
Why is Ukraine discussing its ‘Peace Formula’ at the World Economic Forum in Davos? | DW News


The Swiss city of Davos is co-hosting an international conference with Ukraine to rally support for Kyiv’s 10 point peace formula. Around 120 national security advisors are set to join the talks – the fourth to discuss the plan. Russia was once again not invited – and has dismissed the event, saying it will only participate in talks on its own terms.

For more on this, we talk to our correspondent Ashutosh Pandey, who joins us from Davos and the World Economic Forum.

#Ukraine #Peace #Davos


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26 pemikiran pada “Why is Ukraine discussing its ‘Peace Formula’ at the World Economic Forum in Davos? | DW News”

  1. LOL, why on earth would Russia ever agree to these terms? Especially funny is "tribunal to prosecute RUSSIAN war crimes"; why not just war crimes in general, committed by any party? The answer: Because he himself is a war criminal, and doesn't wanna end up getting hanged like his ideological fellows a near century ago.

  2. The old approaches, when peace negotiations are carried out by both warring parties, do not make any sense. The modern approach is when one party to the conflict conducts peace negotiations independently, without involving the other side. It's fashionable, modern, this is the future.

  3. Yes, they are demands, and yes…they are entirely righteous!! And why should Ukraine not be part of NATO or the EU? Russia, run by despots and kleptocrats, has ZERO right to make such a demand.

  4. This is just delusional. Russia isn't going to give up it's territory to Ukraine. So having this meeting is just a waste of everyone's time.

  5. Europeans have gone mad, they're negotiating peace amongst themselves and not with the supposed enemy.

  6. Wishful proposals of peace to pretend you want peace, while knowing they are not likely to be met by the other side + while you are being in the losing side.

  7. When the wealthiest international people convince Russia that THEIR money will be pulled from Russia leaving Russia in the same problems as North Korea, Russia might be willing to listen.
    While out of one side of their mouth countries support Ukraine and out the other side they make deals to purchase from and sell to Russia, TALK has no power and is another waste of money and effort.
    In that "one world" concept, it is up to world leaders-that means wealth, not population.

  8. What a joke? Being a comedian Zelensky is a joker and he is delusional . A losing side can not dictate terms . I propse a revised peace plan ,which will be acceptable to Russia.
    Ukraine must surrender. Become neutral. Allow Russia to keep the 4 oblasts ,which has been annexed and Zelensky should resign and leave Ukraine for ever. 😅😅😅

  9. Not a fantastically realistic peace plan, I don’t see how the plan will work without involving Russia, the EU, the USA and CHINA…also, where or what are Russia’s conditions?


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