
World Of Stands in 2024


This game just feels so…. plastic? Idrk how to explain it well, but somehow it remains with a relatively decent player count, so, like, huh?

world , World Of Stands in 2024 , #World #Stands
, Roblox,Jojo,JJBA,World Of Stands

48 pemikiran pada “World Of Stands in 2024”

  1. Eclipse, you could do a video reviewing peroxide, it's a bleach game that has a varied progression system and a thing called time gate that appears every hour for 20mins. It is really interesting, and you could find some ideas in this game that you could recommend to TCA's developpers.

  2. golden rule, if the devs don't bother making the u.i good and unique its probably a warning sign, this game just has a adopt me vibe interface

  3. Dude on the Kars boss, me and a random group figured out a bug that allowed us to rejoin and get our lives + 3 more over and over and it took us like a half an hour or more just to beat the kars ultimate life form boss and we got a crappy reward for all that.

  4. I kinda dislike complaining about the rarity of stands, since the devs give like 2-3 codes every time that give you a bunch lucky/legendary arrows. Maybe just a me thing, since I guess that only really helps people who bother to join the DC during an update (so like, 4 mins of time~ lol)

  5. The pvp community is actually really active, I’m in a discord with over 40 people who all are “pro” pvpers, also since trading has come out there have been more people playing. Another thing is that the game supports a lot of devices

  6. I think it feels "artificial" because of how unresponsive it is, especially with the animations. Like even the dash animation is just a slight constant increase in speed and then a slow rolling animation, rather than like an actual burst of speed.

  7. Bro i fr got lets just say a couple hundred hours on the game and idk why ppl say that the redeeming factor is its pve, when its mainly pvp that i have and have seen ppl encounter, thats actually basically yhe only reason we play the game, although u now got divine traits which r just stuff u got a chance to get on stands when u roll me that display stats that u got with that specific stands above ur head when u emote and ig just trynna get the best inventory since tradings been added, but ye those are just cosmetics, the pvp is definitely the reason why we play it. ig for alot of ppl the combat and movement are rlly weird but thats cause most ppl arent used to it or should i say that they WOS players ARE used to, at least from my experience its just pretty different when comparing to alot of other games, its just a bit hard to get genuinenly gud at this game, same as in any other game. Hope that even 1 more person tries out this game and likes the feel of its combat. Great vid, but ye pvp is definitely the games main focus

  8. My 2 favorite jojo games are TCA and WOS. TCA has a versatile combat system around movement and combat combinations with specs. While WOS focuses on combat that is mostly decided via stands, dodges , parries and block breaks. Once you learn a stands moveset in WOS you can easily learn what to parry and what to dodge. While in tca with its accessories, specs and stands all together it’s more skill oriented. I like TCA for its combat regarding versatility but I also like WOS regarding its combat in simplicity. Plus WOS adds features that don’t need to be added which to me feels like there’s some effort put into the game where it doesn’t need it. And I like that.

  9. The map just feels like it is heavily incomplete, it was fine back in the demo, but now. . . It feels wrong, like what it is like a straight line the entire way with empty voids on either side??

  10. I played this game like 2 montha ago trying to level up Anubis and then left
    Thats literally all I do when I join lol

  11. WoS stands aren't even that rare. It's 9% for a legendary stand which is more common than most other jojo games. Also the combat is usually centered around blocking and parrying, which helps with stunlocks and makes any AI gank fair and easy. Also Kars has an okay pattern of moves that can be countered using parries and doing simple punishes. You can get an idea on what you can parry by the size of the attack. Most of the big aoe moves in the game are unparriable. And yes, some of the stuff is bs in the fight but kars is probably the best boss in the jojo roblox "genre".

  12. World of Stands is a combat/battlegrounds type game wearing a JoJo mask to fit into two niches. The game is primarily a combat simulator, doing 200 dmg combos with stands that shouldn't do anything close to that; or being able to find the easiest way to cheese fights with the most simple stands to use. I'm a player with 1k PVP wins and only 700 hours; most likely all of those hours I've spent doing pretty much nothing but alt farming for bounty points to get skins, or fighting in PVP for my wins. It's nothing special, fun, but not special.

    Edit: I agree with Eclipse here that the game feels very manufactured and fake, it's like everything's been copied and pasted onto a new build of the same game.

  13. I can’t wait for part 3 because on thing world of stands is good at is bosses they aren’t mechanical good at working but they are good at looking cool

  14. To answer your question at the end of the video. I think it has a lot of players because it is one of the only roblox jjba games on consoles. The only other game i know of on console is n

  15. The reason why there are people playing is the same as to why bloxfruits has "people" playing it. Bounties, cuz the possibility of getting that fat buck drives people insane.

  16. WoS uses a lot of incredibly basic mechanics and ui elements, it's a relatively primitively made game, even for what it's good at.

  17. The bee game story is objectively better, it has everything. Bees, bears, black bears, white bears, blue bees and really good boss fights like spider from the cave.

  18. Honestly I can’t agree with you more Eclipse, the combat and the animations all feel stiff, there’s not much to do in the endgame, and I’ve been wondering what in the world is keeping players in games like these for a while now.

  19. A problem that carries over to a lot of bad jojo games on roblox are drifters. I know a lot of people who like to switch from game to game regardless of quality just to loiter around & not do much. usually they'll be talking in chat or just randomly killing people. these types of people embody the ABD mindset of run around > get stand > kill people. a lot of people do this because they're either A: not competitive and only like to group up in main game to show off skins or B: have way too much time on their hands and don't know how to utilize it. i still keep in contact with some of these people, especially old friends from when i used to play ABD modded after i got banned from normal ABD due to a false report (which was its own problem back then). i still find it hard to believe that all of these people just loiter around in game, some of them have to be competitive but i just don't see it because i'm not willing to put effort into a bad game i don't really care for. the only jojo game i find myself playing at least some times is TCA, because the game has a drive to do more than the basic formula of jojo games, which i respect. I wish YBA had that sort of motivation to do well, but the best thing we can do is move on. maybe for some of these people, old habits die hard.


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