
World of Warships- Don’t Be This Guy, PLEASE…


Back at it again with another super toxic player, the quitter. Enjoy!

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world , World of Warships- Don’t Be This Guy, PLEASE… , #World #Warships #Dont #Guy #PLEASE..
, wows,world of warships,wargaming,wg,tier x,tier 10,american,battleship,montana,iowa,ww2,wwii,world war 2,world war ii,us navy,review,shi0p,ship,cruiser,artillery,repulique,french,french navy,yamato,japanese,alabama,jean bart,submarines,news,censor,marco polo,italian,cv,carrier,bearn,german,battlecruiser,top5,top 5,list video,top 10,tier list,fun,funny

35 pemikiran pada “World of Warships- Don’t Be This Guy, PLEASE…”

  1. It's not the evil Subs nor the cheating CVs (As I hear all the time). Nope, it's the toxic players that suck fun out of the game. Glad you showed this for people to see; unfortunately, those who display this type of behavior will still do what they do. Great channel!

  2. I believe this guy got mad at me for nuking him when I blind-fired him in smoke while in the USS Brick. It was reasonably close range (less than 16 km) and he made himself visible briefly. All I had to do was aim at the map area where he had been.

    edit: This was many months ago

  3. Not missing this game at all since I quit about a month ago. 9 months in and I had enough. But, I’ll take toxic players overs subs and CVs any day. At least you can block these players. Never did figure out how to block subs.

  4. I remember sometime ago where I had a Moskva on the team being a prick to some people and the game wasn't even halfway over. It's been a hot minute since it happened so I don't remember all the details but it ended up being a situation where my team played out well and we got the win. I questioned the Moskva about that at the end of the game when it was clear we were winning at that point and he was actually apologizing for it. Rare occasion.

  5. Who knows what that frustrated Mino player experienced in his last few matches. Sometimes this game can tilt you. I guess if he always plays like this he might be the reason for his own frustrations.

    You say high tier with "only" 1 CV an 1 sub each was good. I hate those games. Had a game without any CV or subs today in my Izumo and that was the most fun game of the day.

  6. I encountered worse than this. A combination ofnthis behaviour and the stats bloke. Literally just spawn in a Tier 10 game and just right after the ONE MINUTE MARK, our friendly Yamato started trashtalking our friendlyShima cuz apparently he has below 43% winrate and that is his only Tier 10 ship and the res of his used ships are below tier 5.

    So you mean to tell me, in ONE MINUTE, he stalked out friendly Shima's accs/statss and once he found out hes a "noob" he basically started trashtalking the entire game, and whats worse, we lose that match but not because of the "noob" DD but because our friendly Yamato (guys who kept trashtalking) cailnt aim to save his life. He died and blame the shima for being noob even though he was alive by the end of the match and getting 4 kills.

  7. I dont play CVs much and I'm about to reach 1 year playing the game and I have a question. Why does he keep dropping attack runs right after he launches planes? I've seen this behaviour being done by CVs in my current tier and cant figure out why.

  8. This is where I low key wish that the other team won so that player would see the victory popup and feel really stupid

  9. I was recently trying to recall all the super griefers we have dealt with over the years, but could not remember many of them. I guess I can dig through my blacklist if I wanted a whole extra career lol. Who can remember one? Go!

  10. Tbf, once minotaur committed thru the channel, there was literally no turning back. I think a "Dont be that Guy" series would help many players by breaking it all down….after all, we ALL make mistakes.

  11. I thought for sure you were gonna have a video with Angry Turtle….They guy is famous for getting pissed and hiding in a corner.

  12. If you're going to have 21k battles in a ship and that level of toxicity, you should probably be putting up better stats. Embarrassing from him.

  13. AA is meaningless. Until AA can stop a CV from it's first drop in a run, it's of no use. Only absolute wimps play CV. No pvp class can freecast w/o any risk.

  14. Yeah i hate getting teammates like this its genuinely discouraging, Its why i have a large preference towards asym and operations

  15. Oh that guy.. Ya he is special. I'll be nice and not say what I told him the last few times we've met. Simply, just black list the guy as soon as you see him. You'll thank me later because the guy won't shutup and will spam you in port after matches if you try and reason with him. That was real joy last time hearing the DM's being spammed in battles because I refused to give him the time of day after his panties got all bunched up.

  16. I also yolo when I think we lost. thats ok. why go on? I also often rage quit if my team is bad.why not?

  17. I give up my ship all the time, or just give up. When I'm continually getting dropped on by a carrier and there are clearly more competent and bigger threats around than me, if I gotta fight a fucking sub while trying to play the game and have a little fun, or when DD's slip up and shotgun me with torps, I'm gone. Moving on, and I don't care who wins. Not blaming my team or anyone but WG for not taking proper steps to nerf or buff or whatever to make it fair for battlewagon players in this current version of the game. You can't just leave the game, so I just stop her and let her go. My bad.

  18. Stfup with your French bashing at 4:20 , you’re just mad we didn’t follow you in Irak in 2003 to commit war crimes. France is the country that has won the most battles, and gave independence to your miserable, ingrate country. There is a reason why Lafayette is represented in the capitol. So educate yourself and learn history

  19. Funny how the player who says, "go back to coop" is the one who plays like he needs to go back to coop 😂

    He didn't really do anything but throw his ship away.

    And this is why randoms are just that. Randomly throw a bunch of players into match making. Just sort by ship power but not player actual play style and see the chaos unfold.

    Unfortunately my stats scream that I'm, majority of the time, on the side of the players who throw the game, do not communicate, ridicule and shame players for what unfolds negatively.

    But when a team is victorious… No one bats a eye… Because after a match, the chat goes away and you move on to the next match.

    This game is designed and working as intended. WG will never change it until the players STOP spending money…

    Hence the comming tier 10 dockyard with a free West Virginia 44 (of you grind it and spend very minimal or zero dollars id you already have the WV44).

  20. As a famous Philosopher once said run if you can, walk if you can't, If you can't walk crawl, if you can't do that find someone to carry you, JUST NEVER GIVE UP!

  21. "good mino AA" yet when i play my full AA Edgar,at which i couldn't put reload mod,or rpf,the planes come and still drops,but yeah sure,"good AA"

  22. Rage-quitting by suicide like this is so egotistical. The worst is when CVs do it, charing into the middle from the start of the game.

  23. 200k with some of the worst torpedo play I've ever seen, its like he doesn't know what he's doing and grinded straight to t10


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