
Why was Germany so Effective in World War 2? #short #Germany #ww2


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#History #Documentary

world , Why was Germany so Effective in World War 2? #short #Germany #ww2 , #Germany #Effective #World #War #short #Germany #ww2
, Why was the German Army so Effective in World War 2,German Army,German effectiveness in ww2,Why was the German army so strong in ww2,How big was Germany’s army in ww2,Was Germany the strongest army in ww2,Why was the German army so unbeatable,German Wehrmacht,German Army (1935–1945),Why was the German military so successful,Germany campaigns in World War 2,Why did the Germans lost the war,German army effectiveness in ww2,Germany,Ww2,Germany ww2,Blitzkrieg war

28 pemikiran pada “Why was Germany so Effective in World War 2? #short #Germany #ww2”

  1. It wasn't efficient, Hitler ran the economy into the ground prior to the war, conquest was his only solution and the west indulged in wishful thinking became the depression left them with starving populations threatening revolution. Hitler had 12 months to win, after that his loss was inevitable, Britain refusing to surrender screwed his planning, he just refused to accept it.

  2. That map, those colours, that transition. Beautiful. Great explanation on why Germany was so effective. Great video (As always)

  3. I really think you need to tell the truth… they was effective because they was drugging their military

  4. Germany started its rearmament long before 1933.

    USA put a big pressure on France and UK to accept to ignore the Treaty of Versailles including WW1 reparations, and give back Saarland, previously occupied (by France).

    There was an important politic of reconcilement between France (and likely UK around the same time) and Germany since 1924, favored by USA, to serve financial interests, that explains the passivity of France and UK while Germany was reconquering lands in 30's. And they expected that Germany would take care of the evil USSR, that took over the Russia where they had important capital investments that they lost because of the revolution.

    French (and italian) bourgeoisie wanted a more powerful country to be the vassal of, to protect them (their interests) in case French workers would rebel against them. There was much social hustle in France during 30's, especially in 1936 where bourgeoisie had to make important concessions to maintain social peace, and it was unbearable for French bourgeoisie ; they had much admiration for nazis and had a desire to get their help to enforce social peace by coercion, instead of having to make concessions. It's why they didn't properly prepared french army, and some french generals betrayed and let the german army pass (near Sedan) for example.

    I learnt most of this from the work of Henri Guillemin, and I don't remember all the american or english historian names he was quoting, but among them, I remember of Robert Paxton, if you are looking for more complete and precise knowledge about all of this.

  5. an attempt to deter the red threat by letting revisionist german militarists gobble the eastern europe.. b4 Stalin pulled ultimate uno reverse card in Molotov Ribentrop pact

  6. Moral of the story: Don't mercilessly humiliate the country you defeated or its people will never try to bury the past and move towards a better future for everyone.


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