
World of WarCraft: Battle for Azeroth | LORE in a Minute!


The world of Azeroth is literally bleeding, and all you’ve got is a necklace and RicePirate to fix it!

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Written by Michael Gainey

Animated by Jules:

Voiced RicePirate:

Azeroth, war-torn world and nascent titan, had a Burning Legion problem. The Alliance and Horde united to stop this third invasion but the deaths of Varian Wrynn and Vol’jin left the Alliance and Horde under new management, and Sargeras plunged a massive sword into Azeroth at Silithus.

Enter Sylvanas Windrunner. Killed by Arthas Menethil, transformed into a banshee, enslaved by the Lich King, Sylvanas liberated some of her fellow undead as The Forsaken. Rejected by the Alliance as abominations, The Forsaken joined the Horde and Vol’jin’s last words appointed Sylvanas as new Warchief.

Meanwhile, Anduin Wrynn, the new King of Stormwind, wanted to reunite The Forsaken with their living relatives. Anduin orchestrated a Gathering, but some Forsaken conspired to leave with the Alliance and Calia Menethil encouraged them. Furious, Sylvanas blamed Calia and killed her. Calia later revived as a Light-infused undead, but Anduin’s hopes for peace were dashed.

Despite their animosity, Magni Bronzebeard, shiny new Speaker for Azeroth, approached Sylvanas and Anduin to heal the planet’s wounds, but Azeroth’s blood, called Azerite, proved a powerful substance. Launching an Azerite arms race, Sylvanas burned Teldrassil to secure Kalimdor for the Horde and blighted her own city to keep it from Alliance control.

While Horde and Alliance recruit new allies for the coming war, Magni Bronzebeard has given you the Heart of Azeroth, a necklace for collecting Azerite to heal your dying world… but mostly to upgrade your gear.

Have fun!


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, Lore,Lore in a Minute,polaris,Backstory,History,Video Games,story,storyline,explained,animation,world of warcraft,battle for azeroth,legion,anduin wrynn,sylvanas,bfa,vol’jin,azeroth,azerite,magni bronzebeard,calia menethil,stormwind,teldrassil,horde,alliance,wow

50 pemikiran pada “World of WarCraft: Battle for Azeroth | LORE in a Minute!”

  1. lore zombiecraft racist game is lie propaganda to force players to kill nations.
    What is nation?
    Humans born without nationality, born without fascism, nationalization in childhood make them.
    False value, false enemy, false nation definition make false enemy, destroy value of life.
    Nationalist kleptocracy created fa, refuse value of life and human rights.
    Reward for worsening is kleptocracy support, steal reward system.
    Support nationalist kleptocracy, participate in war crime.
    Wikipedia false nation definition changed always.
    They kill for nation, they not know what nation is.
    Not can distinguish between race and nation.

    Golden toilet marauder hilterugend science academy economy, kill and loot.
    Many program errors.
    Big cost in money and time.
    Booze narcologist barmen alcohol chemical addiction for children.
    Killing for religion of peace, priest ten commandments.
    Sacred satan religion war godless church.
    False race definition, false nation definition, make players to kill nations, made fa.
    Overpopulation family values.

  2. Sylvanas – "Hey Alliance, I know me and my friends are all undead, but we're back to help out"
    Alliance – "Oh, no you ugly back off"
    Years Later
    Alliance – "Hey, why not be our friends?"
    Sylvanas – "Oh, no, i'll just start a war tho"

    I don't understand how the current actions fit into previous character drives…
    None of this is shown in game..
    Tried listening to the audiobook, and it sounded like a bad fanfic…

  3. And I’m sure Azarite has nothing to do with Nzoth despite it looking an awful lot like saronite (you know the old god blood from northrend) that for some reason everyone thought was a great idea to make our armour out of, I’m sure hasn’t had any lasting effects on out minds…..

  4. You are the last remnant of the now dead polaris family, your father polaris, was possessed by the great demon jacksepticye for a time. Eventually this demon ducked the life out of your father and killed it. You, LORE maintain a heavy burden.

  5. Well tbh, the horde didn't kill any alliance when killing the plotting unded soooooooooo, meh stop this war and just stahp

  6. 1:23– Emperor of the Fading Suns did have similar issues for abuse of power, except it was noted.
    Like one of the mechanics being appointed as the leader of Stigmata Garrison, which had tons of super rare technology to stop the aliens from attacking the core regions. Players can abuse the position by "redeploying" some units for their personal armies, but it will weaken the Garrison and cause infestations when the aliens got through.
    Not a well known, but a rare few games where rewards and responsibilities are part of the gameplay.

  7. Shouldn't there be like "Something Somthing old gods take advantage of people. Also promise power and knowledge. Not at all related to that love guy".

  8. I still a loa of death picking Sylvanas and not a troll weird..along with varimathras lines to horde players in that legion raid

  9. Bfa: a whiny zombie who became a socialist because of liberal arts college professor menethil burns down a hippie commune because she's in her Nietzsche phase, while a millennial moves back in with her mom, hoping to get a reaction from her new hair dye.

  10. Eh, I don't like these being in a minute it's impossible to put so much info into so little time and it results in a video that makes no sense.

  11. Lovely video. A few notes. Sylvanas burned a city not a tree. It is a tree but a city first. Second, Upon Magni's call for aid, Anduin was 100% in, only Sylvanas turned her back but not before feigning interest in helping for her own gain. Don't get me wrong, I don't think they ruined or even changed Sylvanas' character, but agree with many who say she should not lead the ENTIRE horde. She's always had the best sub-plots, but that is the thing, she is sneaky like a rogue so her plots being anything other than sub, with the exception of the finale of said plots, is a disservice to how cunning they have shown her to be capable of.

  12. Incorrect. Illidan was responsible for weakening the Litch King and that is what freed the Forsaken, and Sylvanas, from his control. Sylvanas claims she did it so she can manipulate the Forsaken and they revere her as a savior.

  13. i mean, couldnt you just say, this is warcheif, she hates trees, these are the night elfs, they like trees. This is a pretty rock, everyone wants more rocks, LORE DONE

  14. Insert comment about Blizzard needing to promote this video on battlenet to catch people up on book lore that isn't represented in game.


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