
WILD trash talk between Canada and Sweden’s benches at the World Juniors 😳☠️


world , WILD trash talk between Canada and Sweden’s benches at the World Juniors 😳☠️ , #WILD #trash #talk #Canada #Swedens #benches #World #Juniors
, Hockey,World Juniors,Canada,Sweden

50 pemikiran pada “WILD trash talk between Canada and Sweden’s benches at the World Juniors 😳☠️”

  1. The most classless country with regards to World Junior Hockey tournament. Went to the World |Juniors in Helsinki in 2016 and the Swedish fans were booing the Canadian anthem while it was playing. During the intermission they were walking all through the concessions in large groups making fun of Canadian fans and heckling them. It was so bad it was actually disturbing to say the least! Since that moment I have lost all respect for them when it comes to sports competitions and hope they get beat at every competition. They are really jealous of Canadian Hockey and how we have been able to beat them in big games. Just a bunch of sore LOSERS!!

  2. Sweden is only tough when they’re the host country and IIFA already decided they won. They can’t earn it. That non boarding call was proof 💯 that the host fix is in

  3. Canada cannot take loss in hockey😂😂😂 Canada it's now a days just joke for their "professional" behavior and attitude😂😂😂 They pride and ego cannot take loose and if they are loosing in match they try to provoke you with the words or making injury on best team player's like the Getzlaf did on Mikuš in 2012 when they cannot outplay a Slovakia😂😂😂

  4. The way he plays the game is just so much fun to watch. He should lowkey be the first pick hes clearly the most skilled player in this draft

  5. In the context of hockey, the psychology behind players getting heated and struggling to control their emotions can be explained by a combination of physiological and psychological factors.

    Physiologically, the intense physical exertion and adrenaline rush experienced during a hockey game can activate the body's fight-or-flight response. This response triggers the release of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, which can increase heart rate, blood pressure, and overall arousal. These physiological changes can amplify emotions and make it more challenging for players to regulate their emotional responses.

    Psychologically, the competitive nature of the sport, coupled with the high stakes and pressure to perform, can lead to heightened emotions on the ice. The desire to win, the need to defend oneself or teammates, and the frustration that comes with obstacles or perceived unfairness can all contribute to emotional intensity. Additionally, the fast-paced nature of the game and the physicality involved can result in impulsive reactions and emotional outbursts.

    It's important to note that not all players have difficulty controlling their emotions, and individual differences in personality, coping strategies, and emotional regulation skills can also play a role. Some players may have a more aggressive or competitive disposition, while others may have learned effective techniques to manage their emotions in high-pressure situations.

    Overall, the psychology behind players getting heated on the ice involves a complex interplay of physiological and psychological factors, influenced by the nature of the sport and individual differences. Understanding these dynamics can help players, coaches, and sports psychologists develop strategies to promote emotional regulation and sportsmanship in hockey.

    Source: chat gbt

    You're welcome 😁

  6. The psychology behind this event can be quite fascinating. In high-intensity sports like hockey, adrenaline and competitive instincts kick in, leading to heightened emotions and sometimes aggressive behavior. The combination of physicality, the desire to win, and the pressure to perform can make it challenging for players to control their emotions on the ice. It's like a mix of passion, competitiveness, and the heat of the moment all coming together.

    Source: chat gbt 🙂

  7. Subtitles PLEASE? All i hear is them yelling at each other which just sounds like two drunk guys at the bar.

  8. The people who are considered to be the nicest in the world, Canadians and Swedes, can be aggressive. Thanks hockey!

  9. The Canadian speaks English because it’s the only language he knows.
    The Swede speaks English because it’s the only language the Canadian knows.
    They are not the same.

  10. Sweden played a great game and Canada was just off. But we have seen this script before for both teams. Canada more often than not gets better as the tournament goes forward and should these teams meet up again it could very well be a different result. Sweden has also shown a tendency of going through the round robin undefeated and then when it matters most they don’t come through. I’m not saying that that’s what is going to happen this time around but it’s something to keep in mind.

  11. Sweden don't get too excited… Last year you guys started off strong being the best team in the tournament… But you ended up not even getting a medal and Canada beat you 5-1 so don't get cocky…

  12. Uh-oh! Trudeau won't like his Canadian players acting in such a fashion. This young man may have to go through testosterone replacement therapy soon.

  13. The stripes defiantly were paid to make sure Sweden won 5 minute penalty turns into 2 min to nothing lol ok bud lol

  14. Oh Sweden. If only u guys stuck to playing the fast-paced, skilled base style of hockey that wins you the round-robin portion of the tournament every year, instead of allowing yourselves to get sucked into whichever style that is more suited for and only going to benefit the opponents next time round, then you’d might actually have a few golds within the last decade to show for. Personally, I think you guys have the most talent in this years tournament, but yelling “I’ll f’n kill you” from the bench is way less intimidating than had you said nothing at all. Now just seems like you’re trying to beat them at their own game, instead of focusing on your own.

  15. The goal celebrations turned me off team Canada 10 years ago. Acting like they scored a goal medal goal when it was 6-0. Now we have them yelling at the other benches and swearing at the refs. Pitiful and discusting all around. Hockey Canada has fallen apart at the most important level.

  16. the defense man for Canada was too busy being a jerk his chippieness in front of the net threw the team off their stride, not to mention the tight play of the Swedes. this was a good example of how you need to play as a team, especially when you come up against a solid Goalie.

  17. Canada was LAZY today, and if they focused on the game half as much as their frash talk, they would have won😂 Some Canadian teams buy their own hype and just expect to win


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