
Why are countries around the world experiencing excessive heat? | BBC News


Many parts of the world are currently experiencing above-average temperatures, with meteorologists saying this is largely a result of global warming.

While some areas are seeing colder conditions, far more regions are enduring temperatures described as being quite a lot warmer than average.

Swathes of the globe including North America, southern and eastern Asia and south-eastern Europe are currently experiencing extreme temperatures.

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30 pemikiran pada “Why are countries around the world experiencing excessive heat? | BBC News”

  1. Like it's something new and scary when the weather gets warmer in summer time. To all the people who are obsessed with this crap, don't worry. The planet has been having these things called ice ages (like the animated movie but without talking animals) for hundreds of millions of years. We are coming out of the last one right now. There will be another one in about 50000 years when it will get cold and you can all breathe a sigh of relief.

  2. Why what a plonker errr a wonder why mabe climate change and constant bombs going off all over plsce constsnt nucleur tests all this lot but everyone in charge is too busy worried about outher things and this is biggest threat to end civilisation as we have and to stop it every country needs to be on same page or its like hovering up with a hole in your hover bag and stop wars whsts point in winning if we have no world idiots wake up knock knock

  3. Is this a serious question? It's been obvious FOR DECADES! No more letting career politicians and big business destroy our children's world. There is NO FUTURE.

  4. Well on my channel I’m trying to explain why india has no green fuel policy. Government stooges get no kickbacks from it. So yeah. Its prolly the one thing that MAGA republican types are right about 😂

  5. Blame BIG OIL 🔥🛢️🔥🛢️🔥🛢️🔥🛢️🔥🛢️🔥🛢️🔥🛢️🔥⛽⛽⛽⛽

  6. why?
    I. don't. know.
    maybe we should ask the zombie fuel cartels.
    they had people looking at this 70 years ago.

  7. ask Maersk and cruise chip companies and billionaires who have 100 sport cars and Multiple jets and yachts … you will get the answer … and of course ask China and India too ….

  8. and what? they've known this for 50 years, and what? they won't do anything unless it helps them make money hey

  9. As a human being I have come to a conclusion that I don't understand us anymore. No it's not global warming, We use nuclear weapons , do a lot of pollution and just cause more damage everyday to the Environment, including all that is close to us what do y'all expect to get from mother nature??, well good to know it's landing back on us, see you little nightmares in the next life. For fuck sake who dumps radioactive waste into the ocean?🤦🏽.

  10. Climate Change 101
    1) The Greenhouse Effect – Gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide, trap heat similar to the glass roof of a greenhouse. These heat-trapping gases are called greenhouse gases (GHG). The more GHG released into the atmosphere through the burning of fossil fuels, the more heat will be trapped, thus warming up the planet.
    2) Feedback loops – Climate feedback loops are processes that either amplify or diminish the effects of climate change. A positive feedback loop accelerates the rate of change, wheres a negative feedback loop decelerates the rate of change.
    One example is the ice-albedo feedback loop. Ice is a highly reflective surface (reflects approx. 50% of solar radiation) and is important in regulating Earth’s temperature. As more ice melts, there will be less ice to reflect solar radiation, which means more heat is absorbed.
    3) Tipping Points – A tipping point is something that happens to the climate system that's irreversible on human timeframes. One example is thawing permafrost (found around the Arctic) which releases carbon dioxide or methane as it melts.

  11. Why do you even have to ask that question? Climate change has been well established for more than twenty years and scientists has been documenting human induced climate changes since the mid 90's.


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