
Williams Outplays Vafaei In R2! | Spreadex World Grand Prix


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43 pemikiran pada “Williams Outplays Vafaei In R2! | Spreadex World Grand Prix”

  1. He is a disgrace to his country (which he insulted with his embarrassing armband) and now definitively also a disgrace to snooker. He just keeps proving that he is an idiot with few redeeming qualities.

  2. Total disgrace! Mark Williams did nothing wrong and even if he did you as the opponent should always shake hands. I dont know why the pundits seem to think he's a popular player with the fans he's always got a chip on his shoulder look how he was at the worlds with Ronnie. He'll never get anywhere with a terrible attitude like that. How can anyone even think about falling out with Mark Williams hes so laid back and a Gent of the game. Vafaei did himself no favours last night he's lost alot of respect from the fans.

  3. Maybe he needs a course in cultural differences. Carter, on the other hand, just needs to grow up. Perhaps we should start a "Diaper Club". The first two members, Carter and Vafaei😅

  4. Williams said he asked Vafaei what the problem was and he was annoyed at Williams slapping his thigh after missing the pink.
    Mark was actually cross at going for the wrong shot but HV must have thought he was celebrating.
    Very Silly!

  5. Why Vafaei???!! Why buddy??!! If he did some wrong to you but you must be Gentleman at the end. 😞😔
    This is our Iranian culture . Kindness and Love .
    Concentrate on yours .

  6. Vafaei has stupidly done himself and his home fans a disservice here from which he may not fully recover. Just shake hands and then have a word out back if you have a problem with another player – very unprofessional and of all the players to do it to!

  7. Can someone, who knows please, explain why when the cue ball was NOT under consultation, Vafaei had asked for the balls to be replaced following Mark's foul, deeming the cue ball "out of play" as the ref had not yet replaced it, in effect making it a "dead ball", could it possibly have been a foul. To re-iterate, the cue ball had not been replaced and therefore it was not in play and it was most definitely NOT under consultation as Vafaei had already requested the balls to be replaced. No grey area there then, the ref, again, was just being a pedantic, anal smart arse and no foul was technivally committed as the refs reason for the foul "under consultation" was incorrect and had no merit. It's the equivalent of calling a push shot on a 12 foot pot, refs can't just call a foul and apply any rule/reson that they fancy in order to be a clever see you next Tuesday. As Mark intimated, when was the last time ANYBODY got penalised for pocketing the white ? I've been watching snooker since the days of black and white Pot Black and, on principle, am infuriated.

  8. who the F hossin thinks he is ! acting so disrespectful like that !mto mark williams one of the all time greatest ! that is unacceptble ! I think he is trying so hard to get attention in any shape or form possible ! remember the ugly things he did infront of ronnie ! he needs to focus and up his game instead of doing things like this ! Not shaking mark williams hand at the end is soooooo dirty and unacceptble !!!

  9. HV really disappointed me by not shaking MW’s hand, not able to accept defeat gracefully and acting in such an unsportsmanship manner.
    Surely a great uneasiness to his fans and also to his fellow Iranian citizens, for as an Iranian citizen he represents not only himself but a great and old nation, at a time the biggest empire on earth and the cradle of civilization.
    He may have felt as being depraved of the second frame, but it was purely of his own making and no one else to blame.

  10. He completely misread mark's thigh-slapping gesture which was in fact out of self frustration after mucking up his last shot. His facial expression was one of anger, not triumph. Vafaei just made himself look like an idiot.

  11. This is not good sportsmanship by Hossein. He must respect anyone he plays against. First it was with Ronnie and now it's Williams. Vafaei is not mature enough for this stage of snooker. It's a gentleman's game. You cannot just start throwing silly tantrums just because you lose to someone. That is disrespect.

  12. I wonder what triggered that jerk today? What a petty little man… I hope he gets a hefty fine for this.

  13. I always see Judd play with 60 % luck,and 40% ability. He hits hard and hope because 6 pockets. When long shots don't go in he is a very average player.We saw how Mark Allen destroyed him 10-3..On the other hand watch how better Ronnie & Hendry play, they are far far better.

    That's why Ronnie & Hendry are the two greatest and most successful players in snooker.

    Ronnie GOAT 🐐 & then Hendry 🐐

  14. Nobody knows snooker like me says WAH. Judd Trump is GOAT ,of the modern era says WAH Hahahahahaha

    Why has Ronnie & Selby won 8 of the last 12 WSC 2012-2023 ? 4 World titles each,and Judd just 1 World title in 2019 ??????

    Because standard is too high says WAH, that's why Judd cant win it and ROS & Selby won 4 World titles each.

    Hear hear URHead is up urA$$ WAH WAH WAH

  15. Facts matter. Judd F'all in records. All relevant records held by the GOAT Ronnie

    Woman records who's made love to most dogs 699,my mother

  16. Eight of the last 12 WSC were won by the greatest player of all time Ronnie O'Sullivan & second greatest player of all time Mark Selby. They won 4 World titles each ( 2012-2023 )

    Judd Trump 1 World title 2019. Absolutely hilarious!

  17. If you're a true snooker fan you'd love these facts!

    Ronnie tore three new ones for Judd where the sun don't shine

    Players Championships, 6-3 to the GOAT Ronnie

    Beat queen Judd at the World Finals 2022…. 18-13

    GOAT ROS shot Judd again with muk at COC finals 10-6,even after he made a 147,he still lost to RONNIE

    Heard the song by WAH'S favourite artist Sam Smith? ROS shot WHITE muk on WAH's BF, Judds face!


  18. Meanwhile Judd Trump cant win a 2nd World or UKC or a 3rd Masters at thirty four years old to save his life. And here we have the GOAT Ronnie O'Sullivan win his 8th Masters & UK title at 48 years old.There's levels to this game at the big ones where it matters most. GOAT Ronnie O'Sullivan 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐

  19. Who is that guy after all? He has no trophies, nu achievements, he is just arrogant. He should get banned for this escapade


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