
World of Warships – Complicated


New Japanese underage boats announced! Woohoo! Or not woohoo, depending on how complicated you enjoy your Destroyer gameplay. Allow me to explain…

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System Specs: Core i7 4.3Ghz CPU, 32GB DDR4 RAM, nVidia GTX1080 8GB GDDR5 GPU, running at 1920×1080 resolution

world , World of Warships – Complicated , #World #Warships #Complicated
, review,let’s play,gameplay,Jingles,gaming,The Mighty Jingles,World of Warships,akizuki,kitakaze,harugumo,World of Warships Gameplay,Guide,WoWS,Shell Type

39 pemikiran pada “World of Warships – Complicated”

  1. A few corrections/additions as an experienced Akizuki captain:
    -With only 10 captain points you NEED concealment expert. NOT IFHE. Having a bit harder time to deal damage is secondary if you get outspotted when entering a cap and die
    -IFHE reduces your firechance by 1% not 3%. Due to the large volume of shells you can pump out your fire starting capabilities are very good (at base you are at 8 fires per minute compaired to eg. a Zao with 10 fires per minute and you profit more from demolition expert than a Zao)
    -Akizukis concealment is very competitive, you only get outspotted by other IJN DDs. Your 5.9 km concealment is on par (~100m) with high tier USN and Pan Asian DDs, so you are a very capable cap contester.
    -The only real downside of Akizuki if you have a 14 point or higher captain (which you should have) is her maneuverability. The large turning circle in combination with bad acceleration is the real challenge when playing her. When fighting other DDs their torpedos are far more dangerous than their guns. In a pure gunfight you kill almost all DDs.

  2. "There is no place on a tier VIII IX or X battleship where you can inflict any damage with HE shells(…)"

  3. I used Akizuki up to First League in Ranked (I've had it for a while before) I have a 19 skill captain and I do not waste my time using HE. IFHE is a waste of points in my opinion, I went for concealment expert and both AA 4-point skills. Akizuki's RoF plus it's shell velocity makes it's AP punish most ships, incluiding battleships (just aim for that superstructure)

  4. guys jingles is old and tired of your shit please dont expect him to remember all the little details its not like they are actually important or significant especially if your a well respected community contributor that everyone watches

  5. Jingles, will you be doing a video about the Varyag that people have been earning the last couple weeks?

  6. And then you have us weird people that run the Akizuki without IFHE entirely and run CE + MAA instead.. albeit weird, it does force you do be very careful in how to engage certain targets though… and make it much harder to play, but if you play with CV's often enough, the AA can be very nice…

  7. hey jingles . . not sure how many comments u get to read these days but i would love to know your thought on voice chat in WOWS

  8. With 10 points it's all about concealment with your first 4 points captain skill. Especially considering DD's should initially be playing the objective. If that's not your game style then your creating a DD that within the first few minutes of the game is a secondary support, and we all know how much players like seeing DD's not playing the objectives?

  9. Researched and bought the Aki today. It's a good and fun ship, but in Terms of maneuverability it feels like you're dragging a dead horse wrapped in velcro and strapped to an anchor over a another velcro-strip.

  10. Very, very uncool… If you do not live in North Western Europe, you will not have access to 15 – 20 Mbs Internet. Guess what, I am now pink and angry. I am not now and never have been AFK but WoWs is going to side with the selfish rich children. Moreover, we cannot communicate with WoWs. Jingles, you have a voice and even the smallest mention form you will mean more than all of the Mediterranean combined.

  11. I cant wait til the new american ccs come. Another is the tennessee class bbs that are actually upgraded new mexicos.

  12. Just recently got into the game, discovered it after watching the Cold Waters videos which were excellent. Was wondering where the HMS Warspite and various other premium ships are as I can't locate them in the premium shop. Are they still available and if so, where.

  13. how i feel about dd's doesn't factor into this at all. long since been sick and good damn tired of wg bringing out A LOT of niche ships. all the while pushing back the regular ships. which took a long as all hell long time to come out as it stood when the game first went public. despite repeated assurances by wg that the grindable ship lines would appear "soon".

  14. Akitzuki is unplayable… it is the ONLY DD which cannot run away from ANY and ALL cruisers. If you want to use those 100mm guns, you'll need IFHE. Without that you cannot even penetrate DDs and your guns are going to do ZERO damage on DD hull hits. The HSF Harekaze is a much better ship, much stealthier, fast enough to evade cruisers, twice the torps.

  15. Minimum 10 pt. Captain???? This ship is a dog turd. Not only is it slower than some CL's, the minute you try some DD-like moves, let's say a hard turn, you become slower than some BB's. All IJN DD's bleed off speed while turning at a sphincter clenching rate.
    (Unlike the "what laws of physics?" UK CL's which can speed up while turning) Bottom line – you need Survivability Expert.
    More than any other DD, you need/must have Concealment Expert. And even though the fire chance drops only 1% w/IFHE on a DD, 4% sucks sun-dried dog turds. Demolition Expert is a must-have along with both fire flags. Every shot you fire could be your last … make those tiny slugs count. Which is why AR becomes the next high priority. Hey guess what? That's 19 points!
    I waited untill I had enough Elite Commander XP to start with a 19pt. Captain before I got my Akizuki. Anything less and you stand a good chance of being a liability to your team. Even then, this ship has equal chances of being a spectacular success or sdismal failure. Do the math : Slow like dog turd+slower in turns like loose dog turd on a hill+easily spotted/smelled like fresh steaming dog turn on snow+++++that little thing all DD captains love like dog turds in their porridge …. RADAR! Lot and lots of radar with heavy doses of hydro thrown in. There's a reason why the "Akizuki Parade" peters out after a block or so.
    Good luck with that 10pt Captain! Not only do you need to be very smart, you also need a fecal-tonne of luck. Oh, and a heavily impaired olfactory sense is a major plus if you play consecutive matches.
    Das Bat
    (Speed Flag … did you say SPEED FLAG? WOW, look at that 34.65 knot pooch-pile go!)
    p.s.- just having a laugh (mostly) If you know what you are about and the radar ships are elsewhere you can have a lot of fun in this ship. Otherwise …….

  16. Shame this Poor DDs hiding in smoke Spamming rounds ever 2 to 3 seconds and launch some skill…
    US BB players are Heart broken
    Also been spotted at 6.5 Km when you can spot us at 12 with launching you're only skill at approx 7 to 9 Km…
    what a joke…
    Oh jingle in a DD rounds aren't doing enough damage to the BB at every every 2 to 3 seconds… I'll launching torps and kill that bb…
    Jingles you old fart try hitting a DD with a BB with AP and only get bounces or open pen…

  17. Jingles, do a tutorial on how to get the damn replays from WoWS!
    It doesn't save them like WoT, and there's not an option in the settings. I wanted to show a friend of mine, 6 'reasons' to NOT sail BBs in a straight line (torped a Myogi from full hp to nothing, in the T-22). When I went to get the replay, I couldn't find ANY!

  18. Thanks Jingles. I enjoyed this video. Learned some new stuff. Each Country, Branch and ship require slight changes in play style to get the most out of them. Your comparison of speed and detection is useful info, even though I don't have any of the JPN Gunboat line, yet!

    Love to see more of these "Educational" video. "How to play the tier VIII US Cruiser Cleveland" would be a wonderful video. Show it stock and fully upgraded.

  19. All the info is right there for you to copy and paste. Butt im not mad you missinform these poor kids. Keep up the good work.

  20. I have yet to get to Akizuki, but this is also good for to know for the Harekaze, which can choose those same 100mm guns. So I guess it's better to pick the 128mm guns until I have a 14 point captain there.


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