
What Is the Great Reset? | World Economic Forum


The World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland has been talking about something called the Great Reset. What exactly these globalist elite mean by the Great Reset is pretty unclear, other than the vague talk about Government playing a bigger role in the economy. But with the coronavirus pandemic and world wide quarantine and lockdowns wrecking financial crisis, could this be the start of a broad push toward socialism and communism? Or is this just another George Soros conspiracy theory? Find out on this episode of America Uncovered!



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world , What Is the Great Reset? | World Economic Forum , #Great #Reset #World #Economic #Forum
, Chris Chappell,America Uncovered,great reset,coronavirus,the great reset,switzerland,conspiracy theories,justin trudeau,conspiracy theory,prince charles,world economic forum,economy,the great reset explained,globalization,covid-19,economic collapse,the great reset 2021,davos,federal reserve,build back better,financial crisis,world economic forum great reset,economic crisis,great reset explained,chinese communist party,george soros,communism,socialism

29 pemikiran pada “What Is the Great Reset? | World Economic Forum”

  1. Now if they dont want any of those deeds. They can always leave that place of worship which is religious for all of the true Roman Catholic faithful and the TLM faithful. Saddle up guys we might be put to pasture, but givrn the severity of the situstion it has to be done stat

  2. I would great if only everybody wouldprsy togetheras onenstoon and adk for ableszing fromour lord jesus christ tobless all of the lord jesus christ crearion and nullify any and all the powers of satan and his constituents before we try to cleanse all places of evil and turn it 8nto a place of the true Roman Catholic faithful and the TLM faithful with special operation in 5he Vatican wr cannot leave pope Francis alone right. He is trying hard to indoctrinate us, xo we try to ask our lord jesus christ to touch vatucanswhole areas of control inorder to save themwho haslost their way towards our Lord Jesus Christ. Nowthere are no guarantees thar they will accept our deeds. St least we have to try out own way of cleansing places that has whatever neefs to be cleansed. We have to follow the rule of love thy neighbor ok??.

  3. I’m rewatching this masterpiece after the UN called in the United States to reduce meat consumption… while the world is about to blow up… timeless.

  4. We have a constitution in the US laughing at these idiots. If they want a civil war they'll be accommodated.

  5. The rich always end up under a delusional belief that they are smarter and better…. show me this in history bc history time and time again shows a bunch of rich elite destroy their own nation and themselves in the process of feeding their hunger for power and wealth…

  6. Those who cheer when politians promise them "free" things never stop to think about where those thongs are coming from because they don't want to
    They know its theft, but as long as they benefit they won't call it that

  7. Because of the corona virus? Really? Seems awfully recent. I seem to remember a bit further back than that, the same people claiming the corona virus broke it were the ones who broke it in 2008 knowing damn well they wouldn't be the ones facing the consequences of ruining multiple generations to come's capacity to do what their predecessors had done.

  8. The great reset has already started there’s this plan called the Kalergi plan where they commit genocide against white people by having open borders and creating a propaganda campaign encouraging white women to have abortions and demonizing white men blaming them for all of societies problems.
    Then letting millions of black and brown migrants across the open borders to outbreed and replace the native born white population.
    They believe that black and brown people are less intelligent and easier to manipulate.
    They’re racist as hell.

    American gun owners are the only people stopping this from happening.

  9. And just like that, a little over 3 years later, I've lost everything. No money. No hope. I'm sure they aren't trying to take my house or my child or make me kill myself. It's just that my life isn't as important as theirs.

  10. this will not be possible except common people buy into it. we need more campaigns like this to educate people so they all see the trap being set by a few group of Satanists

  11. The WEF along their union with the UE and WHO are the worst existential danger for humanity since the nazism. They have thousands of powerful members including bill gates, black rock, alphabet , presidents, prime ministers and even kings like Charles. We need to oppose them in any possible way we can. Our and our families future depends on it.

  12. It’s the worst thing to happen to the common population
    No meat no animal products
    No free market
    No privacy
    No freedom of finances
    Everything is dictated by the state


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