
World of Tanks – Valhalla!


When is a KV-2 not a KV-2? When it’s a KV-2(R)! Or to put it another way, the only thing better than having a KV-2 is having two of them.

WOT intro by:

All music licensed from and



Discount Game Codes courtesy of Xenom Games:

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System Specs: Core i7 4.3Ghz CPU, 32GB DDR4 RAM, nVidia GTX1080 8GB GDDR5 GPU, running at 1920×1080 resolution

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world , World of Tanks – Valhalla! , #World #Tanks #Valhalla
, let’s play,gameplay,wot,Jingles,world of tanks,gaming,The Mighty Jingles,KV-2,KV-2(R),Valhallan Ragnarok

47 pemikiran pada “World of Tanks – Valhalla!”

  1. The all were crying for their mommy’s to make him(KV2) to stop all the hurting the kv2 are giving them. Mommy it hurts a lot. 😭😭😭😭😭

  2. With all this naming convention going in this video… we aught to name the little dance this player did while getting his first kill. Ya know, that little "electric slide" dance while hiding behind that rock out-crop. About 3.5 minutes into the clip.

    Gotta be a witty name to. Catchy.

  3. tbh those arty players rly makes me mad. one of them was actively shooting at the kv2. but since no team mates are alive they go straight to garage. ergh.. i used to like to play arty and got shouted names cause of those players here

  4. KV2 is still love, as of now. HE changes coming soon. One by one WG is turning my favorite tanks into scrap. The ELC AMX, T-50, T-50-2, IS6, Derp Stug. The IS3 can still battle even though armor is no use now. Bulldog amd Chafee is still OK, but with the wheeled things running around… They're buffing the Super Pershing, which is nice. Currently enjoying Object 257 and T-10. Welcome to WoT 2021.

    PS: Tier 10 sucks massive balls.

  5. In wot blitz, it's called a smasher and it's fcking op. KV2 with better reload, better aiming time, better penertration and better dispersion. Oh, it is sold in crates.

  6. Pretty much the same thing wargaming did with the warships side using the Amagi, just reskin something already in the lineup

  7. What drives me nuts is that the blitz PC crowd can get this!! But we Blitz iPhone crew can’t get this to save our live(literally)!!🙁

  8. Run, run, as fast as you can.
    You can't escape me, I'm a KV-2 with a 152mm Howitzer that, shots fired from, are guided to the target from the hand of Stalin.

  9. Instead of its shells being guided by the hand of Stalin himself. They are guided bu the God emperor of man kind for the emperor protects

  10. Yeah the good old Tier 5 KV-2 was such a happy tanks that our clan won a clanbattle with 15 KV tanks against a full lineup of Tier 10 tanks. We went in with the mentality that we dont have any chance for victory so might aswell lose with style. Everybody bit drunk we went onwards and found a Maus spearheading the enemys attack and proceeded to melt the sucker by prettymuch instakilling him. We also killed 3 IS-7 in couple of seconds aswell and we started to realize that we are one tank down and the enemy is 4 tanks down, we actually started raising hopes of victory.
    After a massive clusterfuck of a match we ended up winning with 2 tanks left alive.

  11. You are wrong my friend. This game was so good few years ago, and then, they turn it in to a pile of poo, so now it looks like this crap. But i get it, now its a game for children and thats ok.

  12. I still don't understand how this game got as big as it did! I reviewed it back in early beta and it was AWFUL! Anyone sane said it was awful but the tanks were pretty, tell wargaming to relaunch in 2 years when you have more than a bucket of assets!

    It made it, and KEPT doing stupid things, and I STILL don't understand how this game did well. Very few industry analysts do.

  13. Rhino it was not the Rhino it wass the Predetor battle tank and the Vindicator siege tank. true thay are bast on the Rhino but ther Rhino is a APC

  14. Also, I have 4 rounds of AP in my KV-2 Becuase when tier 8 meds present their side, or Tigers show them selves, you can pen them with AP.

  15. If a few of those arty hits had of broken for a little more damage, that Stug B very well might have taken him out, the Stug B being a Teir IV. My point is that the KV-2 is a good tank but very defeatable.


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