
What If the World Is Only Your Illusion?


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If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? According to quantum theorists, that tree might not even exist until it is observed. So, is our world just an illusion? Why do some physicists believe that physical matter isn’t real? What scientific experiments have changed our view of reality? Could everything we see be just a hallucination?

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What If is a mini-documentary web series that takes you on an epic journey through hypothetical worlds and possibilities. Join us on an imaginary adventure through time, space and chance while we (hopefully) boil down complex subjects in a fun and entertaining way.

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world , What If the World Is Only Your Illusion? , #World #Illusion
, what if,what happens if,scifi,science documentary,what if scenario,mysteries,what if humanity,what if the world is only your illusion,the world is not what you think,illusion,world only an illusion,physical matter,hallucination,understanding of existence,what is reality,superposition,Phenomenalism,complexities of reality,documentaries,science videos,illusion imagination,world illusion,possible scenario,world only your illusion,hypothetical scenarios

23 pemikiran pada “What If the World Is Only Your Illusion?”

  1. Thank you for sharing knowledge but you should credit Hinduism 🕉️ where this concept was always there !

  2. I love it how materialists say quantum physics should not be mixed with mysticism and claim that it's the mystics who don't understand it. In reality, it's the materialists who either don't understand it or are in denial about its implications.

  3. When I was driving home, I looked out the side window and I swear the quality of the world turned to 144p for a split second

  4. You do know what the MATRIX is!!!

    Our world is a civilization of Cains – evil primitive semi-entities that do not have their own intellect.

    These creatures are controlled by something like the "Matrix", the most graphic description of which is the "Plato's Cave".

    The Matrix does not know English or any other language, its algorithms react reflexively to human emotions and evoked feelings. These algorithms are imposed by a special cosmic radiation known as the "Maya Illusion".

    A special reflex bio-mechanism of "slammer*" plunges each consciousness, first into a kind of hypnotic sleep, then into identification with the role assigned to it.

    Consciousness in a "normal" state is not able to influence social processes in the Matrix, because it observes them in the post factum mode.

    The concept of the matrix is the only thing that can somehow explain and help to realize the nightmare that is now happening in the world.

    What to do? Take the red pill, which is the knowledge of "slammer"! /Yam Esotericist/

    *In the meaning “to slam the book”–it slams the true reality.

  5. For me, it does not matter if the world is a simulation. What matters is I enjoy the life I have. Even if it’s just a simulation.

  6. A philosopher in 8th century India by the name of Adi Shankaracharya came to some similar conclusions based on his knowledge of Ancient Indian scriptures Upanishads and his observations he said that the material realm was Maya (an illusion) and the ultimate reality was The Consciousness (one supreme consciousness) which wove an illusionary materialistic universe, in Upanishads it's known as Brahaman (not to be mistaken by the caste) [Fun fact- sanskrit for universe is Brahmanda]. He called that consciousness Shiva (not to be mistaken by the hindu GOD shiva)
    Adi shankaracharya became a profound proponent of this philosophy Advaita Vedanta (Non dualistic philosophy)
    Advaita- (Non-Dual), Vedanta- (The end of Vedas)

  7. The Universe is an illusion. Only consciousness exists for real. God is pure consciousness, and can only experience something vicariously through the experience of others. Hence, we exist to give God experience. The illusion has to seem real or else no one would participate in an independent "naturalistic" real world way. Instead, it would be like jumping on a ride, sitting back, and just waiting for the ride to be over….or the illusion to be over. So we and other life forms, and perhaps all of matter/energy exist to give God infinite and complex experience. Our consciousness is a manifestation of a cosmic consciousness. Does the illusion ever end for anyone? Perhaps at death, or perhaps it just changes at death. Perhaps we have to be "born" again so to speak in order to enter a different realm of existence, which might also be a type of illusion.

  8. I have a question for physicists.
    In childhood, we are taught that we have a pumping organ called heart, most vital organ brain, etc etc. So when I didn't knew this before that, they didn't even exist?


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