
World of Warships- Is This Even Fair Anymore WG?


Hey guys! Today we take a look at the current state of CVs and their unique mechanics and ask: “Is this even fair anymore?”

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Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio

Outro Music: Stranger Think- C418

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Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio

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Adventures by A Himitsu
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Up In My Jam (All Of A Sudden) by – Kubbi
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Nostalgia by Tobu
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Cosmic Storm by A Himitsu
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Swing by Peyruis
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Track: Infraction- Not The Only One
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Track: Infraction- Utopia
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Track: Infraction- Machine Gun
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Track: Infraction- Cyberpunk 2021
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Track: Infraction- Virtual Reality
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Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio

world , World of Warships- Is This Even Fair Anymore WG? , #World #Warships #Fair #Anymore
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33 pemikiran pada “World of Warships- Is This Even Fair Anymore WG?”

  1. If repair stays as auto on cvs, they have the same cool down or longer than BBs and only lasts 30s. If they stick with autoASW 1 drop, reacts to only cv spotting and range is limited to 3 km

  2. Yeah.

    CVs, auto repair, subs can't pick a ping on em, auto ASW now, seems to also work with players notification of a sub detected, you end up as a sub player with 5 6 7 even 8 ASW dropping on you and you die before torps even reach the cv

  3. Detonation is solved by one flag easy peasy. The flags aren't that expensive, if you play enough and you're not dog shit then you'll have plenty of credits

  4. With how much hate, CV, and Subs get if WarGaming ever adds in PT-Boats how much hate that well get. Because everything I hear is how unfair things are.

    Well lets us look a CL can get sent to port in one salvo from a BB, but thier fast guns some with great HE can burn down whole fleets, or use AP and do death by a thosand cuts to all from cover with out risking a thing like a CV your not complaning about that. DD have great concealment, and torps that can do a lot , but they get a small health pool, and are CL food if found. Subs get low health so if found its over for them, but can hide underwater for a set time to cover that making the a danger for a bit, BBs get the biggest guns, and strongest armor, but move slower, and turn worse, CV's get to attack with out unfront risk, but they do have one its the risk of playing and losing money, and most CV players are not good enough to do that. Playing a CV is a nickel-and-dime thing, I get a lot of silver in my other ships, even if I have a bad game, bad CV game lose 200K. A CV cannot cap a base because no guns to fight with because the secondriers are trash fir CV, can not fight off close in enemies, and if found it becomes public enemy number 1, A CV most times can not turn a battle, I have seen BB, DD, and CL do it, but not a CV as of yet.

    Every ship is not going to be the same, that is that facts and trying to make things fair is just being mad someone else has something you do not well life is not fair so get used to it. When I play my Italian ships at low tier I want sonor or AA, but I am not a US ship is that fair? And to make this game more real, would be bad because then all ships would be changed a sub now stays under a bit, if real they would stay under for the whole fight as that is real,

  5. LOL…Who doesn't love submarines?

    I've never played a sub. However, I've sunk a lot of them and been sunk a few times by them.

  6. Two solutions. 1. The CV player gets the option to turn on hard mode. This turns off automatic damage control and automatic ASW and turns on the risk of fires preventing take off but also activates a large XP bonus if they survive and a smaller XP bonus if he's lost or died. Giving the CV more vulnerable planes in exchange for more XP would work too.
    2. Its turned off but a player that has lost his or her ship gets to option to go damage control on the CV and some other ship in place of spectator mode. You have two players controlling different aspects of the ship. The 'rescued' player gets his point of view locked to the ship and can look around. They get only two or three keys: Damage control, ASW and perhaps plane maintenance. Which means The CV commander can continue doing what he's doing. Plane maintenance gives you a few more ready planes. This means the CV is more vulnerable early game but because its rare for him to be the first to die he gets someone to share the work. He can turn this off if needed.
    Both of these are win win for both CV players and those that hate them. Both should be easy to program since WG had to toggle these thigs on. That switch must be there somewhere. And because spectator mode is already effectively doing the two player thing.
    I can see how to do this in both world of tanks and world of aircraft where it would be a much bigger help in the air. Player tail gunners.

  7. All other ship types, including subs, have to put themselves in harm's way in order to deal damage to enemy ships. CVs do not have to do this. That fact alone is too big of an advantage to be fair in my mind.

  8. As a CV main I want to say to everyone in the comments and Sea lord. WG should bring back RTS CVs and I will gladly put a det flag on and operate my ASW. Let's make it "realistic " my torp planes and bombers should annihilate any ship foolish enough to sail off on thier own. Trust me those who never experienced RTS CVs would be 💩 thier pants.

