
World of Warcraft Invades Monopoly


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Blizzard has teamed up with Mattel for a World of Warcraft Monopoly series and a Starcraft version of Risk.


@leenewton @joebereta


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, World,Of,Warcraft,Monopoly,Joe,Bereta,Lee,Newton,Philip,DeFranco,sxephil,SourceFed,20,minutes,or,less,02132012SF,James,Haffner

20 pemikiran pada “World of Warcraft Invades Monopoly”

  1. warcraft monopoly huh? how many versions are there? does blizzard release patches every month? are the player tokens abilities balanced? i don't want overpowered murky ruining the game okay?

    it should be like this
    1) murlock can choose to pay 100 gold to the bank to add +1-3 to the value it rolls or roll the die again without getting doubles. the ability has 3 turns cooldown. [for unlucky players]
    2) hammer has the ability that makes other player token that lands the same tile as hammer pay him 200g and lose his next turn (don't get stuck with him in jail). if hammer lands on other player's properties, roll a dice if it is 6 hammer pays no rent instead destroy all the houses on the same color properties. [evil players]
    3) shoe gets 100g from the bank whenever it rolls double and can roll double more than 3 times without going to jail. in addition it gains 100g from players whenever they roll double. [cheating players]
    4) mech gnome pays 50g less every time he has to make a payment to the bank. gets 50g more every time he gets money from the bank. [money loving players]
    5) hearthstone rents are increased by 30g + (30 x number of houses). [stubborn non-trading players]
    6) core hound can move in reverse direction for one turn. 3 turns cooldown. [positioning players]

  2. How did I get here?
    1. Today's Morning Mouth-Off
    2. Definition of "goner" on Urban Dictionary
    3. aaaaannnd I'm here

  3. I find it hilarious that the board I designed in Dec 2012 is still being featured on online shops and videos like this one. At 0:35 onwards those are images I created and posted on my blog. I figure no one really cares but I thought I'd share this. If you don't believe me do a search for WoW Monopoly and you'll find my designs.


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