
What declining birth rates mean for the world | BBC News


This week, South Korea broke its own world record for the lowest birth rate in the world.

230,000 babies were born there last year, in a country with a population over 50 million.

But declining birth rates isn’t exclusive to South Korea, with the trend affecting numerous countries across the world – including the UK.

The BBC’s Analysis Editor Ros Atkins has been looking into this.

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31 pemikiran pada “What declining birth rates mean for the world | BBC News”

  1. You say this as if the goal is to have a low population and high birth rates 😂 we need falling birthrates, and we've all been aware of the issues, but we HAVE to get the population down…
    You guys could find bad, skewed news in literally anything

  2. Women with their pursuit of feminist ideals have created this dreadful situation. They need to get back into their homes and start procreating. Forget all those ideas of equality. Do, instead, what only a woman can do: give birth!

  3. Well if humans prevent war we'd have more people alive under 40 years old. How many young men and women have been needlessly killed by idiotic politics? So governments need to share the blame as well, for they make having and raising children dangerous and expensive.

  4. And feminism is to blame! Women need to think of having babies instead of going out to work and pursuing careers.

  5. I thought population reduction was what the globalists wanted- kill off the elderly, starve the rest of us, and keep just enough worker slaves alive to man the Amazon delivery depot and iPhone factory- don't worry the 500 million people left will be still be able to send TikTok videos on their cheap slave labour made mobile phones. That's all that matters, right?Welcome to the globalist utopia- no freedom, no rights, the China model they've been perfecting for 50 years.

  6. Calling “child care” an inflated term like “early childhood education” is a scam to get public funding to cover personal decisions

  7. As for South Korea and Japan, the answer is pretty simple: stop abusing the working age population, in pursuit of your myopic faith in a simplistic capitalist economic model. Look at the World! It doesn't work!
    Introduce the European Working Time directive, so that people can have a life and they just might be interested in bringing children into the World!

  8. Disappointing that there was no mention of another major suspect, particularly in relation to falling sperm counts: PFAS and other man-made chemicals that are endocrine disruptors. In ordinary language: plastic and fossil fuel by-products!!

  9. I very much doubt that the world population is decreasing. The reproduction rate is lower in developed countries because people can no longer afford to have kids.

  10. If we could afford to raise children, then we would have more kids. Simple.

    She says theres no "quick fix". Wrong. Pay people more money amd youll find higher fertility rates.

  11. Oh wait, that thing jordan peterson and elon musk and other intelegent thinkers have been Talking about for the last ten years?

  12. Why is maintaining current population a goal? The planet would necessarily be better off with fewer humans. If our population dropped to 4 billion people, we would have much less pollution, much more available housing inventory, and less stress on our natural resources. I'm not sure why people are concerned about this. It seems to me this is mostly a fear of religious zealots and economists who seek perpetual growth.

  13. People are not rational actors. In truth, they don’t get married and have kids because they don’t feel like it. They want to live free from responsibilities.

  14. Why didn't anyone talk about the primary reason: changing living standards.
    As living standards and disposable income increase, people have less kids. Seen time and time again in especially the last two centuries and can be seen playing out in real time now. Very interesting, PolyMatter did a great video on population a while back

  15. This is why it's irresponsible to have a baby boom instead of a steady and manageable population. If you have a sharp rise in population, then you have to keep that going in order to take care of all of the old people from the sharp rise. If you don't, then it puts a massive burden upon all of the young people that come after the boom.

  16. Why do I feel like they intentionally avoid mentioning China (with its birthrate that's comparable to Japan), and African countries (which will support humanity's population growth in the latter part of 21st century)…. Are they really avoiding mentioning them, or is this just my feeling?

  17. And I care why? At the end of the day by the time this actually has serious consequences I'll be dead, might as well use my money making myself happy instead of spending it all on taking care of 2 others. Even when your partner is working you still barely make it. The economy is so bad those are your options, lavish only yourself and use your little free time from working constantly to do you or be miserable and broke with a family. Obviously this is based on income but that's the two choices for the majority of people and given that financial stress is one of the biggest reasons for relationships to break in the first place, there's still an overwhelmingly likely chance your relationship is going to fail at some point with the way things are economic wise. That's another big problem. Having a kid you're either going to be broke and even if you're okay with that, at some point there's a very real chance you'll be broke and now have to either raise the kid yourself or be the one paying alimony. Miss me with that. As a man at least and this very well does go for women, there's just wayyyyy too much to lose having a kid because if things go South, we're ruined financially with how US laws are and most people can't afford to give up part of what little they make and still afford to live.

    Working in the healthcare field definitely confirmed this for me. This is not fearmongering or anything like that, the most poverty stricken people I had to help fill out Obamacare applications who had okay jobs but were having to live in near homelessness and put down the aggressive amounts of alimony they were being charged as an expense was insane. At the end of the day, I don't care where the world goes after I peace out as long as I don't have to suffer just because someone doesn't want the lineage they're choosing to have to suffer. Sorry.

  18. A lot of the reasons many of my peers cite (and myself) for being reluctant to have kids is immense pessimism about climate future.


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