  9. A Malta detonated our 3/4 health T10 BB with 40 seconds left in the game, we had just for the 1st time in the match got a head on points…
    That was sooo enjoyable, I logged out for a week.

  10. Good thing CVs don’t get a heal at all. That is a negative to aid in keeping them from growing too OP

  11. During "CV rework" the average CV player and WG employees themselves played the class and they couldn't handle the multi-tasking of damage controlling, striking and avoiding the "Flak" they just couldn't do it, However players with decent # of braincells could handle it which were like 2-3% of the game. The RTS CVs(before rework) itself was actually pretty hard because of the same exact reason you cognitively have to control all the squads and hull of ur cv but anyone with minimal motor skills could do it, not talking about if RTS CVs focus one ship there's nothing any ship could do but those cases were uncommon.

    TL;DR :- Average players and WG employees couldn't deal with the multitasking so they dumbed it down to suit their level.

  12. Cv real threat to the enemy team, is its near instant and possible constant spotting ability. Devils advocate regarding lack of damage any other ship suffers in regards to handling subs etc… can be said the same for cvs. I'm not a huge fan of cvs… but at least in my experience, you're not gonna get anywhere near the same damage output in a cv as a bb or cruiser or even dd. However, you should at least be atop the leaderboard in spotting damage in a cv… which is is the cvs super power

  13. Cvs have no place in the game. They can delete any target they want with no threat to themselves.

    You just have to ask who is actually enjoying their presence besides them ? Why dont they have a limited number of planes ? Do they have a fu*cking assembly line on board ?

  14. Just give planes the same mechanics as ships 🤷. If they fly direct and fast to the target, the planes take less damage, if they hover or turn inside the AA radius they get shredded.
    This rewards CV players who plan or use decoy runs on unsuspecting ships while also rewarding surface ships who pre angle to a incoming attack, the CV planes get shredded trying to reposition to get a better attack run.

  15. Yes give Dama con back 100%, a ship should burn like other ships in the game. WG keeps pandering to a small percentage of the player base (echoed many times by Flambass and others). I remeber before the CV rework you had too have good map awareness otherwise you got Dumpstered very quickly

  16. WG have no interest in balancing CVs in the upcoming patch they have shown that over the what 4 years since the CV rebork. What they care about is the the massive loss of veteran paying players that had had enough of WG.

  17. Dude plenty of cv get deleted at the start of the game…and they take full damage when shot at regardless of detonations.
    your arguments sucks like most cv haters.
    8 years and you guys still cry like little girls …

  18. Just make CVs spot for themselves get rid of tard subs played by those annoying people who play stealth classes in all games , Make DDs the main spotting class.

    Btw to all those tard's who thought RTS CVs were great your a fecking moron my CV WR was 76% it has drooped to 58% since the changes a change WG actually got right i was sick of sniping enemy CVs and making the whole enemy team suffer for it.

  19. As well as all the shit moves WG has pulled that you mention, you need to add subs while dying gto the only ship class that gets auto sub attack, the sub can't get a meaningful ping on CV due to near perma damage con.
    Add the final straw that when you finally get to spot and fire on the enemy CV then the new tier8 and 10 USA CV just smoke up.
    WG have admitted to a number of CCs behind closed doors that CVs are broken but they need that so that enough players play CVs to justify the large expense of their rework to CVs.
    You can division up and hunt any ships you like but you touch the WG protected CV class and player bans are threatened. I know of 2 sets of players that have been threated with bans if they continue CV hunting, 1 a 2xkidd plus aki division znd the other a 2x yammy plus CV spotter.

  20. ALL they need to do to fix the game, is 1.) CVs only spotting to minimap, no direct targeting possible from it's spotting, and 2.) CVs should not be able to hit DDs, or if they do it should be very little damage. Anything less than those 2 changes is not enough.

  21. I think the whole detonation mechanic and the det flags are all bullshit.

    Asking CVs to carry them isn’t going to change anything or make anything better.

    Because of the flags, anyone who detonates is laughed at or reported for not having the flag.

  22. At this point I just wish WG just made a 3D version of the game NavyField, yes I'm aware of nf2, but I'm talking about an actual good 3d nf

  23. WG: "Miscommunication comrade. When we said CVs are equally balanced in 12v12 what we meant is we need to sell premium CVs to dim-witted, low-skill, two-brain celled, griefer potatoes with big wallets."


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