”

  1. That was an awesome strategy you did there and telling them in the chat. They fell for it.
    Ups and downs on being popular.
    A couple in the chat were doubting that you were THE Jingles.
    I think they know now especially if they come across this video.

  2. im new to world of warship… im on tier 4… but why i don't have british and german tech tree… and russia i only see the 2 premium ship… one is the murmansk and i forgot the other one…

  3. I've literally been sunk more times by "friendly" torpedoes than those fired from the opposing team.  A DD or cruiser on one side of you sees an enemy ship on his map, 12 kilometers away or more, and what does he do?  He immediately fires his fish into you.

    Just mindless…

  4. u know that your guns reload so fast that by the time u turn your ship to the other side, your guns are already loaded for some time…
    also u can choose alt interface in settings so u get more info in game

    btw how compliments work?

  5. lol been playing this about a week and the amount of times i get hit by teammates torps is a joke i mean 8 games in a row team killed by torps  and the atago  is now a tier 8 prem ship but all in all this is still a good game

  6. I am using St Luis now, really great ship, very enjoyable, have uploaded one of my vids just now, will be recording some of my gameplay. Game is fantastic. Thanx for uploading these vids, they're great insight in to the game.

  7. How does the plunging fire work? Whenever I try to shoot an enemy ship hiding behind an island, I always shoot the island and not the ship. How do I aim properly? How do I tell my guns to shoot the ship behind the island instead of the island? Thx for your help, whoever might answer 🙂

  8. I'm sorry, but that is NOT naval camo! If you are going to do camo on ships, do it right!
    Less accuracy of enemy guns: DAZZLE camo
    Less detectablility: blue-grey

  9. Jingles I love your videos and the commentary is just awesome.  You really are a credit to Youtube.  Now if you could just do us all a favor and say BETA instead of BEETA that would be great!!!  That damn British accent doesnt bother me often actually because I met some British soldiers while serving in Iraq, but BEETA is nails on chalkboard to me.  Thanks!

  10. I've got to say WOWS is the only WG product I haven't quit and I've got to say the dev team WG has dedicated to WOWS is really good

  11. Always love your perspective on the game – yes it's going to take a while to get back to my T7 Jap cruiser but I'm having hella fun in the T5 now lol.  Thank's for always giving us the best of the best (and yes I used to be one of those torp shooter's however I have learned lol 🙂

    Take care and hope to see you eventually on the NA server???!!!?!?!   lol

  12. they should nerf the torps, It cant be possible that 3 or 4 torps sink a  new york or kongo…  and 3 torps to sink a CL, and 2 torps to sink a DD  where is the bulge of the BB´S?

  13. I have made more than a few comments to new players after getting nailed by torps about the common courtesy of not launching them in front of friendly ships.  They have all been met with positive responses.  Also the, you only have a limited range on those torpedoes conversation comes up a lot.

  14. You could always come on Down Under.. we mostly speak English, well.. you should be able to understand us anyway.. And we have Beer, we drink it cold though.. Cheers.

  15. I played the Atago on the test server once. It is just absurd.

    35 knots, waay too many torps, one hell of a range and rate of fire and not to forget it has quite decent armor. I see quite a lot of ppl coming, whining about the OP pay2win cruiser.

    The scariest thing is its speed and manuverability, from long range you'll have a very hard time hitting the Atago. And hitting it with torps without getting counter-killed by a torp salvo is pretty much impossible.

  16. Warspite is off the sales list, as for a main point you kinda missed out on the shot gun of the Battle Ships has increased aswell


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