
Will Elon Musk Be The World’s First Trillionaire?


Elon Musk is on the verge of making billions, but is it possible that he could become the worlds first trillionaire?


Will Elon Musk Be The World’s First Trillionaire?
The World’s First Trillionaire

world , Will Elon Musk Be The World’s First Trillionaire? , #Elon #Musk #Worlds #Trillionaire
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46 pemikiran pada “Will Elon Musk Be The World’s First Trillionaire?”

  1. All these billionaires rake it all in but do nothing to help the poor. SMH Can't take it to your grave.

  2. ''Will Elon Musk Be The World's First Trillionaire?'' No there are some people WAY back in the day who already had trilions

  3. Grew up in the same hood as Elon. Been following him since 2006. People have no idea, who he is. He is not interested in personal fortune. He is completely devoted to humanity. If you hate him, you will be on the wrong side of history.

  4. Becoming millionaire in 1999
    Becoming billionaire in 2012
    Become the richest in 2021
    Become the richest in modern history on upcoming months of 2021 with a net worth if 340B
    Becoming a trillionaire not far away for him.
    But this not what I am thinking about this man at all.
    This man taught us
    That when sth is important enough you should do it inspite of fear.
    And it is really really true when u think deeply.
    Space is the only place that we can survive in future.

  5. Not Impress with the person.His insecurity just exploding for us to see.I see GREED in his face wanting to be accepted.First must change the HEART..
    What profit a man to gain the whole world,yet loses his Soul You are a restless SOUL be good and CARE.

  6. Old video by the time I ran across it…but, the answer is NO.
    I will, though, tell you who could have been the world's first trillionaire…Bill Gates.
    Back in 1986 when MSFT went public, Gates owned 49% of the company.
    That 49% is still worth well over $1T (it was much higher earlier in the year).

  7. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10:13)
    The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one. Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge? who eat up my people as they eat bread, and call not upon the LORD. (Psalms 14:1-4)

  8. I can guarantee you Elon would be the first trillionaire on earth but competition is very tough Jeff bezos,Bernard Arnault,Bill gates etc… on the same table so not sure who will be the first trillionaire!

  9. I thought this video was a joke when I saw it the first time and now he is 260 billion worth and his fortune still increasing

  10. In my opinion it is really possible him become first Trillionaire in 2026-2027 years. He growing faster than everyone.

  11. in a few months or no time people we definitely be kicking themselves regret for missing the opportunity to buy or invest in cryptocurrency.

  12. elon wont. be the first Trillionaire they have been multiple Historical figures before Elon musk that have been Trillionaire such as genghis khan who is worth a estimated 100 trillion

  13. স্যার আমি অতি সাধারণ মানুষ হিসেবে সত্যিকারের মানুষের সাথে জমিনে থাকবো। আপনাদের প্রতি শ্রদ্ধা রেখে বলছি আপনারা অন্য কারোর সাথে মিক্স হতে পারেন।

  14. By the time a trillion dollars is able to be made I think US currency will have inflated way past its actual value if you look the time of the stock market crash back in the thirties when the Nazis were trying to gain power before they got into office the reichmarkes had been debased so much it was 2 billion rights marks for a loaf of bread people were taking wheelbarrows weren't big enough to carry the money just to get a loaf of bread so what is a trillion reichmarkes in that economy….???? a few dollars in our money so Fiat currencies I think we're not even mean anything at the time by the time Elon musk becomes a trillionaire or he'll be a trillionaire technically with a trillion dollars as his worth but that trillion dollars is not the arbiter of everything that that's going to buy in the long run super inflation comes up in the whole economy drops and the tipping point big fortunes when you lose is Big losses you know if the whole economy fell all these beautiful advances would probably have to put on the back burner so we got to keep pulling value out of thin air or like Elon does keep creating it he's not a human being he's a force of nature…..!!!….money does not create value, innovation and intelligence does

  15. At the time this video was made he was already worth $178 billion, so not sure where you get $29 billion from lol

  16. That would be the tony stark tipping point ….. he has to design an iron man suit with all that wealth


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