
World of Warcraft Addiction Ruined My Life


by @RisingWithAscension
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23 pemikiran pada “World of Warcraft Addiction Ruined My Life”

  1. I’m still waiting for this kid to explain why World Of Warcraft ruined his life. I have a similar experience with WoW in my life and I’m completely fine.

  2. Yeah depending on how old this guy is, late 20s early 30s it’s easy to look on your past and throw out blame and feel regret. But you know what, some people learn life lessons slower than others. It’s never too late to make a stronger effort towards getting your shit together. And I do think a major catalyst for that is understanding we are who we are because our past, and regret gets us no where. You have to take risks if you want to change your life.

  3. Video games are just entertainment and they will eventually be obsolete (i.e., unplayable). Interest will wane and you will wonder why you spent so much money (and time!) on something so pointless. I understand gaming as a hobby, as an obsession, goes beyond me!

  4. I had once a work buddy who is a mythic raider who was really hyped for shadowlands. He got sick at the release day.
    Next tuesday an hour after our work he told us that he has to go to the bathroom two hours go by another work mate comes by and tells us that the dude got explosive diarhea and went home.
    The best part was when me and the mythic raider were on lunch for the first time with our next boss and he told our new boss that he couldn't do any over time on tuesdays and thorsdays because he had raid nights on those days.

  5. My WoW addiction was my life support and gave me friends for life <3 You lose some, you gain some, wouldnt change it for the world

  6. It's easy to blame stuff like video games on your life not working out, but you have to be honest that if it wasn't video games it would have been something else.

  7. Lmao when I was a kid I saw the box so I begged my dad to buy it and my PC couldn't run it and somehow I got one without a free trial card

  8. I don't see the issue. He played games and had fun and created memories. He Compares his life to a life that doesn't exist which is where his misery comes from. He hasn't destroyed anything. He just thinks he has.
    What capitalistic nonsense. He literally has a story to tell and is on Asmons YouTube channel for going on this journey. How is that a waste? I say keep playing and create a life that involves this game. Stop listening to people who tell you that you wasted your life.

  9. I got way too hung up on the fact that he said "on the tail end of the first expansion, so around 2005". BC didnt come out until 2007 when I started playing… and even if he meant the tail end of vanilla, 2005 is closer to the beginning of the game than the end.

  10. Wow didn't ruin your life… You ruined your life because of WoW.

    There's a massive difference. Stop blaming others for your own failings.


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