
World of Tanks – Brown Alert


“If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, then you, my son, are an AMX 50 100 driver.”
– Rudyard Kipling (paraphrased)

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, let’s play,gameplay,wot,Jingles,world of tanks,gaming,The Mighty Jingles

47 pemikiran pada “World of Tanks – Brown Alert”

  1. Hi Jingles, thanks for showing my replay! I had to double take when I saw my username, I never thought a replay of mine would actually make it here.

    I appreciate all the positivity, I’m definitely not a great player (and this battle happened right after coming back to the game after a year-long break), but I think you even gave me too much credit. It was my team that won this game for us, like the IS-2 pointing out to go for the artillery, and the Strv pointing out where the Tiger was when I didn’t see it. I probably would have died if it wasn’t for them.

    I’ve now got the AMX 50 120 and I completely agree with you, it’s way better! I was really struggling to get this one to work, but I’m having so much more fun with the 120 now. Just wanted to say thanks again, and I wish you all the best!

  2. I actually liked the 50 100 better than the 50 120 because of the extra damage in the magazine and the gun elevation of the 50 120 is abysmal. The trick with the AMX 50 100 is to use that reload to your advantage. You have enough time and speed to disengage and completely change flanks before you can fire again, and the enemy team doesn’t expect heavies to obliterate someone on the 2 line and then show up on the 8 line a minute later to do it again.

  3. one of the most anxiety inducing games posted here in a while. bro could have easily lost this game a handful of different ways

  4. Has anyone said how happy they are to hear your voice today?

    Well, they should have. Glad you're back Jingles.

    No homo.

  5. Preferred tactic on Ruinberg in Tier 8 clan wars was to rush a pair of these things straight for the back of the fountain in the square. We were fast enough to get there before actual heavies, but it took long enough that we only had about 5 seconds or so left on the reload when we got there.

    Then you just have tanks with armor light up the roads for you. You're just tall enough to shoot over the fountain, but at range, the turret was bouncy enough to shrug off medium rounds from the field.

  6. Why make a tier 8 tech tree tank good when there is a tier 8 premium tank people can buy? That's the mentality here.

  7. I´m not a tank collector, but i like to keep the tanks i buy. There are very few tanks above tier 4 that i sold.
    The 50 100 was one of them.
    The dispersion values and aiming time are atrocious. The gun was unusable at anything but point blank.
    You maybe get a chance to unload 3 or 4 shells once every 3 games or so.
    So you usually fired 3 or 4 shells in a minute before spending the next 50 seconds waiting for another magazine of dissapointment.

    If i ever buy this tank again, it would be after WG shaves at least 5 secs from the reload, and improves dispersions by 10% or more.

  8. 0:42 I had hard time thinking about that and I could count only 5 different French heavies, but I guess you could say that on paper there's 7 tanks. 3 of which are M4 mle. 49's and maybe you could count the normal and Liberté to be different tanks, but counting that Frontlines version in as a one is a stretch since you can't own it.
    WG can't seemingly decide how they release the skins for the premiums. At first they did that Liberté way of duping the tank and giving it a skin, then they just sold the skin to an existing premium tank and now were back with the tank dupes. I guess the collector whales love grinding marks or just watching the tanks in garage go up.

  9. 1:00 "This is a medium… with diet issues, constantly dodging the salads"

    I was not prepared to be called out like that, Jingles 😳🥲

  10. I have been reported for cowardice for hiding the whole game, when using the AMX 50 100. The reload time is the reason, of course.

  11. Good day to you Jingles and all who share your life. Treats and scritches for the Floofy Ladies please.
    "Skin of the teeth" is how this one ended. Close one indeed.

  12. This line is one of the few I free-experienced. The others were the AMX40 and the wheeled light tanks. What is it about the French?

  13. Hey jingles can you check wot replays from a guy called proussian or somthing his in tge amx elc but i was in the ikv 90 b i would of sent tye replay to u myself but i was having tech issues but its a very good game tge best in that tank

  14. Yea, the full reload is horrible, I actually played the thing with the long-90 for a lot of the time.
    Sure its less burst damage, but at the very least I spend about 15 seconds more per burst actually helping the team.

    Sure its also means you have to play smarter if you don't want to spam gold, but I'd rather play smart than empty my wallet or wait doing fuckall anyways.

  15. The Best Way To Play AMX-50 "Heavy" is … camp in allies base, snipe and … insult other team members 🤣🤣🤣

  16. At the start, Hounds Chicken (HC) was off alone on that right flank and to his credit strayed out just far enough for contact and possible flanking fire in reaction to that kind of tragic dispersement by his team at the start. Cheers to the friendly IS-2 doing his fair share of work and working with HC eventually on the right flank with one of the t-150's. HC and the IS-2 made a good team.
    I agree with you Jingles. That vulnerability during the long reload is excruciating but if you can find that balance and make it work for you, luring people in, I could see how some would like the game play.

  17. Both the reload and accuracy got me hating this tank when I was grinding it, it would almost always miss half or 2/3 of its shots when I played it and that meant I spent even more time reloading instead of doing damage. Than again because of its lack of armor I kept trying to play at mid to long range as a support tank, I think up close this has potential to be a good burst machine, but unfortunately it also means you're putting yourself at greater risk of getting rushed/surrounded during a reload.


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