
World Economic Forum owns ancient sites! #podcast #ninjasarebutterflies


world , World Economic Forum owns ancient sites! #podcast #ninjasarebutterflies , #World #Economic #Forum #owns #ancient #sites #podcast #ninjasarebutterflies
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26 pemikiran pada “World Economic Forum owns ancient sites! #podcast #ninjasarebutterflies”

  1. When a podcast takes information from another podcast to put in theyre videos and than a another podcast watch theyre video and get the information and put in theyre podcast and than another podcast looks at they’re video and gets information from theyre podcast and puts in theyre podcast and another podcast looks at they’re podcast and puts it in they’re podcast

  2. So, u gonna have a relationship w God now? Or are u gonna keep being amazed by all these things and just find it amusing for content? The latter doesn't seem like the best choice when u know what u know now. It's like the pharisees when Jesus was here

  3. Ok But….y'all do know our world is in the💩🚽. Bc we are obsessed with having things. Nobody should have to work for things. It ruins the earth & our minds & our lives. We should go back to nature. Where we valued each other not phones, cars houses & clothing.

  4. How do you know what percentage we have dug up if we haven't seen it at 100%…example: How can you know 5 cents is 5% of a dollar if you Have never seen a full dollar and also no one else that's alive now knows a full dollar is in total, 100 cents….

  5. Can you say coverup?! They will still excavate and not tell anyone what they usual. I hate them and we need to FIGHT BACK. Why do we continue to complain and talk about it but do nothing ? Time to wake up.

  6. This is exactly what Hitler and the Nazis were into. Trying to gain ancient esoteric knowledge from sites around the world,to tap into the spiritual realm. Not a coincidence that Klaus's father was a Nazi.

  7. WEF is literally replicating the Book of Enoch and fulfilling Biblical Prophecies. Seek & Follow Jesus Christ 🙏

  8. I see it as a double-edged sword of implication, and only 1 side is being presented: the pursuit of knowledge is to pursue the Truth. The side not being presented is the reality of the Truth, which is being withheld. All to encourage us to question our past so we never know our origins – the implication is meant to lead us in every other direction other than the path that leads to the Truth. Speculation only goes in circles without the necessary known facts/ evidence found elsewhere. By drawing focus to Gobekli Tepe without providing any further information from the site, it is intended to draw us away from where we can find congruent facts that provide an answer that can lead to the Truth about the site.

    It is a challenge intended to be overcome by great effort, an effort that can only come from a source of great power. And when that great power overcomes the challenge, another challenge will be presented to denounce/ devalue the accomplishment of overcoming the first.

  9. i’m with @SverdLLC. this sounds more likely. and probably a mix of respecting the fact that this site belongs to a type of people that have a decent reason for stopping digging. is it forever? is it they want different excavators taking credit vs. who started.
    and sounds like their is major historical significance. things that change every thing.

    who ever owns it, pretty sure country does, has the right to preserve or excavate.

    it’s a big deal.

  10. How the hell were they even able to buy this site at all to begin with. The WEF are shady as fuck. They aren’t elected by anyone but want to control the world. It’s insane.

  11. I believe this was a site formed by the people and the watchers, and it was eradicated with the flood and covered up because it was not godly, and we should leave it covered up. It is not of God.


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