
World of Tanks Aimbot Confirmed #1


This video shows the undisputed use of an aimbot. The evidence is quite compelling. The aimbot user delivers 11 k + damage and kills 5 enemies. This sheds some light on how powerfull the aimbot can be. This video is in no way intended to encourage the use of aimbots, but to spread info and opinion. Wargaming should start to actively work against cheats. A good start would be to compile an official list of prohibited mods and cheats and of course to punish cheaters.
Mods used in the replay: Assorted mods from Odem Mortis modpack.
Camera: Raw player input, the camera has in no case been altered in this video. This is how the player played and saw the game.
Serverside reticle: Not activated.

Music: Intro – Carmina Burana, Carl Orf.
Ingame and outry: Nemesis the Warlock – Eftos remix.

world , World of Tanks Aimbot Confirmed #1 , #World #Tanks #Aimbot #Confirmed
, world of tanks,WOT,Aimbot,IS7,Destronov,Cheat,Tapherial,Mods,Hacks,Tanks

50 pemikiran pada “World of Tanks Aimbot Confirmed #1”

  1. 7 years of w.o.t and this is why ive pretty much quit im actually in tears because of love this game

  2. wg just love it that ther are hackers the just do shit about it and getting pay alot of ther prem stuf its just done whit world of tanks its broke as fuck

  3. This might be some old stuff but i gotta say.

    Don´t use double standards…
    If you say there is no replay bug because it wouldn´t be there just "some times" but all the time, that would more likely go for the "Aimbot" as well, either it is distinguishable from regular shots all the time, or it isn´t therefore it might as well be a bug.

    Bugs are also not bound to certain rules and don´t have to be there "all the time" that is not how bugs in software behave AT ALL.

    Either way, there is no way you can manipulate the CLientside without making it show on the Serverside, there may be "Aimbots" in existence but they can easily get you banned because its a serverside controlled game, and there are literally NO hacks, because to hack a gameserver in real time you´d have to have equipment with a higher computing power than the servershard itself and even then that would probably leave some traces to be followed.

    Please dont make it seem more legit than it is, the few aimbots that do not actually leave any traces are highly ineffective, any halfway decent player could still aim better.
    Im really sick of idiots that actually believe that most players are cheating, and you are one of the ones breeding them, if you haven´t done it yet, please stop these dubious videos or at least stick to one standard and analyse more critically.

  4. You're silly, this is just Russian bias RNG. This isn't War Thunder, you don't have to aim the reticle at your target to hit it.

  5. thing ya'll should know, is WOT sells hacks to vip players, these ass clowns denied shit for years then admitted it or got evidence pounded on them- if u cheat ur a bitch- plain and simple- guess noobs need it to compensate for their high school years now they're nothing in life

  6. hmm isnt it cheating using a mod that counts the seconds after you got spotted? or shows reload of every enemy tank? or the remaining HP of the enemy team or specific tanks? or last spotted position on the map?(before there were mods or it got implemented in the game it was a god given gift when i could remember important tanks/clusters in a specific area) all these mods were made to make a players life easier but give you an advantage over players who are casual and never heard of the word mod before. luckily there is no mod for the 15m bush.

  7. i like when people are blaming others of using any assistance in game and you are using all that bullshit mods like countdown when being spoted etc. Why are u using it? Need advatage over players with no mods?

  8. This not first war game ruined by cheats. Anyone old enough to remember Call of Duty. It's aimbot would make kills through walls no problem. Then another problem appeared there were holes in the map where you walk through and become invisible to everyone, just seen some like that couple weeks ago. War gaming will have to become active in pursuit of these cheats. If not they will become just like Call of Duty which is only played on private servers now days which makes the company almost no money. Money drives War Gaming if revenue drops because of cheating– something drastic will happen. The Question I want to know about what does the Cannon Fodder (us the victums) do about it? Quit Playing?

  9. Thanks for posting man. Good to see someone doing excellent work in the fight against the Douchebags who cheat.

  10. the guy is still on the Eu server he did not get banned, so i guess this is a free ticket for all of us to use aimbots too!.
    this is stupid beyound believe, but now this explains a lot of crazy shots i get on the server, shots that make me think "how the hell did he shoot me??"

  11. Glad to see about a week ago they did start and banned about 200 people for illegal mods aim bots where involved

  12. if those noobs with extramods would play tetris, i would be a cood player, now im a feeder for retards…
    wot could make some change, at least disable the "battle" button for a list of bots…

  13. this no aimbot /maybe / no aim normal good RNG and battle live maybe 2 shots :/ …off course aimbot in word of Tanks confirmed 😕

  14. Well there are a lot of things that need to be confirmed about this game. For an example: Why is it WoT doesn't want you to share an account. Could it be they don't want you to know that they treat differently on this game?

  15. after watching these videos and videos of cheats im about 5 missions away from teh t-55a and i wondered myself how some people can accomplish some of these missions…my guess is they use cheat mods.

  16. wow that is lame…i figured peopel wouldve stopped cheating by now but this is a clear cheat sucks theres people out there like that it explains alot

  17. So he's got a magic app that helps guarantee good hits on weakspots so that he doesn't really even have to bother to stop and fully aim. But yet he's got a 52% win rate? He must have just discovered the aimbot, or he's not a good player even with the aimbot. Nonetheless, WOT dev's should simply develop a program within the servers that either prevents cheat apps from working, or blocks players who use them(immediately or soon afterwards).

  18. Try go to sea server. There is a lot of illegal mods user in that region. Almost all of them are dirty cheater. Especially Arty player.

  19. Please correct me if i am wrong, but i think that this asshole´s clan is one of the best in the european servers, right ?!

  20. Dudes stats dont even reflect the aimbot is helping much. A game like that fighting the tanks he he did in the locations he used it was just a easy farm game anyway…… Ban him and laugh at his incompetance i say and the same goes for the rest of his kind.

  21. and to add, if you look and see where the mods are made they re same area as where WOT is developed so it is more than likely techs who work for WOT whom make them on the side for cash

  22. I hardly saw any shots that the aim pack really helped on. Nothing that normal aiming couldn't do, and no crazy shots. As for the comments…priceless. Anyone that is a meh player thinks that EVERYONE hacks, when realistically the numbers are really low.

  23. send replays of these to wg. only way to get these guys out of the game. all that see this, or susspect this. send replay to wg. they will ban the player

  24. This makes me mad. Honest players like me try to get better, keep investing both money and time into the game, and then assholes like this dude mess up the balance and fun for all. The worst part is that IF they are even caught cheating, they only get a couple of weeks ban ?!?!?! What is that? That is not anti cheat control! They wil just come back and keep doing it. It is both ridiculous and dangerous to the whole genre. It is really a shame to see that Russian game companies seem to have the same bad ethics and view about cheating as in Sports. It is like cheating is something you actually should do. And if you dont cheat it is yhour own fault. RIP WOT !!!


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