
What Just Happened On Our Earth!!! March 2024 #Naturaldisasters part.8


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#Weather update today
#Wetter-Update heute live
#Planetary & Seismic Update
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Natural disasters are unforeseen events caused by nature for nature and usually cause great damage to humans, property and the environment. Examples of this are hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, forest fires and volcanic eruptions. These events can be reinforced by natural processes and by the influence of humans. It is important to prepare for possible natural disasters and take appropriate protective measures in order to minimize the effects.
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world , What Just Happened On Our Earth!!! March 2024 #Naturaldisasters part.8 , #Happened #Earth #March #Naturaldisasters #part.8
, strange,weather,warning,events,world,storm,thunder,lightning,tornado,rain,inundación terremoto,disaster,earthquake (disaster type),flood (disaster type),eruption,strange sounds,space這在我們的地球上發生!!!,landslide,sinkhole,flood,volcano,tsunami,Weather update today,Wetter-Update heute live,2023,#Hagel #Hagelsturm,#phenomena #camera,#naturaldisasters,#Unbelievablenaturaldisasters,Year 2024

49 pemikiran pada “What Just Happened On Our Earth!!! March 2024 #Naturaldisasters part.8”

  1. Please SING SONGS OUTLOUD!!!! This was the most powerful weapon we will have to push back dark entities during three daze of barkness! The LORD has told me to sing songs such as Come All Ye Faithful during this time, sing songs with LOVE form the HEART!

  2. This is God the Most High here to cleanse mother Earth they are here together. The divine masculine is here

  3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🥱👏🏿👏🏼👏🏼👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏼👏🏼👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏼👏🏼👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏼👏🏼👏🏿👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏼🎬

  4. At 2:24, water became blood.
    The blood of innocent people is on the hands of the diabolical spirits and completely understand that. Gods Children were taken out of the world 🙏🏿 and the Islamic terrorists are definitely involved in this crime. The blood is coming out of the earth in islamic lands. Saudi Arabia, 3/28/2024.
    Extremely premeditated deaths.
    Extremely serious judgement immediately and completely understand that.
    God Almighty really will strike them all over this


  6. Everytime I watch these I just think to myself about all the people who lose their loved ones and it just kills me on the insides

  7. 😅looks normal climate change… continue runnig your ways … lets replace the nature with all the things you loved😊

  8. Repent and get baptized, and keep the commandments of God for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. ❤❤

  9. I thinks it is pretty chickens.t of the governments blaming us for the effects that atom bomb, and nuclear bomb, and CERN, and DUNE and whatever "unprecedented size, subject and unknowing" experiments that we don't even have a say whether we want it going on anywhere ON THE PLANET, but has been goin on for decades. When our military first tested the A bomb in the ocean 70 or so years ago it caused the magnetic field that used to run in a smooth flow around our planet to be chaotic. Then one of the ideas to "fix" it was to send awhile bunch of copper pins (or something like pins, rods, I don't remember cause it's been at least 10 years since I read about this) into the magnetic field to see what that would do for it ..a bunch of super scary scientific mumbo jumbo that might eventually end in catastrophic events. But, that's not why our planet is acting out. No, it's because we drive gas powered automobiles and burn trash on non burn days…WAKE UP PEOPLE. THIS WHOLE 2030 AGENDA, THE SUSTAINABILITY PROJECT, NEW WORLD ORDER, ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, RELIGION UNIFYING AS ONE, it all sounds real nice. BUT ITS NOT.

  10. 5:29 djinn face , we have authority over these “unseen” entities
    We must ALL focus on the truth to destroy the evil of this matrix
    Praise the most High

  11. SE Skies also now the N is glowing after Sunset = Omicrons = Novas = They could and should have all been warned decades ago, they've known for centuries!!! Cyclonic Disaster – Magnetic Reversal has begun already, Omicron Caronovae Borealis hasn't blown yet, so they say 😅 – Omicron Sagitari- M-87 – Thanks Brother, almost ready to jump back in. ❤

  12. Enoch is The Word, Archangel Metatron, Metatron is the name assigned to "I AM".
    It is written for those who seek truth.
    The god of the bibell is lucifer 💯 facts.
    And the Head of Days came with Michael and Raphael and Gabriel and Phanuel, and thousands and tens of thousands of angels without number. And he came to me and greeted me with his voice and said to me, “You (are) that Son of Man who was born for righteousness, and righteousness dwells on you, and the righteousness of the Head of Days will not forsake you.” (1 Enoch 71:13-14)
    Forsaken he is Not, Never Suffered death. The opposite of Jesus. Jesus means hail Zeus and he is The Bright Mourning Star, all stars are fallen angels. Seek truth and understand who you give praise to. Exodus 23:21

  13. 🦁🐑🕊👑👑✡✝🕎🛐🛐🕚⌛🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🔈🔈🔉🔊📢🙋‍♀🙋🙋🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏☝🙌🙌🙌🙌🤝🤝🤝

  14. The darkest, saddest, most tragic story ever told unfolds before humanity’s tear swollen and beleaguered eyes 👀!? The global/cosmic war will never end, and there is no hope for humanity!? Interrobang ⁉️. Weather warfare is real!? Interrobang ⁉️.

