
World Challenge – The Only Way is Up – Vote Now


It’s baffling how some inventions fail to achieve a tipping point. The hydraulic ram pump – which has been around for a couple of centuries. falls into this category. The Alternative Indigenous Development Foundation Inc. (AIDFI) is determined to see the ram pump finally come into its own. Using the power of a river’s flow to literally push water uphill without any other energy input, it’s proving to be a boon for poor villagers living in mountainous regions.

The ram pump can save both hours of back-breaking work carrying water and cash where expensive water pumps are replaced. AIDFI has introduced the ram pump to over 170 upland villages, and has plans to spread the benefits far and wide among poor communities.

world , World Challenge – The Only Way is Up – Vote Now , #World #Challenge #Vote
, World Challenge,Awards,BBC World News,Sustainable Business,AIDF,Philippines,Ram Pump

35 pemikiran pada “World Challenge – The Only Way is Up – Vote Now”

  1. Thanks for your big help to the poor peopel ,you are a true man you are the best god blass you remember you doing a lot for the next life awsome

  2. Sir, I'm interested in getting a Ram pump for my boarding children who go to take bath I KM distance down the hill. Your pump will surely be. a great great help for my boarding children. My address is Don Bosco school, Tamenglong, Manipur, India.

  3. i do have my own way pumping water without using energy…. same principle with the ram pump but with a twist…. for now i dont have the budget yet. but sooner i will expose this kind of project of mine to the people or to the world. thanks. .

  4. dear sir… i have a suggestion regarding with the ram pump design. i highly appreciated this kind of innovative design which you have said that this was 200 years old or more pump. but can we make it more efficient. by turning the intake valve facing to the body of water just like a syringe… which will beheld by a plunger and driven by a water wheel….

  5. awesome ,and no utility company like us suckers . Bravo. dont let the freedom the US corporation .offer infect you.

  6. Thank you and thank you for helping my brothers and sisters in philippins.We have the same problem in our community in haiti.They really need help and I am looking for a project like this for them.Sir, how to get it? This is my
    May God bless all of you guys, for the good work you are doing.

  7. Pak Usman.untuk rumput pimp..anak negri kita sudah mampu membuat koq..coba lihat yang terbesar sudah dipasang di gunung kidul

  8. pesan di No 0898 4051 504
    alat ini sangat berguna sekali
    bagi anda yang tinggal di ketinggian untuk mengangkat air bersih untuk cuci dan mandi ,bisa juga di pakai untuk mengairi lahan pertanian terutama di saat musim kemarau..jakarta indonesia produk dalam yang terbaik mengangkat air hingga 40m keatas terima kasih

  9. Could Auke Idzenga and his Foundation consider extending the service of providing water to hundreds of villages in Papua New Guinea? In my province, Milne Bay, the Provincial Government is trying to build water supplies for the rural villages which have been seriously affected by the drought and El Nino. An arrangement could be worked out for the Foundation to come to PNG and in particular to Milne Bay Province, to introduce these ram pumps on joint funding. Please contact me on email.

  10. Greeting Sir, I'm from the north of the Philippines and I want to purchase 1 unit, how much it will cost?


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