Why is the US Airdropping Aid to Gaza? | Pod Save The World

Tommy Vietor and Ben Rhodes discuss the futility of aerial aid drops by the US in Gaza, Kamala Harris’ speech calling for an immediate ceasefire, Netanyahu rival Benny Gantz’s visit to Washington, and do a preview of President Biden’s State of the Union address. Then they discuss the breakdown of order in Haiti as gangs overrun prisons, a German audio leak about long range missiles for Ukraine posted by Russian state media, France enshrining abortion into their constitution, the thousands of Russians who came out for Alexei Navalny’s funeral, repercussions for multiple US leakers of classified intelligence, and Tucker Carlson’s about face on Putin. Then Tommy speaks with Kholood Khair, a Sudanese political analyst and founder of the Confluence Advisory think tank about the civil war in Sudan.

0:00 – Intro
3:25 – Gaza updates
25:41 – State of the Union
35:22 – Haiti
38:57 – German scandal
47:11 – France abortions
49:03 – Alexei Navalny funeral
43:50 – Don’t share classified documents
58:45 – Tucker in Moscow
1:01:31 – Kholood Khair interview

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#podsavetheworld #gaza #israelhamas

world , Why is the US Airdropping Aid to Gaza? | Pod Save The World , #Airdropping #Aid #Gaza #Pod #Save #World
, Pod Save the World,Pod Save the World podcast,Tommy Vietor,Tommy Veetor,Tommy Vitor,Ben Rhodes,Ben Roads,Pod Save the UK,Nish Kumar,Coco Khan,Pod Save America,Crooked Media

50 pemikiran pada “Why is the US Airdropping Aid to Gaza? | Pod Save The World”

  1. So with the German audio, we are not going to discuss that British troops are currently in Ukraine? Feels like we are normalizing Western troops in Ukraine and soon we'll have troops openly in Ukraine, especially since it's unlikely Ukraine can do another offensive until 2025, leaving a lot of time for Russia to advance. And right after Macron said we shouldn't leave it off the table, when we already have troops there.

    For the past 2 years we said there would never be Western troops in Ukraine, that it was just Russian propaganda. It's sad we are breaking that promise. I could see more of the world siding with Russia that NATO is a threat to Russia over time.

  2. 1:00:29 I have watched and enjoyed numerous episodes of Lex's podcast but tried to start to watch the Tucker episode and found it impossible and had to stop because Tucker is so full of it in a boring, predictable way. Lex has a habit of when he interviews a polarised figure like Tucker, he will follow it up by trying to get an interview with someone who represents the opposite side, or someone who is an expert in the subject matter in question. The almost 3 and a half hour episode following Tucker's with Serhii Plokhy, a Ukrainian academic at Harvard, provided the necessary information to counter Putin's interpretation of history, denazification and other current military strategies, etc, etc, in a way that goes further than any hard ball questions that Tucker could have asked if he wasn't such a (useful to some) idiot. Lex's format of often having long form interviews with competing sides of polarised issues can be debated on the merits of its effectiveness, but I have found on multiple issues it has proven to be informative in an educational sense. Criticisms of platforming too often those from the "intellectual dark web" may be valid, but with 415 interviews conducted, I find this less significant. Compared to Lex Fridman, the number of shady characters actively doing current harm to society is surely much more of a problem. The only people who don't skip and pay attention to the Tucker episode on Lex's podcast, are die hard Tucker fans already committed to his BS.

  3. That Harris speech felt like she was trying to bamboozle voters. It was the same party line about a 'humanitarian pause' before Israel goes crazy on civilians again. Israel has said they will go forward with ground offensive in Rafah no matter what.

  4. Sounds like Biden has learnt his lesson about Gaza. That lesson being that more propaganda (calling for a cease fire and airdropping aid) is gonna be needed than he'd thought to avoid repercussions from his continuing collusion with ethnic cleansing by Israel.

  5. The other day I had a conversation I've had many times now. And it always ends the same way.
    Them: "Do you condemn Hamas?"
    Me: "Do you support Israel killing 30,000 innocent civilians?"
    Them: "They're not innocent."
    And then it generally follows the same path as the last debate and the one that follows.

    In my experience — and I say this as a Jewish woman with zionist parents — the outrage seems to be less about the lack of attention to those who died on 10/7, but more about the fact that people even care about the Palestinians. And that is a big part of the problem. There needs to be compassion for all, otherwise it's just supremacy and there will never even a path to peace.

  6. There's a lot of great things about this podcast but the guests have to be the best part. Where else are you going to find Tony Blinken and Samantha Power and Kholood Khair and other real on-the-ground experts being interviewed by a knowledgeable host? Nowhere I know of.

  7. Hamas. Doesn't. Give. A. Hot. Damn.

    "Self-determination" under Islamic radical HAMAS? Self-determination for women? Self-determination for non-Muslims? Self-determination for LGBTQ+?


    Every Palestinian man, woman, and child is anti-Israeli propaganda fodder to Hamas. Hamas could end ALL the violence of this chaos TODAY. How come it doesn't? [Crickets….]


    57% of respondents in Gaza and 82% in the West Bank believe Hamas was correct in launching the October attack, the poll indicated. A large majority believed Hamas’ claims that it acted to defend a major Islamic shrine in Jerusalem against Jewish extremists and win the release of Palestinian prisoners. Only 10% said they believed Hamas has committed war crimes, with a large majority saying they did not see videos showing the militants committing atrocities.

    Shikaki said the most popular politician remains Marwan Barghouti, a prominent figure in Abbas’ Fatah movement who is serving multiple life terms in an Israeli prison for his alleged role in several deadly attacks during the second Palestinian uprising two decades ago. In a two-way presidential race, Ismail Haniyeh, the exiled political leader of Hamas, would trounce Abbas while in a three-way race, Barghouti would be ahead just slightly, the pollster said.