  15. Believe in Yeshua, He is the only begotten Son of God who died and rose three days later and loves all of you. He took God's wrath upon Himself, that was the punishment for everyone in sin. He died and rose to give you new life in Him. Born again, a new creation. He died for everyone and wants you with Him, to know Him and live for His glory. Romans 10:9 and John 3:16. Just believe, you must choose to believe and you will receive eternal life. If you still choose to not believe and you die you spend eternity in hell because you choose to not believe. Again, just choose to believe.

    By belief in Him alone you can be saved, you receive eternal life and you need to spend time with Him to know Him. Attend a church, read and obey scripture.

    Be saved, free, forgiven, healed, delivered, baptized, whole and let Him show you how He is everything you need. He alone satisfies. 

    Seek God and see your worth how loved you are and know who He is, read scripture. 💕

    We are to live righteous and Holy because He said to and He paid for our way to live like Him. Ask anything in His name and the Father will do it amen. Hallelujah Praise the Lord God Almighty 🙏 Thank You Yeshua.

    I lift up everyone's prayers, wants and needs to You Jesus, please pour out blessings. May Your favor and mercy be upon the world. In Jesus name come help us all. You know our needs and everything else about each of us. In Jesus name amen thank you Jesus praise God 🙏

    Father God Help people to be rooted and grounded in Your love and to obey Your truth. That they are living in the truth being taught by You. That they know Your voice and word. Knowing truth from errors, discernment. 💕

    We are to live righteous, doing the right thing always and living in obedience to scripture, every word of it. 

    We are ambassadors of Christ. We represent God, when we are seen Yeshua should be seen, His ways not ours. We should be living for and showing God, living for His glory. We are to be an example of Yeshua, for the world to see Him and want to know Him and know Him more.  🙏 🔥

    2 Chronicles 7:14 says, if My people humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways I will hear them from heaven and heal their land.  🙏 💖

    People need to turn from their wicked ways, Yeshua paid for it. That's God stating it in that verse and there are more verses. People need to repent, to be cleansed by His blood and live Holy because He's Holy and righteous because He's righteous. Our God said to stop sinning in many many scriptures and He paid for everyone to be cleansed of sin (Isaiah 53), and to live how He said. He dwells in the Holy temple (your body) and said not to defile the temple.

     He said to defile the temple is death. He's always serious about everything He said to do. He's just as serious about what He said not to do. 

    We live in obedience to His law, which is all of scripture, every word of it! He dwells within us all to be with and lead us in His ways. 💕🙏🔥 🕊️

    Deuteronomy 28 there are blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience. The whole chapter. These go into the following generations, the 3 and 4th. Our children pay the price for our sin. Numbers 14 18 The Lord is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.’

    God has said to stop sinning. Scripture says how you are sending consequences to yourself and to your loved ones, children. By God's law you are. If you don't believe me ask Him, in Jesus Yeshua's name may you see and know the truth in its fullness. 

    Yeshua is worthy of everything He said and paid for, so I implore you to do as God said.

    Yeshua said If you love Me you will obey My commands. Love  Him with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.💖🙏🕊️🔥 obeying His every word and in that is life more abundantly. Praise God so Awesome!! Hallelujah Yeshua   🙏

    God loves all of you and you are worthy to Him, Yeshua died for all because God loves everyone he sent Him. Come know Him, Yeshua call upon Him 💕 the world knows Him as Jesus, He answers 💕

    Thank You, Yeshua for Your obedience and love, even unto Your death You obeyed the Father  🙏 Hallelujah Praise the Lord God Almighty 💕  In Yeshua's mighty name 🙏🔥💖🕊️

    God is always faithfully Himself and so awesome. Every way He said He would be in scripture He is. Every day ages and ages of Him never changing. Hallelujah Yeshua Praise the Lord God Almighty 🙏🕊️🔥💖

    God is love and loves everyone, read scripture to see this truth too ❤️

  16. This summer we are going to cook. I feel the sun on my skin and it’s not even summer yet. It’s a different kind of heat that we have had in years and decades past. Yes I know summer is hot, but it’s different these days.

  17. …Auroras, clouds, volcanoes, land slides, sink holes…all natural. Happen all the time.
    This isn't any sign of endtimes.
    What is wrong with you people? It's like you're HOPING it's the end of the world.

  18. And Putin dares pointing a finger on us. Read your bible or else…I'll huff and I'll puff and Europe's ghetto will fall.


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