
World of Warcraft Feels Like A Job


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37 pemikiran pada “World of Warcraft Feels Like A Job”

  1. If the mounts and toys had a reasonable drop or vendors, I'd be fine as a collector. It feels so bad after 100 times and no progress, even with alts and spawn times.

  2. 9:38 Across the Isles have into the storm which have an annoying achievement in it where you need to do all the 4 different elemental storms in all the 4 different zones, the feature that was explicitly stated to not be for the hardcore players or players that play a lot early in DF, aka I didn't bother with it, now I am waiting and checking everytime I log in if the Storm is the right one and in the right zone so I can progress the meta achievement which is incredibly frustrating. Especially because there doesn't seem to be a proper rotating or system to the storms so you're just at mercy of rng gods every 3 or so hours.
    Pretty much everything else I have already but I'm pretty sure there's a bunch more that you're just artificially waiting for but you'd only notice it when you're stuck on said achievement.

  3. Plunderstorm 1000% just enhances the fact it feels like a job , here is an another horrible grind you need to grind and it’s limited time ! So start grinding keep paying.

    It doesn’t matter if it didn’t take away from the core team at the end of the day 10.2.6 added 0 content to the core game so in a way it did take away from the core game and I’d argue couldn’t that separate team add fun stuff into the core game ? Instead of this FOMO trash

  4. WoW stopped being WoW after the Lich King died, then it became a "live service". That's why I deleted my account in 2021.

  5. I dont know hiw its on dragonflight quitted SL but wow really started feel like second Job. Started in legion collect AP and same thing just keep going till in SL finaly personally got enough. There is just too much stuff what "you dont have to do but you do" playing wow just started feel like you are stuffed turkey and alltime comes that wait take this too

  6. They just can't make the game fun…

    Or hook people sneaky to where they don't know it somehow lol.

    Like make it a grind as mmos are but make it fun to play so it isn't a big deal.

  7. Any forced engagement feels really bad in any game. We want to come keep coming back, but not because we feel like we "have" to.
    There is a story around my town about feeding straw to deer. Straw has no nutrition like hay and alfalfa do, but they eat it anyway. So it is basically a filler. If the deer are given only straw, they will die of malnutrition. So the lesson here is that they should be wary of how much "straw" they give their players. Player sentiments can reflect their level of "malnutrition."

  8. Ironically, since I stopped playing PvE and have been playing a F2P on a RP server, a toon that actually lives and makes her living on Azeroth the game no longer is a job… …even though my toon has one.

  9. Plunderstorm was fun for like 15 games until I realized I'd have to play nearly 200 games to get the mount, or more. The inconsistency in the fights was just too frustrating to continue. I would have a higher level, maxed out abilities and I would still get clapped which just made my effort feel too random to enjoy.

  10. 'how do you make content that is for collectors, without forcing them to do it?' easy. you just put it in the game, and leave it so they can get do it when they choose to. they'll still have to do it, but they can do it on their own time.

  11. I played DF until I got my Legendary and only stopped because of dictatorship within the guild. I didn’t think it was much of a grind but I can see how it can be.

    Classic however is just a grind start to finish. But I’m doing my second toon in less than a month as well as just getting 5500gs last night I am enjoying it.

    I guess don’t play if you don’t like to grind a little bit. Those that do will be rewarded for whatever they are doing… much like life 🙂

  12. Dude this game has been an endless treadmill of shit for over 10 years. It started in cata pandaria and has only gotten worse and worse with the fucking dailies and weeklies and blah blah fucking blah busywork. The best dungeons and raids they ever did all happened in BC, if they did it like that again it would make late game so much better.

  13. Blunderstorm would be fine if they didn’t jam tons of filler in the renown rewards and stick most of the good stuff at 30-40 levels. That’s insane for limited time event. Also would have been nice to stick some rewards in the game from elites or chests so I’d have more to look forward to other than certain doom.

  14. Geez don't you dare to criticize bad blizzard decisions or US sunday streamers will label you "negative" Kappa

  15. Plunderstorm feels like pandering to the types who would normally play Battle Royale type games in the first place. I never got into those because for one I was too busy playing WoW and for two it’s just fast paced gaming for kids with ADD.

    Wasn’t what I expected nor hoped for. But to be fair I only even slightly heard about the supposed big pirate 🏴‍☠️ patch from T&E.

  16. "world of warcraft feels like a job" has been a phrase said since 2004. Whether its cheap rewards pumped into everything or grinding to exalted on reps that becoming meaningless a patch later; this WHOLE game is a grind. Can we please stop the retardation? You don't have to get these rewards. You can EASILY do M+, pick it up and put it down when you see fit, get your vault rewards and eventually hit max item level. Maybe we should make a new MMO called world of socialistcraft and then we can make it so if you log in 40 days straight, you get a reward. Also it will be funded by the federal government and the subscription will be free.

