What has leaked: New World Aeternum Player Count, New Artifacts, FFA Zone

New World Aeternum Console Beta has been going on for a while and we have some new info about upcoming Artifacts from the FFA zone. We can also see the concurrent player count for the beta.


00:00 – Playtest Player count
03:06 – FFA PvP Zone
04:27 – New Artifacts
05:37 – Earlygame
06:28 – People can’t give feedback

Sources: New World Database:

#NewWorld #aeternum #newworldaeternum

DISCORD (New World):

Paul Leonard-Morgan – Bells of Laguna Bend

world , What has leaked: New World Aeternum Player Count, New Artifacts, FFA Zone , #leaked #World #Aeternum #Player #Count #Artifacts #FFA #Zone
, new world,new world mmo,console,launch,aeternum,new world aeternum

38 pemikiran pada “What has leaked: New World Aeternum Player Count, New Artifacts, FFA Zone”

  1. New World isnt a bad game at all. Offcourse the game has some bugs. And the endgame content doesnt match the expectations of some players. I have put in 1000 hours and after that i have stopped. New world is definitely a game worth playing for few hundred hours. And thats saying alot considering in this era people play games only for a few hours and move on.
    Every video that comes up says that the game is bad and that kinda pushes away the new users in the consoles. I will definitely join back in October and if i dont like it. I will move on.

  2. Just to add, I got access code from the official website and also included my discord name as per the instructions but I never got the role to be able to see/type anything on the actual channel. They barely have any testers and they still cant manage it properly.

  3. Bro i always enjoyed watching your content when i played this game that i love, that i spend over 6k hours in.
    But it is over, we stayed almost until the end but there is no more hope.
    It hurts my soul seeing what they did to New World, everything was possible from day 1 on, this community was once great and so hopefull for a great future for the game.
    Now look whats left, the subreddit is a dark and miserable place full of angry and disappointed people who cant let go, the actual remaining playerbase is just waiting for the soon to come day where they shut it down, like holding the hand of a beloved one that is about to die.
    It is sad and there is noone else to blame than the people at AGS that threw away everything for whatever reason.
    Let go, we all have to.

  4. Im a console player and i have been wanting to play this game …well since it 1st came out on pc. I see alot of negetive comments can somebody explain to me why i shouldnt buy this game ? And what did they do to the pc players ?

  5. New World is so friggen dead….. north american servers are averaging 3k to 4k at best. They need to shut down the remaining servers and call it quits. Its over!

  6. Bless you mate for keep on, keeping on. Sounds dire. Hope you find another good game to theory craft and pump out videos man. You are good at what you do! Shame New World is so undeserving of your time. Bigger better things! Go get em tiger

  7. they should've just made the play test public instead of closed, they did it to themselves by making it that way considering the already dwindling playercount.

  8. Can PC players just stop and move on? it looks like you guys got dumped by a girl and now you seeking revenge lmfao. And the most stupid comments are like: "last try from AGS to milk some more money from a dead game" lol. Like for them moving the game to console cost nothing, do you have any idea how many people working on this thing you need? Do you know that this thing costs money? Honestly guys we got you hate AGS and you want to see the game dead but ffs move on and just stop crying. Thank you for your 3 years of alpha testing but enough is enough.

  9. At this point, I'm a firm believer that Amazon is just testing it's in-house engine (Lumberyard) for development of future games, and its not looking good. New World was the guinea pig.

  10. They need to make the game + expansion 5 – 10 bucks and just HOPE that console + fresh start servers brings back enough people to play the game that maybe they make some money off cosmetics. No one is going to drop the price of new world + expansion to play something that they can't even get people to play for free.

  11. They are just milking us. Their plan is to merge last servers before the 10/15, like one EU serv and one US serv. This shit will happen to the console players too anyway, then LOTR trailer will show his face. Endless milk loop.

  12. I don't really buy that they are too concerned by how many ppl got keys. If they cared about having a lot of ppl in the test they would have just made it an open beta

  13. As much as I love New World, I am glad console players are ignoring it. They followed the fucking data and are going to shut down because of it. Bunch of fucktards. Scot and Katy should be fired.

  14. Console WILL NOT save this game. They need to fix bugs, give a new OPR maps, a capture the flag mode, and PvE content, content, content. Otherwise they are wasting their time and prolonging the inevitable shut down.

  15. Why can’t you show anything if you didn’t sign an NDA? What’s leaked is leaked for all to see. Stop acting like you owe anything to this Dev studio Duke. o7

  16. sadly game is doomed this is last try of money grab at this if they get 20k sales on console total i will be suprised its not like console players cant see what was happening on PC version there are just few coping ppl who acting like PC version was beta test and they think they getting anything better that what we got on PC.. ye console lact choices what they can play when it comes to MMOs but can we really call new world MMO? sad reality

  17. New World will make the same mistakes with their console release, they will have problems forever and won't be able to solve them and after 6 months no one will be interested in the game


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