
World of Warships – Extra Salty


I’m starting to get the distinct impression that you lot are trying to outdo each other when it comes to how a battle ends. Which is fine by me.

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System Specs: Core i7 4.3Ghz CPU, 32GB DDR4 RAM, nVidia GTX1080 8GB GDDR5 GPU, running at 1920×1080 resolution

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, let’s play,gameplay,Jingles,gaming,The Mighty Jingles,World of Warships,world of warships gameplay

28 pemikiran pada “World of Warships – Extra Salty”

  1. I remember once playing my Richelieu in World of Warship, i and realized early that the enemy carrier just wont leave me alone, as they were combining their torpedo bombers in a V formation, as i could litterly do noting to avoid the torpedos, after a little bit of torpedo hits i was determined to take them out, as their were not very far away either

  2. CVs are utterly disgusting. They should be low damage/high spotting type of gameplay but in reality i saw AP dive bombers doing 20k non healable damage to my tier9 BB. If you get focuse by one of this scum, you’re just dead no matter where you are. That’s why i’ll never play CVs

  3. "Actually Jingles" The Essex class Aircraft carrier was removed a long while ago for some reason. As of now. The only Essex class carrier in the game is the Tier 8 Premium USS Enterprise. and the Lexington is the Tier 8 tech tree carrier.

  4. Yep, a CV capable of launching 50-70 planes in a game is very unrealistic, in the same game destroyers reloading their torpedo tubes in 30-60 seconds is perfectly ok (just ignore the fact that most destroyers not even had a second set of torpedoes, and even those that had, needed 5-10 minutes for reloading in ideal conditions), or the fact that a bb can even reach its full speed during the battle, while it took over an hour in real life, but yes, the CVs that carried 50+ planes is the strange one for launching 50+ planes…

  5. How come the benson can take 2 torpedoes and live but when i take one torpedo on full hp i get blown into the next dimension

  6. speaking of carriers: i got jingles as captain and put him into my carrier. as i was cruising around with my rocket attack planes i managed to sink an enemy destroyer. my captain told me though, i was just sinking an allied battleship xD

  7. I once had 5 kills but no Kraken because the shells of my Nagato took 0.5 seconds too long to kill the target. The +50% XP flags I have like 100 so I don't care too much but I couldnt help feel a little cheated out of the prestige of the medal.

  8. As a primarily carrier driver and cancerous pustule, I would like to spill the beans on how I keep so many aircraft until late in the game. I never commit to a fight with more than the primary attack flight and a single backup. I dump all the excess aircraft as soon as I launch the whole flight.

    Thanks to the latest AA rework, most ship drivers don't activate their AA enough, and you see in this battle the end result of such negligence. Normally, an AA boat would easily swat out an entire flight of mine if he was competent enough to use it.

    My purpose as a carrier is to punish lazy and tactically foolish ship captains… so every time I see an enemy fleet like this I say "Well, that's a paddlin'!"

  9. I think WG should have a spectator mode where you wouldn't be able to participate in the battle, but you get to relax, and watch the two teams fight it out, and view both chat boxes. Some games would be fun, and funny to just sit, and watch, especially ones with extra salty chat, and flaming.

  10. I just realized that the Myoko is a Brazilian player. What a shameful way to show on jingles replay review

  11. CV's have infinite planes because the other ships have infinite ammo. CVs are the only ship where you can shoot down their incoming "shells".


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