  17. Just give me core story about the fate of Azeroth and the World Soul and cosmic forces. Make it grey with a bit of moral ambiguity around the choices that key characters make. And give me cool gear and visually appealing cosmetics. If I have to complete another quest where I sweep up an area, or collect some honey or rocks or something, and then get a brown/dull grey garden hoe cosmetic… so help me… It's World of WARcraft, not World of Crafts.

  18. Expecting to play the game 1 hour a week and getting ALL OF EVERYTHING is very entitled. Idk I like earning my stuff in games. It wouldn't feel special if we just got everything in the game just for logging on. Bellular making exaggerated hate content once again. If you think the rewards are cheap then dont do it! I'm so sick of seeing this guys face shit talking a game that makes over a billion dollars a month

  19. I’ve yet to encounter an enjoyable battle pass in a game. Every time a game implements one it’s always a time crunch factor FoMo fest where they sell skips to solve the problem they create.

    How’s this relate to blizzard? Plunderstorm is just a battle pass test for wow. Yeah the first one is free, but don’t be surprised if the next experiment has a premium track.

    The only reason the experimental team exists is to find ways to get you to drop money. That’s it. Now I’d like it to be by making interesting content, stories, enhancements etc, but this is modern blizzard so their focus is going to be problems that they will sell you the solution to, and that solution will be allowing you to buy plunder or buy some plunder boost of 2x 3x etc.

    Cynical? Sure, why wouldn’t I be. It’s modern blizzard and they’ve been in a fail state for a decade.

  20. the problem lies in Blizzards need to make things competitive, so the game design philosophy is one of making the game feel like a job. people confuse competitive with challenging though, because when I say that, I can hear all the sweats getting extra sweaty with cries of "dumbing down". the game should never feel like you a required to commit to a stringent 9 to 5 level commitment to get anywhere. things like timers and limit events are just an extension of that. one of the main reasons the game is slowly dying off is that the people who play this game like its an e-sport are a large minority, and catering to them is whats destroying it.

  21. singular expansion wide universal currency – do what you want buy what you want – if someone wants bash their skull in maw of souls a million times to get the currency thats their problem. – plunderstorm could of just given you the universal currency.

  22. This is the consequence of both Blizzard and the players demonizing, and then being absolutely terrified, of content drought.

    We now have grind after grind after grind being thrown at us at break-neck speed. It's nearly impossible to keep up, and all the catch-up gear in the world won't help.
    We're right back to the same problem we had at the end of BFA. Too many things/chores to do.

    That's why Plunderstorm is so hated right now. It has a 40 level renown track. That is 10 levels more than the highest Dragonflight renown tracks. The Plunderstorm renown track should of been 20 levels at most. (Yes that means each level of renown would award multiple rewards. Oh, the horror.)

    It not being time-gated does help, but not that much. Being able to jump right back into the pool you were drowning in is of little comfort to put it mildly.

    I haven't even gotten into how this patch cadence has resulted in shallower and buggier patches. It all because they're rushed to avoid the dreaded content drought.

    So here's a hot take: Content droughts are not a bad thing. They give players the number one thing they need to keep up and catch up. TIME!
    Shorter grinds with more time = Less FOMO.

  23. I love the leveling and exploring. Once I have to do raids or mythics or pvp to progress, I lose all interest. That stuff stops being fun. Wasn't fun supposed to be the point? Cause it isn't anymore.

  24. I get that Plunderstorm isn't for everyone but its really not that hard to reach Renown 40. If it had no cosmetics, people would complain, if it was primarily PvE focused, people would complain. It is impossible to please everyone. Instead we should be happy Blizzard is trying new things. Even if they "fail" its better than keeping the same stale gameplay (that people already complain about).

  25. plunderstorm is S#it…tried it….within seconds I was being hunted down and killed by other players. With a 180ms latency I don't do pvp…and PS just proved it.

  26. I really think Season of Discovery has an almost perfect cadence right now. It's felt a bit repetitive for me at least, now that I am done with alts and raiding, for about a week or two and they just announced phase 3 for next week. So right when I start getting a little bored I have something to look forward too again and I also don't feel like I did not have enough time to get everything I wanted done. Retail is pretty damn weird though, for some reason it always feels like a job though even if the process is essentially the same as classic. I think it's maybe that the classic version feels more rewarding at each step whereas in retail you are just trying to get things done asap so you can do whatever endgame activity you have planned.

  27. Complain when there’s nothing NEW. Complain when there’s to much new. Wow is a single player sand box made for those that like to grind… if the players that complained quit I’d be happy with it. Then it would be a nice tight knit group of players that don’t NEED EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME..


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