
What If World War III Started Today


Imagine WWIII started today.

It would be a conflict of global significance, given its widespread geographical reach across multiple continents and the unrestricted utilization of all available strategic assets.

Such a conflict could potentially instigate a fundamental restructuring of international relations on a global scale, a matter of paramount importance in our increasingly globalized world.

‌What would this war look like and in what other ways would it reshape the world as we know it?

‌Watch this video to find out and don’t forget to subscribe to The Military Show for more great military content!


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, us,military,us military,us navy,us airforce,united states,united states military,marine corp,navy,army,us army,air force

16 pemikiran pada “What If World War III Started Today”

  1. The Western allies could lose WWIII global dominance, China, Russia, Africa, Turkey and Iran will make their own platform of controlling global order, New-UN security council.

  2. This is world war 3 according to the holy scriptures. These are known as the beginning of birth pains. Jesus will soon be here.❤❤❤

  3. Unfortunately there will always be war as it is only human nature. I know that sounds overly pessimistic, but let's not be blind to the truth. People fight each other over interpretations of the same religion, nevermind ethnic differences. We seem to forget that we are mere animals and there are forces bigger than us. There will most certainly be a third world war, and a fourth. And when one side prevails over the other and establishes complete dominion, internal struggle will begin. You have hundreds and hundreds of example of this throughout history. I fail to see how this is likely to change

  4. In real life, radiation from nuclear weapons wouldn't be dangerous for decades but a few days or two weeks at most, especially since most explosions would be air bursts to maximise the effects of the blast (which produce minimal fallout). Also, most nukes used today don't have a yield high enough to send dust into the stratosphere, where it would stay for a long time and block the sun. And there are far more military targets than nuclear weapons, so using them against smaller population centers would be a waste.


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