
What if Christian World United???


#Christianity #ChristiaCountries #Whatif #Poland #Germany #Russia #USA #EU #EuropeanUnion #whatif #Countries #geography #UK #Mexico #Serbia #Norway #Sweden

What if all Christian Countries unite in 2023,
Firstly such a union would be impossible due to the existing divisions among the three major branches of this religion, secondly many Christian majority countries like USA and Russia are huge rivals which would further hinder the formation of this union,
But let’s assume they still somehow unite for this Explanation,
So firstly this Union would engulfe 157 countries making its Land area around 78 Million kilometers which is bigger than the rest of the world,
its population would be 2.7 Billion and its GDP would be 51 Trillion making it the strongest nation,
and Lastly its largest city would be São Paulo followed by Mexico City and 3rd largest would be New York in United States,

This video is also inspired by real life lore channel
Real life lore:
Wendover productions:
Spaghetti Road:
Christianity,Christian Countries,Most Christian Countries,Christianity by country,what if Christian countries united,Christian Nations,Europe,Europe as single country,European nations,Poland,Germany,Russia,United Kingdom,Sweden,Norway,Denmark,Americas,North America,South America,USA,United States,Mexico,Canada,Brazil,funfacts,Facts,Geography now,Maps,Countries maps,RealLifeLore,RealLifeLore maps,religion,Largest religion,Christian nations,Happy Earth

world , What if Christian World United??? , #Christian #World #United
, Christianity,Christian Countries,Most Christian Countries,Christianity by country,what if Christian countries united,Christian Nations,Europe,Europe as single country,European nations,Poland,Germany,Russia,United Kingdom,Sweden,Norway,Denmark,Americas,North America,South America,USA,United States,Mexico,Canada,Brazil,funfacts,Facts,Geography now,Maps,Countries maps,RealLifeLore,RealLifeLore maps,religion,Largest religion,Christian nations,Happy Earth

47 pemikiran pada “What if Christian World United???”

  1. Those countries aren’t Christian countries, but they are a majority Christian country.. If they were Christian countries they wouldn’t allow things like lgbtq+. Also, they wouldn’t be teaching drawin’s theory of evolution because the Bible doesn’t believe in that.


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