
What they (maybe) aren’t telling you about Warhammer: The Old World


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In this video I talk about the launch of Warhammer: The Old World, my thoughts on it, my theories about what’s coming next, and how I think it will affect all fantasy games going forward into the future!

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world , What they (maybe) aren’t telling you about Warhammer: The Old World , #arent #telling #Warhammer #World
, The Old World,Warhammer The Old World,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer Fantasy Theory,Dana Howl,Games Workshop

20 pemikiran pada “What they (maybe) aren’t telling you about Warhammer: The Old World”

  1. While they haven't said it, I think it's been pretty obvious since the first box info showed upthat all will get their own boxes. Releasing all at once would have been a huge undertaking and they probably don't have the resources to do that.

  2. I would really like it that they would release a WarCry Compendium which would also include the Old World models. I might buy a Tomb Kings infantry box just to have different flavoured skeletons/wardens. But for now it is a hard pass as I like Chaos Daemons, Daughters of Khaine/Dark Elves and Lizardmen, which are not going to appear in the Old World 😞

  3. I wonder if people are aware that games workshop is a company that needs to make money…if they make no money then all the games people love will be gone. Sick & tired of everyone getting on at them. If you dont like what they do then dont use their products, dont make a channel off the back of one of their ip & dont constantly get on at them. If you dont like the way they do things, dont buy it, no one is forcing you to buy any of their products. People are morons. Companies need to make money to run.

  4. I'm not buying into TOW and I re-based all my Vampire Counts into AoS when I got into that with 2nd edition. I already play Song of Ice and Fire as well as Conquest, so I don't particularly need yet another rank n flank game. If a few years out, TOW is still strong enough and they release a Vampire Coast faction, then they might pique my interest, but not before.

  5. I think you are right with a few caveats.
    1. Release schedule for big boxes is either one per quarter or two per half year.
    2. Kislev was teased early in the previews and we haven’t seen it again. I expect it will get a big launch box to round out the unpaired faction.

    My other main citation (and reason I didn’t get gun ho about collecting the game I started in) is that GW have been absolute shit at keeping stuff in stock, be it because they didn’t expect the scalpers and/or popularity. It’s a problem with KT, HH, 40K, Epic, and now TOW. I don’t know how they’ll keep their regular launch cycles and catch back up for all these other games (unless MASSIVE price increases, beyond what we’ve ever seen, are on the menu)

  6. I'm looking at my Warhammer Fantasy book collection and looking at the index's currently out, were missing 6* armies,unless they merged some armies together now in the new index's?

  7. While I get where you're coming from with this theory, I don't know if GW would do something like that (sneakily roll out future budget boxes to capitalize on FOMO and force people to buy certain boxes without knowing what's coming in the future). They still provide roadmaps for everything else that has FOMO, like the Kill Team seasons and other limited time/edition offerings. That said, I do think they'll come out with boxes for the known supported armies, but maybe they'll release a launch schedule at LVO.

    Meanwhile, knowing that certain factions won't be supported or tournament legal (Lizardmen, Dark Elves, Skaven, Ogres, Vampire Counts, Daemons, and Chaos Dwarfs), it still feels half-assed by GW to capitalize on existing WHFB fans and potential new players.

    Personally, I'm not an old WHFB player and don't have much interest in splitting my time and energy (and money spent on books) between AoS and WHFB. I'm just waiting to see what AoS 4.0 looks like.

  8. I am one of the old players, I have a 10k worth of points for the Orcs and Goblins and Empire. I plan On Getting a Orcs and Goblins box set and 2 of the Empire. While I'm waiting, I will rebase all my Models and get the Units I didn't get for the last edition.

  9. I’ve bought both army boxes (Bretonnians and TK) plus some support units/monsters. Personally I’m not put off by the older models being used as I see this as a reset of what had been there before. In the old days as new army books were released you would get some new minis but others in the range would stay as is. The way this seems to be working is very much the same as though we WHFB had never been destroyed and each army releases brings in some new characters and or units.
    I don’t think there will be much of a race with AOS (despite my preferences) as this will be relegated to specialist game level support and will be a bit hampered by GW not being able to produce enough stock (certainly in the interim).
    I’m happy for both games to exist but I do hope GW gives Old World enough of a chance. The fact it mostly sold out on launch has to be a positive sign to them from a money making point of view especially as the molds are just sitting around anyway for the most part

  10. Great speculation! However one thing to consider is even if that idea sounds logistically great for making money, you have to think that they have to be able to keep up with the demand for the first two armies and so most of their casting time and making sure the miniature molds are holding up will take a lot of resources since they are also having to keep up with the production of their two newer games AOS and 40K it’s a lot to consider this new Old World, I was very skeptical to begin with since taking on another HUGE IP project definitely needed a lot of logistical planning and understanding that most likely would mean a big growth of the company’s manufacturing department just to be able to tackle this venture, i salute GW for doing this I hope it does wonderfully so we can expect better product results in the near future., you know just as something exciting to consider, they will probably introduce an army never seen before from the old world and that’s the more eastern orient region like they have on the PC game of armies

  11. ca. 17:00 : as I said: I'm not retro-Oldworld… I'm a little bit crazy and looking for original Woodelf Vintage-Minitures from the 90ies.

  12. ca. 9:25 : Big different idea: What about having your old Miniatures after all, but you want to start a new one with Miniatures from quite the same Era to look at the new army and try to find out, if you aproved a little bit. (I had a short flirt with the woodelfs back at the end of the 90is and maybe in the year 2000ish.)
    Bakc in the day I hadn't the money to buy all the Miniatrues I wanted so badly. (Okay: Nowadays I haven't got that spare Money, either. But I try to get a few of the old Models which where around in the 90ies and get them painted up with my Skills and Knowledge today. So I maybe can show my self that I have aprobed a little bit as a painter over the years… and this Idea is as old the first mention of One page Rules around me. I think that the Old World wasn't something to talk about at that Moment. But I maybe wrong. (I got back in the hobby somewhere in the year 2018. I'm trying to tell myself that I wasn't in the hobby for around 18 years, but that might be a lye.)

  13. ca. 3:30 : Another Hypothesis says, that Wahammer Fantasy might have been replaced by AOS, because it was easyer to kill the world and replace the whole Vocabulary for the Factions with trademarkes from GW.

  14. Love your stuff Dana! Not that anyone asked, here is how I see it; I think that this will turn out ok. Old, Old World Fans, probably have the……….wait! As I type this your voice is saying exactly what I’m thinking. (Part 2)
    When the new models start to trickle out, give it 3-5 years and this will have a solid fan base. Boutiqueee is gonna be the new fashion. Old World is wargaming for the new hipster. A creature we have yet to meet. Think Primaris scale small batch breweries

  15. if fomo was the marketing plan wouldn't they make these boxes limited release? but yeah i think everyone assumes we'll get more boxes like this coming out.

  16. I feel like GW does this quite often, weather it's Old world, Horus heresy, Necromunda etc. Where they build tons of hype, publish a starter set, and then leave it to float in limbo, releasing small updates a couple times per year. It also seems like a third of their model's are constantly in the "Sold out online" state, and many Warcry models can't even be attained while GW explains that the problem is storage space. How could they have space to store a whole new gaming range then? I mean you can't even buy essential gaming tokens for Necromunda anymore. It only underlines how GW are not putting games at the forefront, but "NEW AND EXCLUSIVE MUST HAVE TOYS!!" but then again business be business.


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