    Overall, 88% want Abbas to resign, up by 10 percentage points from three months ago. In the West Bank, 92% called for the resignation of the octogenarian who has presided over an administration widely seen as corrupt, autocratic and ineffective.

    At the same time, 44% in the West Bank said they supported Hamas, up from just 12% in September. In Gaza, the militants enjoyed 42% support, up slightly from 38% three months ago.


  8. Netanyahu should get nothing from US after the way he treated Obama. It was insulting & shameful– to get a hug from Biden was too much. Joe shouldnt be so generous with his hugs. It's a bad look.

  9. One thing to add about the cause of Navalny’s death, Putin promoted several penitentiary officers involved in Navalny’s incarceration just days after the announced death. This is circumstantial but pretty clear indication that Putin ordered the killing.

  10. RACISM ? I have sympathy for the hostages. But those who say that more attention should be paid to the 100 or so hostages and not to the 30,000 dead and the tens of thousands who may be killed by starvation and disease are surely racist.

  11. Maybe they can make a cease fire deal, release the hostages and allow a UN security detail with soldiers, apc's and tanks come on with Aid trucks and have then distribute the aid. It would take a UN resolution and Hamas to care about Palestinian civilians

  12. I'm invested in the Russian authoritarianism and Nevalny stories, but I've never really gotten deeply emotional about it… But for some reason "There will be an Alexei Navalny Square one day" had me tearing up.

  13. Airdropping isn't the best option however, I would rather have Palestinians get some food while we push for a ceasefire. Yes, the aid via airdrop may not reach everyone who needs it but at the same time, Hamas can't hoard it either.

  14. Absolutely ridiculous to be air dropping aid. Get the trucks in. Even MSNBC has caught on how crazy it is to air drop aid (that is extremely insufficient) and yet provide billions in weapons that are plentiful. How can a country of 11 million control a super power like USA. Let this be an eye opening lesson to the world how money in politics decays democracy and it stops serving the people it was meant to. Lobbyist and special intetest groups need to be banned or they need to have a very tight cap on their contribution to political parties and foundations for ex politicians. I hope democrats wake up. It's destroying their base. It has destroyed Biden's legacy. Anyone who doubts that IDF soldiers killed the vast majority of starving Palestinians linning up for flour died via IDF bullets are purposefully blind. The world has seen in Isreal there are 3 parties, Right wing, Extreme right wing and Ultra right wing. There are no progressive or liberal parties there anymore that want peace and a legitimate solution. It is really troubling that 80% of the population agree with Netanyahu's approach to Palestinians.

  15. Israel is a settler colonial state. It was founded by stealing the homes of Palestinians and kicking them off their land. Then, they confined the Palestinians in the world's largest open-air prison. This is per all the major human rights organizations in the world and the UN. Israel has NO right to exist. Palestinians, however, have a right to RESIST this colonization. There is PLENTY of evidence of Israel's brutal treatment of Palestinians PRIOR to Oct 7. Not to mention the real hostages are the thousands of Palestinians – incl children – who've been detained by Israel WITHOUT CHARGE for decades. So Zionists can f—k right off with their hand-wringing about hostages and Hamas!

  16. France didn't send enough aid, this is a fact. Even if some of our systems like SCALP/Storm Shadow are important, we didn't do enough.
    Germany's right to point that out, especially after Macron's comment.

    I don't know if Macron is trying to switch his stance, but comments and summits are not military support. France contributed a lot to the economical support, but "through" the EU aid packages.

    We may give more support, now that the Europeans are alone for now, but there are more and more support for military aid.
    I hope Macron's comments were signalling a change in policies and honestly French troops for support, logistics and training is not the start of WW3.

  17. They're trying to drop supplies in behind the lines of Gaza . People are never f,n happy. No matter what you try to do. Nothing worse than armchair analysis. We all have a damn opinion, but what the hell are WE doing to help? Nothing but criticism.

  18. 31:45 lol Ukranians usually don't like The Navalnys. He hadn't been that great about them.

    Apparently they wanted Zelenska and Yulia to sit next to Jill Biden at the state of union but Zelenska declined because she didn't want to sit with Yulia because of her late husbands previous words re: Ukraine.

    Yulia apparently declined the invite because of "exhaustion" and to grieve her husband.

  19. That's so GD disgusting that Israeli troops fires on civilians trying to get food or med aids. So much for Jewish empathy. Deeds speak volumes. You guys who blame Joe Biden, think again. He's totally asking for a cease fire. These troops are NOT listening. And who is their boss.

  20. The entire system has been corrupted, therefore except for (I truly hope) the threat of global thermonuclear war most leaders won't get involved, they don't respect other leaders, so they don't take a stand for others because it's gonna encroach on somebody's payout, it becomes a I'll scratch your back you scratch mine & the corruption spreads. So everything is lip service, money is king & power is the highest goal.
    America is responsible for over throwing Democratically established governments around the world & installed dictators in their place to do the Americans bidding. So we have soiled any respect we once had during pre WWI to WWII. We wre only held with any regard because of our nuclear weapons & our dwindling dollar. Since the passing of Citizens United our government has been completely bought off.
    No one respects us, we sell each other out, you can't tell the difference between a corporate Democrat & a business Republican. They are the same, which is why nobody calls anybody else out in Congress or the Senate because they all have shit on each other & thr payout is in the millions. These people leave public service millionaires, this is why the working poor suffer & always end up devasted & broken so some corporate entity can get paid.


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